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March Wrasslin |OT| Road To WrassleMania

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going to have to watch in a while, for right now it's Silent hill time.


We need to come up with a NWA chant like that at the start of our show.

I'm looking forward to your reaction to 3.0 and Archibald Peck. Both entertain me to no end.
Embracing your inner Kane mark, maybe the Beef and Owl connection will be all right after all.

Yeah, I really haven't enjoyed how they've handled Taker/HHH, and Rock/Cena. More than ever it feels like I'm watching people perform on a stage with these long winded BORING back-and-forth promo battles instead of watching badass athletes give warning speeches before a FIGHT. I'm so sick of the nose to nose stare downs, and guys turning their backs to head back up the ramp. I feel like I'm watching the same show on repeat every week.
WWE Raw and Smackdown are basically looping repeats until the ppv, then the following ppv either starts a new loop or reuses the previous ppv as a base. Undertaker's last 4 WM build ups have been so overly promo based, but at least HBK actually kicked Taker's teeth in a few times, HHH just looks like he can't wait to get back to his real life responsibilities of being the COO.
What's worse is that The Rock has actually been turning up each week and they don't do anything worthwhile with him, such a waste.


I hate dirtsheets. What exactly about these numbers is "scary"?

There's really nothing about the numbers that can be considered "scary." Dave Scherer is a bit of a moron, so I ignore his melodramatic personal anecdotes such as this and leave the analysis to someone like Meltzer.

But it does make me wonder how things will be once Taker/HHH/HBK/Rock/Jericho are not on TV after Wrestlemania. They really need to put more effort into building up the rest of the roster and limit how much they rely on "the old guard" to serve as a quick fix.


I'm sorry I never got into Chikara sooner.

Tis my only regret.

Must...resist...badly attempting to make Chikara CAW's on WWE '12...

If you've got $20 left, you should grab the next two Chikara shows. They really set the tone for things to come.


WWE Raw and Smackdown are basically looping repeats until the ppv, then the following ppv either starts a new loop or reuses the previous ppv as a base. Undertaker's last 4 WM build ups have been so overly promo based, but at least HBK actually kicked Taker's teeth in a few times, HHH just looks like he can't wait to get back to his real life responsibilities of being the COO.
What's worse is that The Rock has actually been turning up each week and they don't do anything worthwhile with him, such a waste.
It's been like this for so long! And yet PPV buys are down, viewing figures are down, crowds are dead, their comedic efforts fall flat, their mainstream crossovers are embarrassing, their titles are worthless, their superstars are generic, their biggest storylines are relentless failures, their attempts to bulld stars fail, their attempts to sustain momentum fail. I could go on and on and on.

Honestly, I've never understood how the WWE seem to continue to understand so little about modern entertainment and popular culture and the strengths in their own talent, and remained completely incapable of doing anything relevant or even hugely entertaining for so long. I know the answer is Vince, but how the fuck is that still an excuse?

And The Rock has been totally wasted. Whoever the fuck thought that humanising him for this feud was a good idea deserves to be shot. Put your fucking sunglasses back on!
Talkin bad bout Da Game is something you just don't do. He's gonna marry into your family and bury you for life. Sorry, mayne. Them's the rules.
The joke is on him: all my female relatives are married already!
Embracing your inner Kane mark, maybe the Beef and Owl connection will be all right after all.

Rock and Sock never got along in the beginning, either.

*shakes your gloved hand*


Unfortunately Smartmark Video isn't going to be doing mp4 downloads of anymore shows:(

We'll just have to wait a week while everyone confirms they've got their dvds. I really hope there is demand for them to continue.

Yeah they are gonna be streamed, but still it sucks. The enjoyable thing about the mp4s were the great quality and I could watch them on my tv with my wdtv.

Actually, this doesn't bother me that much....but I hope there is demand for mp4s still.

I guess we'll be using the http://www.smvod.com/chikara hub for purchases now.
Yeah they are gonna be streamed, but still it sucks. The enjoyable thing about the mp4s were the great quality and I could watch them on my tv with my wdtv.

