Yes, I'll take that prostate massage.
who the hell is Road Dog?
- "Dolph Ziggler is the funniest guy in WWE who isn't allowed to be himself on TV."
"I don't understand any of these references you are making. Your name is Mr. Ass now."
"I don't understand any of these references you are making. Your name is Mr. Ass now."
- "Dolph Ziggler is the funniest guy in WWE who isn't allowed to be himself on TV."
Get it, because farts come from asses. Like Nattie's farts come from her ass.
Get it?
get it?[/IMG[/QUOTE]
And fart rhymes with neidhart. Vince and yes men erupt into laughter for the next 30 min before ending another productive creative meeting.
And fart rhymes with neidhart. Vince and yes men erupt into laughter for the next 30 min before ending another productive creative meeting.
White Supremacist heel turn in the making? That's a "legit part of him that's bad."This is surprising because I can recall at least two times where Ziggler called out Cena's limited move-set and in-ring performance.
Although, I guess he only did it because Cena's cool with it. Don't know why he got mad at Booker T for doing the same thing, though? Racist maybe? Yeah, has to be.
Outlaws were sooooo much fun.
Oh man, I need to see that clip again. HAHAHAHAAA
those wwe crowds were beer belly, mullet wearing, farts in the wind . im glad their gone.Outlaws were sooooo much fun.
Just listen to that crowd, man... wow. WWE crowds will never be like that ever again.
Road Dogg was more over than main eventers in 1999, too.
those wwe crowds were beer belly, mullet wearing, farts in the wind . im glad their gone.
Third, pretty remarkable. I'm not sure if this includes the DX stable t-shirts as well. Merch was massive back then.Originally known as the New Age Outlaws in the World Wrestling Federation (WWF, now WWE), and wrestling under the ring names "Road Dogg" Jesse James and "Bad Ass" Billy Gunn, the duo achieved high levels of success and became extremely popular in the late 1990s as members of the second incarnation of the professional wrestling stable D-Generation X. In the same time period, the New Age Outlaws had the third highest merchandise sales in the WWF after Stone Cold Steve Austin and The Rock.
There's video evidence of 14 year-old me being down with the D-O-double G, first row ringsid-E.
(I'm so sorr-y)
There's video evidence of 14 year-old me being down with the D-O-double G, first row ringsid-E.
(I'm so sorr-y)
No shame in that. DX and New Age Outlaws were incredible during that 97-99 period. Hot crowd, Jim Ross on commentary, guys going out there cutting promos in their own words instead of memorizing some bullshit script, hard rock music instead of emo pussy rock and pop, and everyone having a fun time. Looking in the crowds now, noone is having fun.
Misteeeeeeeeeeeeer Kenneeeeeeeeeeeedy..............Kennedy!Misteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeer Andeeeeeerson......Anderson!
TheMarkHenry ‏ @TheMarkHenry
To the twitter world I fell short tonight but I will get another chance to induct John Cena in the hall of pain. The rock should look out!
Something about Mark Henry being on twitter just seems wrong.
Third, pretty remarkable. I'm not sure if this includes the DX stable t-shirts as well. Merch was massive back then.
Reminds me of the audio I heard from a Punk promo saying how his inner child wrestling fan died the day Undertaker first texted him with 'lol'.
wow, I did not know this. So that video I posted was of basically the top 4 guys in the WWF, merchandise wise. Incredible. Pretty fucking sure the top 4 guys today wouldn't get anywhere close to that pop.
I still think in a couple of years the pg-era will end, in an attempt to get some ratings. Maybe when Vince dies, like Punk said. We're just going through a little down period is all. Wrasslin will return someday... right?
Triple H probably describes him best when he calls him "basically a little kid inside." Occasionally he has genuine sparks of genius, but (especially lately) it's just covered up by him going WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!From what I've heard, it seems like Vince knows it has to end one day when all the brats grow up, and he wants Punk to be the one they all love. I remember hearing that when he was injured Vince told creative to keep him on TV at all cost, hence why he became an announcer. Also maybe why he vetoed HHH pedigreeing him. He's a nutty old man, but he must have some sense of the business lol.
Outlaws were sooooo much fun.
Just listen to that crowd, man... wow. WWE crowds will never be like that ever again.
Early raw rating info shows ratings are down. The number of viewers dropped quite a bit so final should be a 3.0 or 3.1. Bad news WWE.
Bobo forgot about the absolute silliness that is Triple H in the Road To Wrestlemania mode in WWE '12. There are too many crazy things they do that puts Triple H over it's hard to know where to start (though I'm sure someone will link 'H no-selling a powerbomb from Nash). Triple H interrupts at least 2 Wrestlemania main events, retires as the WWE Champ (while sitting on a throne, no less) after an angle which buries the entire mid-card on the game, and then comes back to take over the CAW story and make it about him vs Nash in a power struggle for WWE. That's just the beginning of it all.