I was watching the intergender six man tag from Kana Pro with Dynamite Kansai, HUB, Taka and some people I don't recognize, and it got me thinking about why this works a little bit better than when a lot of american indys have tried to do it lately. And I think I've figured it out for me personally from what I've seen. In this match, it's obvious there's a size difference, and they play it up. They play up it's heelish for TAKA to beat up Yuu, but it's not like 'OMG SO DARK' and most of the heat is actually from TAKA and Kuuga cheating and letting Kansai get hits in as well. Not just 'oh man this guy is beating up that girl that's a dick thing to do.' It's more, 'this guy is beating up this girl and he's not letting her get a chance because he keeps cheating. what a dick.' which is a much better message in wrestling, in my opinion. Because Yuu got offense on TAKA and Taka is accomplished enough that he can be taken as a threat to this smaller competitor(Yuu) but he's not THAT much bigger than her so it's believable that she can fire back on him. She nails him with several chops, but he gets her back by a poke to the eyes. It puts heat on him, and it makes her look like she could stand a chance. She looks like the underdog instead of the Kimber Lee/Rayna Von Tosh(or Scarlett? I can't remember. Those two are interchangeable) where it's like LOOK AT ME THROW THIS GIRL AROUND ISNT IT CRAZY HOW SICK THESE BUMPS SHES TAKING ARE FOR NO REASON BECAUSE SHES NOT GOING TO GET HER HEAT BACK AND THIS IS CLOSER TO THE FETISHIZATION OF YOKOZUNA SQUASHES ON YOUTUBE THAN INTERGENDER WRESTLING?
That groping shit I saw in AAA(I think?) with Pentagon and Jennifer Blake was just fucking gross though.
Japanese promotions have it too though with shit like POLICE in Oz Academy. But Ozaki can't book for shit, so that's why it's that way.