It looks like they are only allowing a 60 day viewing period. It's unlimited views but still if I buy it I want to own it forever. This stinks.
Remember when I told you Shawn Michaels was better than you?
I meant it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lets have the Rock and Cena Feud for a year and just smile and smerk. No physical interaction.

Sounds awesome!


There's really nothing about the numbers that can be considered "scary." Dave Scherer is a bit of a moron, so I ignore his melodramatic personal anecdotes such as this and leave the analysis to someone like Meltzer.

But it does make me wonder how things will be once Taker/HHH/HBK/Rock/Jericho are not on TV after Wrestlemania. They really need to put more effort into building up the rest of the roster and limit how much they rely on "the old guard" to serve as a quick fix.

The numbers are troubling if you compare it to last year when they were getting 3.8 and 3.9.

Also, the ratings are weird in that Raw numbers are down while Smackdown numbers are up. Also, there is interest in the Rock because they sell out the arenas on Monday, but that interest doesn't seem to show in the tv ratings.


What they're doing with Trips/Taker and Rock/Cena doesn't make for good TV.

The build for both matches have been anemic and confusing.


No One Remembers
So I watched that Shane Douglas video, I guess that's why Cranky Vince tweeted last night "WHO THE FUCK IS SHANE DOUGLAS?"
yeah Raw this week was a dud.

It wasn't bad... just boring and nothing really happened. Thats kind of bad when your 2 weeks away from the biggest show of the year.

Its been a while since rock/cena had a decent back and forth promo so hopefully they do that next week before the finally(?) get into a brawl.

Punk and jerhico will be a great match no matter how silly the build is.

Taker and HHH is dumb and just seems like HHH ego stroking for his final match so I dont know what to expect there next week.


We were told directly what WWE officials themselves said to the TV station. They probably told the station more than they should have regarding the move to Stamford and just said they were pulling out of TV and left it at that, but that isn't what they said. They gave the explanation that specifically stated shutting down the facility on Mabry and moving everything now to Stamford until making their next move. That wasn't something anyone came up with out of conjecture but something the promotion told the station yesterday.

--RVD is returning to TNA this weekend according to house show line-ups. There was never a problem with him, they just appear to be doing a deal where they rotate talent in and out, and this was an out period for him.

--As noted on Raw last night, Flo Rida and Machine Gun Kelly will be performing the entrances of John Cena and The Rock at Mania this year.

--Lord Tensai ended up all over Japanese social media last night after the promo aired on Raw. What's funny is nearly everyone thought the videos were for KENSO (the former Kenzo Suzuki).
The build up for this Wrestlemania has really been nothing short of baffling. Yes, it's got a really impressive card that basically sells itself (despite what so many are saying on here), but I think they've blown their chances at a record shattering buyrate that I thought was guaranteed.

Their attempts to get Cena over make zero sense since he's still eviscerating him in the pre-taped segments... in fact, Rock delivering the rock bottom to Henry was probably the first smart thing they've done so far, but it should have happened weeks ago. They're going for face vs. face, so it should be them constantly trying to one-up each other.


The build up for this Wrestlemania has really been nothing short of baffling. Yes, it's got a really impressive card that basically sells itself (despite what so many are saying on here), but I think they've blown their chances at a record shattering buyrate that I thought was guaranteed.

Their attempts to get Cena over make zero sense since he's still eviscerating him in the pre-taped segments... in fact, Rock delivering the rock bottom to Henry was probably the first smart thing they've done so far, but it should have happened weeks ago. They're going for face vs. face, so it should be them constantly trying to one-up each other.

How so? I thought it was anti climatic.


Am I correct in saying that the only matches worth watching on WWE TV during the WrestleMania build have been CM Punk vs. Daniel Bryan on Smackdown... and Kofi Kingston vs. Dolph Ziggler on Superstars?


If WWE really wanted to do something in the build for Mania next week, book a triple threat match on RAW with The Rock vs John Cena vs Miz. If Miz wins he's on Mania somehow. Then, the entire match is about Cena and Rock one-upping each other doing damage to Miz, never touching each other till either the finish or after the match, which Miz would loose...probably to Cena.

