Guys, is Roman Reigns over, or is it just the Shield theme that's over?
Also, is it possible we won't see The Undertaker until Wrestlemania? No Raw promos or anything. Would this be a good decision?
Guys, is Roman Reigns over, or is it just the Shield theme that's over?
Also, is it possible we won't see The Undertaker until Wrestlemania? No Raw promos or anything. Would this be a good decision?
Maybe he'll induct Connor.
R-Trizzle on commentary is working for me, friends.
D Bryan surely?
If it's Steph i swear to god...
YesI actually have a private collection of Bob Sapp videos, with file dates of 2003. This includes Bob Sapp Time. Would anyone like me to upload them somewhere?
I believe that Dana Warrior will be inducting him.
They will be here after processing.
JR just described Taker's fists as "carcinogenic". I don't know if that's quite right...
Here is Sapp Time, Sunflower.
Tiny 4K Alexa Bliss.
CJ Parker wears a belt on his tights, that amazing.
Hah, where was that? The ROH World board? I know those guys have a stick up their ass if you don't automatically adore everything ROH does. Fanboys are funny.
Not sure if this was posted, but Vampiro helped a man who was likely experiencing a seizure in public. This was posted online Monday.
+1 humanity.
Tiny 4K Alexa Bliss.
-1 for Kayfabe
For those of you who use NJPW World in North America, do you guys get charged a foreign transaction fee?
¡HarlequinPanic!;155789149 said:Seriously remember when michael cole killed his heat by saving Jerry Lawler's life?
For those of you who use NJPW World in North America, do you guys get charged a foreign transaction fee?
I'm still amazed that they continued the match and the rest of the show.
Why does wrestling always need to have the mentality of the show must go on?
Who is responsible for this?
Because their audience is a bunch of drunk idiots and would probably riot if the show ended early for something as minor as someone dying in the middle of the ring.
Stro's condemnation of the most recent RoH show got some comments on They're weird dudes.
True Wrestling Fan A week ago
You are a total douche. You have no clue of a true super show. You think WWE is the shit. WWe is nothing more then sports entertainment. Its watered down compared to what it use to be. FYI production problems does not constitute a bad show. However of al the blogs I have read regarding this show, yors by far is the worst.
Stro Bogo A week ago
I am sorry you did not enjoy my review, friend. We here at support the right of everyone to let their voice be heard.
It's Bob Sapp's nickname. Before he was taking dives for money, he was a big deal in Japan. Massive deal, actually - dude had his own chain of stores devoted to JUST SELLING THINGS INVOLVING BOB SAPP. Sadly, IT'S BOB SAPP TIME is off of Youtube.
I'm still amazed that they continued the match and the rest of the show.
Why does wrestling always need to have the mentality of the show must go on?
I just don't understand how you willingly watch WCW 2000 but yet one of the better WRESTLING shows of the first three months of the year gets completely shat on by you. It's fucking weird. This PPV was pretty average, especially compared to Final Battle, but that's not the point. It's this whole anti "INDY," thing you go on about. Well fuck yeah, there's WWE and then there's indy. I mean, there's not much else an indy can do about being an indy. They're not public companies. You sound like Hannity on Fox news trying to find "liberalism" in everything. Yes, Hollywood is liberal. And ROH is INDY (it's nothing more than a vanity project by some executive at Sinclair。) How and why is that so fucking bad ? Do you really go to your local wrestling shows and just go That's so indy I mean, It's fucking independent wrestling。WTF does that even mean. They work to impress their crowds. When they're in Japan, they try to make those crowds happy. And when all these guys that you claim to hate finally make it to the WWE, then they'll work to impress that particular crowd (and Vince。)
It's like my review of Mission Impossible 5 or 6, just simply stating, OMG THAT IS SUCH AN ACTION MOVIE!
Dumb and Dumber is such a COMEDY!How comedic can you get !?
Why does wrestling always need to have the mentality of the show must go on?
"Adrian" has a bone to pick with stro:
For those of you who use NJPW World in North America, do you guys get charged a foreign transaction fee?
For those of you who use NJPW World in North America, do you guys get charged a foreign transaction fee?
Nah if it was Elgin we would get a bunch of facts about all the moves he invented while he pretended it wasn't actually him typing.So which ROH wrestler do you think this is
I'm thinking Michael Elgin
Who is responsible for this?
That's Ringside Confessions 2; it's a parody of all those dumb confession blogs on Tumblr.
Don't pull the curtain back
With that confession, it's more pulling the foreskin back.
Tiny 4K Alexa Bliss.
CJ Parker wears a belt on his tights, that amazing.
I get hit with a fee.
Yea. 25 cents.
Nope. In Canada, I end up getting charged between 10 and 10.50 a month depending on the economy.
about 8 cents, but then the NJPW World charge is 8.35 so w/e
my bigger issue is that they charged me after i cancelled but i'm also unable to use it
What foreskin? #teamcut
WCW 2000 is more entertaining than Young Bucks matches though. Unlike people who try to justify Raw with 'it's car crash tv(no, it's not. you're just addicted and need to watch your stories. it's just boring. it's not a car crash)'
I have yet to see ROH bring someone out with a tiger. WCW 2000 has the most entertaining crash because it's 'we still got money and some big stars, how can we possibly fuck with it all before going under?'
The tiger is probably the most talented wrestler in this photo though.
The tiger is probably the most talented wrestler in this photo though.
Let's not pretend like Scott Steiner sucks at wrestling. He's a great wrestler.
That's sad if you still watch WWE considering Steiner in 2000 is more entertaining than anyone on the current roster in the ring or out of it.