So what are we playing this weekend wrasslegaf?
I been playing Simcity just to kill time for Cities: Skyline. Also, I been trying to 100 percent Watchdogs.
OlliOlli 2!
In addition, I could see Bobby Fish, Hanson, and Mandy Leon make the jump.
Pretty sure Leon had a try out back in January at WWE.
Whoa. The system works! For now at least. Odds on if/when he returns?
Apparently Ivelisse was one of the first to go due to complaining
Yeah just saw that, hopefully it means she'll give it another shot one day if things continue to improve. I'm sure there are tons of people at WWE who'd love to see her on the main roster.
Was at the NXT show last night... It's going to be hard to ever go back to a RAW taping after that. Matches were great and the crowd was in it the entire time.
Ryback was pretty shitty at the end of the match yelling out "fuck you" and throwing up the bird multiple times to the crowd... hahah.
Haha that's hilarious, pretty sure Big Show used to do that back on ECW WWE.
What was the reaction for Balor like?
>Posting 52 MB g ifs
did we not learn anything from 'romanreignslayingdown.gif'?
Yeah that was pretty painful to even get to stop while Chrome was having an aneurysm, internet down here is way too slow to cope with that :/
It's actually a pretty cool t-shirt if you're gonna work out or bum around the house on a Saturday.
Not cool enough to replace my DDP Yoga one for around the house sadly. One of the few shirts with writing on the back I can stand.
Flippy Shit: The Movie.
Love it! Might as well go all out if you're going to do it at all.
Tommy Dreamer legit thinks 1 illegal download = 1 paying customer.
Poor guy, I would be surprised if more than a couple percent of those downloads would translate to legit buys if XWT wasn't around.
I'd say lol at Dreamer wasting all that money on companies to track down and prosecute stream watchers but it's much more likely he has no clue what day of the week it is, let alone engage a company to go to that degree of effort.
Excellent spot. Excellent.
Demott is not fired but just turned his badge and gun it. He's on desk duty. According to Alvarez
For real? So he keeps a job, just gets pushed behind the scenes more? Mother fucker. He should be cast out for that shit, Vince needs to call up Dixie and get him moved over there.