Of course that makes sense, so WWE will just do a contract signing or some bs.
How so? I thought it was anti climatic.
I agree, but I think it was only anti-climatic because we're 2 weeks from Wrestlemania. We've been through so many damn promos from the two, and for that to be the first physicality AT ALL is a bit of a let down. But like I said, it should have happened a month ago.


If WWE really wanted to do something in the build for Mania next week, book a triple threat match on RAW with The Rock vs John Cena vs Miz. If Miz wins he's on Mania somehow. Then, the entire match is about Cena and Rock one-upping each other doing damage to Miz, never touching each other till either the finish or after the match, which Miz would loose...probably to Cena.

Of course that makes sense, so WWE will just do a contract signing or some bs.

They should do a Piper's Pit with the Rock and Cena. If they do the pit I want anger and seriousness not jokes and smiling Cena.

I still want people opinions on why Smackdown ratings are up and the Raw ratings are going down? Smackdown is always above 2 starting this year. Its only been down due to either a new disney movie, or College basketball and even then its pulling 1.9's.


They should do a Piper's Pit with the Rock and Cena. I still want people opinions on why Smackdown ratings are up and the Raw ratings are going down? Smackdown is always above 2 starting this year. Its only been down due to either a new disney movie, or College basketball and even then its pulling 1.9's.

Easy, Smackdown is up because of D-Bry.

The Piper's Pit is a good idea, but it would just be more of the same IMO.


If WWE really wanted to do something in the build for Mania next week, book a triple threat match on RAW with The Rock vs John Cena vs Miz. If Miz wins he's on Mania somehow. Then, the entire match is about Cena and Rock one-upping each other doing damage to Miz, never touching each other till either the finish or after the match, which Miz would loose...probably to Cena.

Of course that makes sense, so WWE will just do a contract signing or some bs.

That makes absolutely no sense and would kill buys for WM. Go back and read your post again for me.


I'm sorry I never got into Chikara sooner.

Tis my only regret.

Must...resist...badly attempting to make Chikara CAW's on WWE '12...

The best thing Chikara has ever done outside out these downloads were the sampler DVD they had for 5 bucks. Had some amazing matches on it. I converted 7 people to Chikara fans using that DVD


That makes absolutely no sense and would kill buys for WM. Go back and read your post again for me.

I don't see how it would kill buys for Mania. It's just a tease of what will happen at Mania. You wouldn't book any real interaction between Rock and Cena here, just enough to get people to want more and buy the PPV.


formerly cjelly
If WWE really wanted to do something in the build for Mania next week, book a triple threat match on RAW with The Rock vs John Cena vs Miz. If Miz wins he's on Mania somehow. Then, the entire match is about Cena and Rock one-upping each other doing damage to Miz, never touching each other till either the finish or after the match, which Miz would loose...probably to Cena.

Of course that makes sense, so WWE will just do a contract signing or some bs.

Nobody gives a shit about Miz.

I dunno why some of you guys are obsessed with him.


I don't see how it would kill buys for Mania. It's just a tease of what will happen at Mania. You wouldn't book any real interaction between Rock and Cena here, just enough to get people to want more and buy the PPV.

Agreed. It's not any worse than having The Rock wrestle a "Raw main event caliber" match at Survivor Series.


Agreed. It's not any worse than having The Rock wrestle a "Raw main event caliber" match at Survivor Series.

Yea, exactly, and look how that has turned out. Booking the two main stars of WM in a triple threat match on the go-home RAW before the PPV for free would kill many buys. It would easily be dumber than anything they've done already to build up this match. That's a Russo booking move right there.


more money than God
The problem with RAW is that it's completely filled with guys who can only do promos. Half the show is just HBK/HHH/Taker who can't wrestle, and Rock/Cena who either can't wrestle or can't wrestle well. Everything that needed to be said about HHH/Taker was said in the first week.
The problem with RAW is that it's completely filled with guys who can only do promos. Half the show is just HBK/HHH/Taker who can't wrestle, and Rock/Cena who either can't wrestle or can't wrestle well. Everything that needed to be said about HHH/Taker was said in the first week.

I really wish it was all said in the first week, as in the part when HHH refused to do the match, man that would've been swell.
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