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March Wrasslin |OT| Road To WrassleMania

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I think HHH is smart enough to realize that the streak shouldn't be broken, especially since Undertaker will still be wrestling for a few more years at Mania. Despite his huge ego and constant need to feel like he is better than everyone else, HHH has shown that he does have a good mind for the business like bringing back the promos introducing new wrestlers. Now he just needs to go away again and stop being an on air character.


Wait a minute....is it just me or did Impact end during the middle of a promo this week? I mean, it seemed like that promo was jut getting started. I was waiting for Hogan to get a mic, accept and go into some of his catch phrases.....but it ends with the crowd chanting Hogan after Sting started the promo.....WTF.

also, no Hardy face this week, butt....


So that's how you pick up girls....

I need to do this sometime.


So... did they explain Beth and Natalya aren't together anymore? And wasn't Natalya jobbing to Tamina last month? Just, why?

Josh and Stanford were explaining that Natalya said to them earlier in the day that it was just a means of "friendly competition between the two" and Natalya is helping Beth "warm up for Wrestlemania", but they were implying that there's something more to it.

It's basically a losing cause though to explain this kind of discontinuity.

What the hell is wrong with you guys? Is this thread bizarro land or something? Hating on HHH, Cena, and Rock while hyping nobodies like Otunga, Ziggler, and Laurinaitis?
Wrestling Hipsters: Fans who only like jobbers that are entertaining but hate them when they get "too mainstream" and are at the mercy of the WWE's Creative Hacks.

I can live with being a wrestling hipster.


There's a legitimate reason I, and people like me, don't like guys like Cena, Miz and HHH. They're boring as fuck.

EDIT: Jesus Christ, Taker.
I'm thinking/hoping that picture was taken in the middle of Taker's off period. Because his man boobs and his gut are making a smiley face.
I'm not talking just promo work.

Whats so different now than from the past is the moves they use. But if they were to perform pile drivers, head to the turnbuckles ala 10 times, and maybe more suplexes I believe the crowd would get more hype. Heck they dont even do any arm bars or test of strength..
I know I'm late but, regarding my post about Jeff Hardy beating Taker on Smackdown

Jeff Hardy: the future of wrestling!

Shit makes me cry a little inside. There are so many others who could have used that opportunity.

I think he's mistaken and is talking about the ladder match they had together, after which Undertaker shook Jeff's hand.

Wait a minute....is it just me or did Impact end during the middle of a promo this week? I mean, it seemed like that promo was jut getting started. I was waiting for Hogan to get a mic, accept and go into some of his catch phrases.....but it ends with the crowd chanting Hogan after Sting started the promo.....WTF.

also, no Hardy face this week, butt....



Best part of the night, in my opinion. And even then, I'm a little put off by it; I'm sure the repo guy was supposed to look good for stopping Rosita and Sarita, but he really just looked like he was trying to take them along with the car.

Wrestling Hipsters: Fans who only like jobbers that are entertaining but hate them when they get "too mainstream" and are at the mercy of the WWE's Creative Hacks.

I can live with being a wrestling hipster.

Agreed. I mean, I'm relatively new to wrestling as a whole, but I'm pretty sure that storylines aren't supposed to be strung out for months on end like a victim of the rack; and yet, through poor planing, reactionary writing and what I think might be a bit of resentment for some of the fans (at least from recent interviews), WWE Creative manages to suck the life out of everything exciting that happens within weeks. If being aware of all that makes me a wrestling hipster, then I'll gladly start...erm...doing whatever hipsters do.
Why would he even allow a pic like that at a time like this? He has always tried to be so cautious of his image as the Undertaker, so why stop at such a critical time...
As long as Bischoff is in charge he will be there:/ No matter how much they push him he still sucks in the ring and on the mic. I can't believe we have to witness his training live on tv and they are using Jeff Hardy and Kurt Angle to get him over.
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