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March Wrasslin' |OT| Forecast for Wrestlemania...cloudy with a heavy chance of Reigns






Reigns' dive and spear looked fantastic. You can't even dispute that. From a purely athletic and visual perspective, they were "Holy shit" worthy.

Yeah, the dive was really great visually. And not everyone can clear the top rope like that. He seemed like he had a lot of room to spare too. He just landed weird.

I'm just sayin /Booker

Do you think he takes character queues from DBZ?

He seems like the type that would take inspiration from a Goku spirit bomb or something. Dude's not believable. If it was down to sheer on screen performance believability, I'd rather take my chances against Reigns in a shoot fight than Paul Heyman tonight. Reigns is just bleh at everything except shopping for hair conditioner.


Being better than garbage doesn't make it fine.

There is nothing risque about saying the women's division is garbage at this point though. Its obvious. There is years of shit to fix and a whole lot working against the women to even try and change that. But that segment was treated with whole lot more respect than last week's joke of a 26 second match. Commentators were into it, the match got some decent time for what was a set-up for AJ's return, there was a promo to build the Mania feud afterwards. Its fine because its moving in the right direction.


Credit. Bryan can wrestle, at one point he was the legit best in the world, he has got his moveset nerfed but he can wrestle.

Reigns is like Batista: whether you let him loose or you don't, he has never proven he can.

Agreed, Bryan can definitely go.
He has the WWE leash on him at the moment again (possibly for his own good).
ROH BD/Bryan is gold.
Don't speak for everyone. I don't think Roman should be in that spot, but I don't think it has to be Bryan either.
Totally agree but I think no matters who it is if it's not bryan then that wrestler would get the everything he does is horrible treatment. It really does ruin it for Bryan .


Raw live is so fucking long. My god. Kill me.

Stewart, Heyman, Rollins, and Reigns were excellent.


This Reign Train ain't accepting no bandwagon fans after Mania.
It's the War Wagon, friend, and myself, Brother Lambda, Friend Yeezus, and Professor Emeritus of Beef welcome you aboard.


Or people just don't think he ready
At this point it don't matter. He is now on fan's shit list for his sins against daniel bryan.

Only a heel turn can maybe get him some respect. Not a god damn thing he does as a face will change haters minds.


If anyone should be main eventing mania it should be Rusev. Get him out of the cena vortex

I'm so sad Rusev didn't win the Rumble on that swerve. It was the victor I never knew I wanted but made sense in that moment. Brock could have easily played the face just by being Brock.
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