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March Wrasslin' |OT| Forecast for Wrestlemania...cloudy with a heavy chance of Reigns


Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
1,100 tickets sold for the PROGRESS May weekender in 40 minutes with no card announced, other than the fact that they'll be holding a two-day, 16 man tournament! These guys just keep going from strength to strength, can't wait for the shows. And hell, there's still Chapter 18 to get through at the end of the month.

Awesome to hear. Should be really fucking fun. I know you (and I) love those tournaments...


You really expecting awesome matches out of axle, ryback or a handicap match? Dude was in Randy Orton don't give a shit mode after SS.

guy is one of,the most versatile guys on the roster. Straight edge society, summer of punk. Matching up with guys like rock and taker without dropping a beat. Dude deserves his accolades

Axel can go when he wants and if you are best at what you do...you can get something out of Axel, but I agree he was on his Randy Orton shit after Summerslam.

Remember when they gave match of the year that year to Rock vs Cena and Punk vs Brock wasn't even nominated because they wanted to nominate HHH vs Brock instead?

Still bullshit to this day. Trips and Bork was a snoozefest like the entire feud.

I am 100% more interested in Punk as a total package than any of those other guys, particularly AJ. Bryan comes close.

Eh....after watching AJ's match with rainmaker and his last run work in TNA. Dude could run laps around Punk. No question about it.
BREAKING NEWS: In a Facebook exclusive, Zack Ryder - WWE Universe has announced that he will enter the ‪#‎AndreTheGiantMemorialBattleRoyal‬ at WWE WrestleMania March 29 at Levi's Stadium.


Well duh. If he was added to the IC title match ~people on the internet would have complained~


So they really making the battle royal annual?

Sounds good...even though I dream of a one night only tournament.


love on your sleeve
Since we on the topic of Punk..... was he really "Best in the World" to anybody?

Despite his long title reign and some of his good matches...was it all hyped or was it legit?

The reason why I asked this because over the past year since Punk's new line of employment, there have been wrestlers that blew him out of the water including AJ Styles who really backed up his shit during his transformation to 5 o' clock shadow. It felt like I fell for the hype because of "Summer of Punk". I'm not saying he's not a bad wrestler at all but clearly dude was Piper with better wrestling moves because Daniel Bryan, Cesaro, AJ Styles, and even Austin Aries can put on a better match than him.

I'm just being real.

"Best in that ring, best on the mic, even on commentary, nobody can touch me!"

Drawing that quote from memory so it's probably a little off but as a total package, I'll agree with the "Best in the World" label at that time. Punk is such an asshole though that I feel like people are going to downplay how good he was as time continues to pass.


So they really making the battle royal annual?

Sounds good...even though I dream of a one night only tournament.

They've always had a battle royal at Mania. Since like what...the original gimmick battle royal in 17? It just used to be the dark match.
"Best in that ring, best on the mic, even on commentary, nobody can touch me!"

Drawing that quote from memory so it's probably a little off but as a total package, I'll agree with the "Best in the World" label at that time. Punk is such an asshole though that I feel like people are going to downplay how good he was as time continues to pass.

I am 100% more interested in Punk as a total package than any of those other guys, particularly AJ. Bryan comes close.



FGC Waterboy
Not best, but a lot of fun to watch.

Whoa, that's DEFINITELY some hyperbole there. I can name ten far better matches from the Double Double E on that top ten list above a Pank vs Cener match. The build was something special, the match not so.

He was top 2 to 3 at the time (Cena, Bryan, Punk) - but MitB was not a top 10 of all time match. Not even in work rate, or importance (which is admittedly WWE's own fault for bringing Punk back too early), or historical significance.

That said, there's a decent chance Punk would not be even top 5 in WWE / NXT right now. He'd be competing with Brock / Cena / Rollins / Bryan / Zayn / Owens / Balor / Itami. Dear lord, that roster.
Since we on the topic of Punk..... was he really "Best in the World" to anybody?

Not as far as ring work goes.

On the mic, probably. I loved the guy. bought his shirts and shit, but he was one of the most over rated in ring workers I have ever seen. Very robotic, and a bit slow.


Unpopular Opinion Time:

You know what bothers me about CM Punk?

He did accomplished a lot in a short period of time, a lot. He was even champ for a whole year which is unheard of these days.

You know what his thing is though? That he never got to headline Wrestlemania.


CM Punk just wasn't on the level of those guys who had headlined Mania up to that point.

If he stuck around a few more years, maybe...but when he left? Nah, he just wasn't the next Austin like people wanted.
Supposedly Punk is the fastest ever to reach triple crown champion. That's not so bad no?
From 2012-2013, there's a good argument to be made for Punk being one of the top wrestlers in the world. I wouldn't go as far as to say he was the best, but he did some excellent work.

Poor man's YB.

