What is this flippy shit?
What is this flippy shit?
All Japanese developed game series' have more German Suplexes, Backdrop Drivers and Lariats than you could possibly imagine.
She is right. I just don't understand how some of you don't see iit or get it.
X-pac heat is not heat.WWE Hall of Famer Madusa gets it about Eva Marie. Listen closely.
She is right. I just don't understand how some of you don't see iit or get it.
X-pac heat is not heat.
What use is having all this heat if no one knows how to capitalise on it?
WWE's audience is supposedly kids and families and not Internet smart fans. Which demographic does she have "heat" with? What storyline has her working either demographic to make money?
Everything is so half assed.
In a year no one will care in either direction for her and not a dime was made.
It's pointless to argue with people who think Eva's accomplished something.
She's simply hated because she's vapid and forced upon an audience who wants nothing to do with her. Vickie Guerrero achieved this with overexposure, nepotism, and being shrill.
Compare that to a Fabulous Moolah who was hated because she was a villain.
One involves psychology and talent. One is no achievement at all.
X-pac heat is not heat.
What use is having all this heat if no one knows how to capitalise on it?
WWE's audience is supposedly kids and families and not Internet smart fans. Which demographic does she have "heat" with? What storyline has her working either demographic to make money?
Everything is so half assed.
In a year no one will care in either direction for her and not a dime was made.
Madusa's one of the best, but I'm just not sure Eva's got the type of heat that makes people wanna fork over their cash. But if Eva can draw, she can draw.I'm not gonna argue with one of the biggest forces in women's wrestling, though. She would know more about it than me, I'm just a guy on the internet.
This is all good enough for me. I'm bored with the Eva Marie conversation. It just seems like the same old dudes being contrarian for funsies. It's tired.
You really think Madusa has nothing better to do with her time?
Yes. Wasn't she picking a Twitter fight with someone recently-ish?
Paige? She's still relevant!
But seriously, if Eva is the first person to beat Asuka there will be so much heat it will melt a hole in Florida
I'd pay money to see Eva get destroyed by Asuka in a squash match
What is Eva Marie's character? A 'Total Diva'/reality star first, wrestler second; the vapid model type, etc. Sure, someone that has X-Pac heat can be draw but WWE just put her on a face tag team for WrestleMania. Clearly, they don't understand what the Eva Marie character is or the type of heat she gets. If they were smart they would pair her up with heel Roman like so many people have been suggesting.Madusa's one of the best, but I'm just not sure Eva's got the type of heat that makes people wanna fork over their cash. But if Eva can draw, she can draw.
HHH will be walking up the ramp after either a match or a promo and Reigns will appear at the top and they just awkwardly stare at each other.
Damn straight. You could walk into any model agency and find another Eva Marie in seconds. A good looking girl that can't wrassle for shit.Seriously, why are we wasting time on Eva Marie? Yeah, she has heat, but it's X-Pac heat because she sucks as a talent. That's it. Discussion over.
Whether or not she draws is irrelevant because WWE don't understand why she's hated and will crowbar her in wherever they can.
Damn straight. You could walk into any model agency and find another Eva Marie in seconds. A good looking girl that can't wrassle for shit.
Stop doing what you are doing.
Eh, she has to be able to act. She is a Total Divas veteran, after all.
She's got a little heat with you.
Let's fix it all up. Let's have an Eva Marie Legendary Matches viewing party in Tulsa.
Think I'm going to try and watch every Mania main event before Sunday. Will report back with rankings, gifs, and thoughts.
Oh, so now we're accusing Hall of Famers of being gimmick tweeters because they offer an opinion that is opposed to ours.
1997, I was 25yrs old, the youngest Intercontinental Champion in WWE history and performing in #WrestleMania13.
It would become one of the most defining moments of my life. Not because it was my first WrestleMania I had the privilege to be a part of, but because I was boo'd out of the building. Literally boo's that screamed "Get the f*ck outta here". And when you're supposed to be a good guy or "babyface" in wrestling speak - getting boo'd is the worst thing that can ever happen. They boo'd me because I wasn't being real. I was told by the company how to act, how to respond to fans and the worst part of all.. I was told what to say and what not to say.
Not long after this match, I lost the title and was eventually sent home for months to recuperate from an injury - it didn't really matter anyway because I wasn't drawing the company any money nor did the fans care I was gone.
A week before I was scheduled to return to the WWE, I got a call from Vince who said "How do feel about turning heel?" (which means becoming a bad guy). I said "Great, but I have one request... give me 2 minutes on the microphone on live TV and let me be myself. Be real and authentic. I gotta be me". Vince said "You got it". The following week I cut a promo that was from the heart. Real and authentic.
6 months later I was the hottest heel in the company.
Even though I hated being boo'd out of the building at WrestleMania13, I learned one of the greatest life lessons that still serves me today. Be real. Be authentic. Be me.
Truly my honor to perform this Sunday at #WrestleMania32 for the WWE Universe.. as me. #TheRock #DwayneJohnson #BigBrownBaldTattooedPuppyLover #SlightlyElectrifyingAndOneHandsomeSumbitch
What are you doing for Mania?
I'm not saying we should have a radical party, though, as you cannot be trusted.
Rock just instagrammed a clip for Mania with this comment:
does anyone else smell what the rock is cooking?
I'm having just one person over to enjoy it for their first time. I really, REALLY enjoy watching WrasslinMania with non-fans. I love watching ALL wrestling with non-fans. Gives me some much needed perspective.
Are you going to NXT in Tulsey Town? I figure we should do a mini Wrasslin-GAF meetup before the NXT show at a spot downtown.
I don't want to be pessimistic but if Rock's segment is anything more substantial than last year's I'll be surprised.does anyone else smell what the rock is cooking?
All Japanese developed game series' have more German Suplexes, Backdrop Drivers and Lariats than you could possibly imagine.
WWE Hall of Famer Madusa gets it about Eva Marie. Listen closely.
NXT is coming to Tulsa?
That's true, wrestling in Japanese pop culture has a less corny image than in the West actually! It's pretty interesting to see.
It's weird that Eva has heat since apparently WWEs audience is kids and they don't care about wrestling skills.
I mean she is part of the face team at Mania so obviously people love her.
No, the difference between heel heat and go away heat is that you can make money off of heel heat. Where's the Eva Marie money?
How many Liquidsnakes are there? I know he's one in a million, not trying to take anything away from Liquidsnake but still. Lots of people feel the same way.