In an ideal world I would have these times for the matches.
*Randy Orton vs. Kane - 10 minutes (because whatever)
*WWE Intercontinental champion Cody Rhodes vs. Big Show - 8 minutes (that's being generous to how long Cody can carry Big Show to a watchable match)
*World champion Daniel Bryan vs. Sheamus - 25 minutes (hell yeah)
*Team Laurinaitis vs. Team Teddy - 12 minutes (non-elimination so not that long)
*WWE champion CM Punk vs. Chris Jericho - 30 minutes (for obvious reasons)
*Triple H vs. Undertaker Hell in A Cell with Shawn Michaels as the special referee - 35 minutes (see above)
Divas bullshit - 5 minutes (lol)
*The Rock vs. John Cena - 30 minutes (main event)
That leaves 80 minutes of the broadcast. That's for skits, videos, entrances, the HOF showcase, the intro, and the video packages before the matches. If you can't fit all that (at least three of the main events will have video packages, Bryan/Sheamus may or may not) in 80 freaking minutes, you have a serious problem.
I am also wary of two back to back 30+ minute main events, but then again that order is just an idea, it's not the official order (which they always at least slightly screw up anyway).
I can dream anyway. All four competitors in the World title matches (the real attraction for me) thrive best in long, detailed matches where they can really tear the house down and pace themselves.
The HIAC match also should be long, as short HIAC matches just seem pointless, and they have a story to tell.
The Rock/Cena match, will be long because it's the main event, but I can't see it holding interest for more than half of that. They have no heat and their storytelling skills are balls.