See people think Wrestlemania has been shitty for the last ten years, but I think it's been fine.
Everyone liked XX (even though 19 was better), but 21 was pretty good. Rey vs Eddie, MITB debut, as well as Orton, Cena, and Batista being solidified as the next guys. Also Angle vs HBK which was AMAZING.
22 was also pretty ok, HBK had a good match, Mickie and Trish had a great storyline and match, and Edge/Foley had probably the best hardcore match WWE has ever had and easily stole the show. Rey Orton Angle was pretty ok too, just very short.
23 had another good MITB, Benoit/MVP, and the surprisingly great match of Taker/Batista as well as Cena/HBK (overshadowed by their even better RAW match).
24 was weak to me, I won't lie. It had the great Michaels/Flair match, a fun celebrity match, and a decent triple threat championship match. Pretty meh.
25 had the second MITB and the beginning of good CM Punk in WWE, and Taker/Michaels saving the show. It wasn't that great and floundered the climax of a very good feud (Orton/HHH).
26 was DEFINITELY a comeback, with Rey/Punk, Jericho/Edge, Cena/Batista (amazing feud), and Taker/HBK. Much better PPV.
And finally, 27 which had Edge/Del Rio in a decent match (but I think Del Rio should've won), Rhodes/Rey which solidified Rhodes completely, Orton/Punk which was a great midcard match, Taker/HHH which was very good, and a meh main event but it had the Rock and would spur a next year's Wrestlemania main event and give Miz a rub.
WM had a couple missteps but the last ten years have been pretty good IMO and HBK has easily been MVP.