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March Wrasslin' |OT| Forecast for Wrestlemania...cloudy with a heavy chance of Reigns


Um exCUSE me Sakurai but CLEARLY the best choice for Smash Bros would be my fav niche character HOWEVER you are clearly INCOMPETENT and
So I guess Rollins will be beating Orton at Mania.

This show sucks.


Tomodachi wa Mahou
so uh was his security team just watching the whole thing from the back? they only had about 10 minutes or so to come back to try to help him out
Opening video running down Reigns-Seth was good with an epic feel. Then we got 15 minutes of comedy with Orton being great with Noble, Show, and Kane while an idiot held up a Benoit sign. Orton explained that everyone thought he was going to turn on Seth, THAT HE IS ACTUALLY GOING TO TURN ON HIM WHEN HE LEAST SUSPECTS IT (while all the goons are in here), and then says it was a joke. Seth guffaws and believes him and Noble is the one smart guy who doesn't. Goofy IC Title bullshit. Commentary was ungodly bad here. Heyman cut an all-time great promo after the Roman hype video and got off a ton of great lines while Brock smirked.

Rowan and Ryback beat Show and Kane to the sound of silence, leading to Steph burying Show and Kane for her weekly burial. Wizdow rapped a bit and then Wiz bombed hard. AJ beat Summer in a nothing match. Sting responds to HHH next. BOY THANK GOD THEY HYPED UP STING'S FIRST WWE PROMO SO WELL. So they do a hype video and it's either to Sting's voice with a ton of audio processing, which is sounded like for a little while, or a different person, which is what it seemed like for 90% of it.

Cena was a prick backstage to Rusev, who killed Axel. Cena then CHOKED RUSEV FOR HAVING AN OPINION and did it again to get his title shot. New Day beat the champs to no reaction, leading EVER SO SEAMLESSLY to Nattie-Naomi. Naomi wins with ass-related stuff leading to Usos-Matadores won via cheating thanks to the bull and using the tights. Handicap match was just an Orton-Seth angle. Loved the double-bird. Orton took 90 years to beat him down though.


Screens -


How to kill a main eventer in 5 minutes.

It make sense, Randy wanted to get Seth alone.

Why is Orton plotting around a guy who makes coffee, a whiny underachieving giant, and J&J security?

The feud needed fire the moment Orton came back. Stretching it out over 2 weeks with "picking the right spot" filler was completely out of character and pointless.


Do you even know how wrestlers prepare for matches? Unless it's the main event or a really important match with an intricate finish, they basically wing it. Why do you think they're talking to each other whispering the next move in their ears every 30 seconds?

And technique doesn't take practice? You learn something and it just stays with you? Time spent in the gym doesn't affect the types of moves you can do, or how you look performing them?

Or maybe, if there was an emphasis placed on the wrestling, people who could wrestle would be on the roster?


randy should have been booked like old school kane.

Come in beat mother fuckers up and leave.

He should be a tweener. RKOing babyfaces, heels, refs, and anyone in his sight.
Is Vince intentionally making Wrestlemania horrible because Reigns isn't over? How the fuck do you make your most over guy one of 10 competitors in a ic title ladder match? Now Vince gave the payoff to 2 feuds on Raw 3 weeks before Wrestlemania. I don't know how you guys watch 3 hours of this every week.
And technique doesn't take practice? You learn something and it just stays with you? Time spent in the gym doesn't affect the types of moves you can do, or how you look performing them?

Or maybe, if there was an emphasis placed on the wrestling, people who could wrestle would be on the roster?
This is gibberish. It doesn't address what you quoted at all. You stated that maybe if Divas were given more time to prepare for their matches that they wouldn't be so sloppy and poor. I pointed out that most matches aren't prepared for, almost all of them aren't prepared for. Even Raw main events unless it has an intricate finish. This is why you constantly see wrestlers whispering into their opponent's ear about what move to do next. Your post contained poor info and logic. It was just incorrect.
And technique doesn't take practice? You learn something and it just stays with you? Time spent in the gym doesn't affect the types of moves you can do, or how you look performing them?

Or maybe, if there was an emphasis placed on the wrestling, people who could wrestle would be on the roster?
Save your brain cells and leave that fool alone.


Man I can taste the jokes, tears, and anger coming from the future Wrestlemania 31 thread. The aroma is future tense.
Is Vince intentionally making Wrestlemania horrible because Reigns isn't over? How the fuck do you make your most over guy one of 10 competitors in a ic title ladder match? Now Vince gave the payoff to 2 feuds on Raw 3 weeks before Wrestlemania. I don't know how you guys watch 3 hours of this every week.

Because Wrestlemania is just another $9.99 special event now.


Must be said again...

Roman Reigns is totally lost in all of this. Taking a backseat.

Well, like I said one month ago today:

Making it a three way dance is the dumbest thing they could do, Heel. Either make it Brock vs. Roman or Brock vs. Bryan. Throwing all three in there dilutes the match to the point where it and the result means nothing.

Now, they didn't make it a three way dance, but they effectively did just that by throwing Daniel Bryan into the mix, costing themselves a valuable month of build time. Taking the focus away from a one on one build destroyed any value the match could have had. So now Roman Reigns doesn't matter. Daniel Bryan doesn't matter. I saw this coming because I know wrestling better than anyone but Boootaay and Data West. You should all listen to me more often.


Tomodachi wa Mahou
Why is Orton plotting around a guy who makes coffee, a whiny underachieving giant, and J&J security?

The feud needed fire the moment Orton came back. Stretching it out over 2 weeks with "picking the right spot" filler was completely out of character and pointless.

Actually disagree with this. It makes a ton of sense - he was out of action for months because of Rollins and the authority. It was self realization that he couldn't beat Rollins if Rollins was surrounded by Show + Kane etc, hence him waiting until now to do what he planned to do. It fits his character well too.
American Hero, WrassleGAF Hero, and coming in Mania, US Champ

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