Velcro Fly
RKO him through a table already and be done with it
guess stephanie stopped watching at 10pm
So, tell me again why we couldn't just do this right after Orton returned?
lol Almost on cue.Bring out some chairs or something. This doesn't feel brutal enough.
It's almost like the matches not being a priority might have an impact on the amount of time the Divas are given to prepare for the match and not look like shit!I don't care about it. I don't think I've ever made a post about it. My point was just that why give time to matches like that when they're so horrible? Can you blame Vince for giving them 30 second matches when they're like what we just saw? That was so sloppy, slow and amateurish I don't know where to begin. Let's say there was a men's cruiserweight division and that division was equally as sloppy and awful in the ring. I'd say the same exact thing about it.
Randy has gone full Randy bro."Randy has gone randy"
This is such a poorly executed return for Orton. None of this has made any sense.
What's stopping them from booking one of those hours of RAW like the post-Rumble blizzard episode with interview segments and promo packages? And using the other 2 hours for a more tightly scripted live arena show with matches in front of a non-exhausted crowd to forward those programs? And calling the whole thing RAW?Even fucking Vince agrees with you. It's USA who wants these overly long-ass Raws.
Must be said again...
Roman Reigns is totally lost in all of this. Taking a backseat.
lol they're really greatRandy has the best fan interactions
Why is this taking so long?
Now what Dunn
Randy Orton is a bad babyface, guys.
I legit have no clue man and I'm wondering the same.Why is this taking so long?
Do you even know how wrestlers prepare for matches? Unless it's the main event or a really important match with an intricate finish, they basically wing it. Why do you think they're talking to each other whispering the next move in their ears every 30 seconds?It's almost like the matches not being a priority might have an impact on the amount of time the Divas are given to prepare for the match and not look like shit!
Jesus Christ.
Orton 3:16 says i just vintaged your ass.Orton 3:16 says My Name Is Randy Orton.
Why is this taking so long?
Orton vs. the announce table
the epic rivalry of our time
one of the worst raws of all time