Yeah, but now begins the one-upmanship of indie wrestling - the Bucks added a flip to a spike tombstone, those dudes added a flip to a spike package piledriver...what other spiked moves can indie tag teams add a flip to? A brainbuster? A psycho driver? The Burning Hammer? I don't know, but it should be fun finding out.


Not as far as ring work goes.

On the mic, probably. I loved the guy. bought his shirts and shit, but he was one of the most over rated in ring workers I have ever seen. Very robotic, and a bit slow.

Yea dude made you believe he was the best because his mic skills are top notch...but he's not God in the ring.

He's a good wrestler though.
When you think about it, what happened when Punk was champ is the position people clamor for the IC title to be in. Not the main event, but the best match on the show. It's like the IC title is so devalued that it can't be that spot, so the world title took its place.
When you think about it, what happened when Punk was champ is the position people clamor for the IC title to be in. Not the main event, but the best match on the show. It's like the IC title is so devalued that it can't be that spot, so the world title took its place.
Coincidentally, regal and punk had an enjoyable program for the ic belt
I wish it was football season. I'm searching around looking for something else to watch tonight and until Better Call Saul comes on at 10 it looks pretty awful. I'll probably have Raw on in the background, but I can't remember the last time I was this uninterested in WWE's product.
Shocking news, Bill DeMott is a cunt.


• Demott constantly refers to Oliver Gray as Joel Pedophile which personally enrages me because I used to help a Psychology Professor in Los Angeles do lectures for sexually abused children.

• When Dante Dash referred to his finishing move as the Davey boy, as it was utilized by the late Davey Smith who died tragically, Coach Demott makes the following comment, “The Davey Boy? What turning blue and dropping dead on the lawn?”

• Coach Demott told student Enzo Amore that he hopes he dies.

• Demott also told our entire morning class and Ricky Steamboat's class to kill themselves just days after we tolled the ring bell 10 times for the late Mike Graham a former star FCW wrestler, who committed suicide.

• Coach Demott routinely bullies Enzo verbally as well as physically. I have seen Enzo on several occasions be slapped in the face by Bill. During one practice he decided to show Enzo how doing a slam wrong could hurt someone, so he picked Enzo up and dropped him without warning directly on his head and neck. He then decided that each time a student slammed his 100lbs heavy bag with bad form that student had to slam one of his peers the same way. Demott found this drill amusing yet each student was put at serious injury risk.

• Demott has grabbed an injured David Harwood by his neck pulled him to the office door and verbally chastised him for standing by the ring during practice when he wasn't cleared, even though he was simply listening to a lecture by Ricky Steamboat. • Demott has kicked Memo Montenegro in the groin and laughed as he crumbled into a heap. Memo being a Mexican immigrant to the United States has a heavy accent, which Coach Demott constantly criticizes and makes fun of.

• He routinely will attempt to bust students lip on the bottom rope when they stand to close to the ring. On several occasions he has punished students for mistakes in practice by making them bend forward putting their face near the ropes so that Coach Demott can bounce the rope off the bridge of their nose.

• He routinely calls Gary Jackson a fat tub of goo, tells Osmund Cherry who is of African descent, to go back to Africa and most recently has made derogatory remarks about sexual preferences to Brandon Traven.

• Coach Demott insinuated that Traven is gay and used the derogatory term "half a sissy" to make fun of him simply because he sat out practice and has had several injuries in the last couple months. This is not the first time he targeted Brandon either. In December I witnessed Coach Demott question Traven about a head injury in the trainer’s room. After Traven explained that a blow to the head in practice had made him dizzy Demott slapped him in the head and left the room.

• I witnessed a similar incident a few months ago when Alexander Russev was recovering from neck surgery. Coach Demott saw Russev wearing a NY Jets shirt at practice and not liking that sports team proceeded to physically grab Russev by the collar and rip the shirt off him. Russev was not cleared for any contact at that point and clearly showed physical pain after the incident. Following this incident a group of students were discussing how this sort of thing happened before with an injured Briley Pierce. Briley had a broken leg and Coach Demott kicked him in his medical boot. This happened before I was under contract but it nonetheless seems to fit a pattern of negligent and abusive behavior that I have observed with Coach Demott and is worth investigating further.

• According to Oliver Gray, he was once told that if he sat out practice to rest a very bad low back injury that CoachDemott would pull him from the NXT tapings and from attending the Royal Rumble, even though the trainer had requested that Oliver sit out just one practice.

Also NSFW: http://www.sescoops.com/former-wwe-developmental-talent-accuses-nxt-trainer-bill-demott-of-forcing-male-talent-to-train-naked-nsfw-picture/



Fun fact:

When you go to the performance center to train in the ring in My Career mode on 2k15, commentary is replaced by Bill Demott ridiculing your poor performance in the ring, no matter what you do.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Pregnancy was $1.99 and not really so much a game as a way to get people to think outside the box about rape and pregnancy.


love on your sleeve


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