Steiner beating the shit out of a duck was pretty good
You had me until the bold part
OK, 90% of the roster. Hell, the match on the last Nitro with Booker was better than most WWE matches this year and that was with a broken foot.
Steiner beating the shit out of a duck was pretty good
You had me until the bold part
The fuck is this shit?The tiger is probably the most talented wrestler in this photo though.
It's a porn site for girls under 100lbs.What is this tiny 4K Alexa!?
So WWE posted the stupid "turd" segment on FaceBook and titled it "Dean Ambrose telling it like it is". So, like, what exactly are they trying to do here? Turn the crowd on one of their most popular talents? What is wrong with this company?
They're doing such a bad job with Dean Ambrose that I literally forgot he existed until just now.
So WWE posted the stupid "turd" segment on FaceBook and titled it "Dean Ambrose telling it like it is". So, like, what exactly are they trying to do here? Turn the crowd on one of their most popular talents? What is wrong with this company?
That's a bit shit to reference considering she suffered from an eating disorder for quite some time.
Stay classy, WrassleGAF.
That's a bit shit to reference considering she suffered from an eating disorder for quite some time.
Stay classy, WrassleGAF.
The rate things are going with this Road to Wrestlemania...WWE might as well book my dream match to complete the fuckery.
Boogeyman vs Papa Shango.
I'm a little ticked that they didn't have Bray run through all of wrestling's supernatural characters (Shango, Boogeyman, Zodiac) before taking on its most notable.
So WWE posted the stupid "turd" segment on FaceBook and titled it "Dean Ambrose telling it like it is". So, like, what exactly are they trying to do here? Turn the crowd on one of their most popular talents? What is wrong with this company?
You would think that since he wants to challenge the deadman that he would sister Abigail every supernatural gimmick in different segments to troll Taker. I mean it would be a good buildup and all, but what we get....spoken word night starring Bray with Taker using Skype to cut a promo.
They didn't need that dumb voice over but oh well....damage done.I was hoping they wouldn't even confirm that Taker match. Bray would come out to make one final plea. Taker would leave him hanging a little bit and then make his appearance. It's not really smart since you want to hype the fact that a Taker match is on the card.
I hope Rusev attacks Hogan monday.
Feel like it's taking too long to get him involved.
WWE has successfully made me not interested in Daniel Bryan, I never even thought that was possible.
Did anybody see that horrendous Smackdown segment? Good lord. Right now WWE for me is basically the Rollins & Orton show, anything else is just terrible, I'm holding out hope for Ambrose though, but I don't want to get too invested in him like I did Bray Wyatt last year, only to see him get buried (probably by Reigns) in the next few months. At least I know Rollins & Orton are guaranteed main eventers.
I absolutely love Flair's face in this:
And hair. And everything. Such a great still.
I wonder if Dean Ambrose changes his underwear or just waits until the piss stains turn brown.
Don't pull the curtain back
I was thinking same. Only sensible option is screw him over. He can't get much stronger after beating BRock.So once Reigns wins the belt at Mania, then what? Cruise control until Cena wins it at Summerslam or Royal Rumble and hope a fluke opportunity arises to make an interesting summer?
I'm not quite sure what WWE can do next to actually create a buzz about their product without actually putting effort into their booking.
So once Reigns wins the belt at Mania, then what? Cruise control until Cena wins it at Summerslam or Royal Rumble and hope a fluke opportunity arises to make an interesting summer?
I'm not quite sure what WWE can do next to actually create a buzz about their product without actually putting effort into their booking.
So once Reigns wins the belt at Mania, then what? Cruise control until Cena wins it at Summerslam or Royal Rumble and hope a fluke opportunity arises to make an interesting summer?
I'm not quite sure what WWE can do next to actually create a buzz about their product without actually putting effort into their booking.
Jesus, Minoru Tanaka just showed up at Zero-1 and took ALL of Jason Lee's juniors titles in one match, clean. After Jason Lee earned each one individually.
Is this what the Zero-1/Wrestle-1 partnership is for? To fuck over the people Zero-1 built up just so they can have Muta make an appearance since his flop promotion is flopping on conception?
So is Naomi not allowed to be a character anymore? She's just Mrs. Uso now? Has to wear Uso merch at all times because there's nothing more to her than who she's married to?
The tiger is probably the most talented wrestler in this photo though.
Has there ever been any news of Bryan throwing his weight around backstage or at the very least expressing frustration over lack of directionality of his character?
Has there ever been any news of Bryan throwing his weight around backstage or at the very least expressing frustration over lack of directionality of his character?
Has there ever been any news of Bryan throwing his weight around backstage or at the very least expressing frustration over lack of directionality of his character?
Muta failed to get his guys over, so now it's the Z1 guys turn to give it a go. At least KAI won the title at last though, but it's amazing how much they squandered his momentum.
YesBringing back prestige to the IC Title, eh? Haven't we been talking about that for years now?