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March Wrasslin |OT| Road To WrassleMania

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So not worth it
I doubt WWE would ever do it, but a heel flip for Cena at Mania would bring some excitement after the show. Im sure it would hurt shirt sales with kids, but Cena needs a change and the show really needs some new story lines imo. I miss quality heels in the WWE ala the Attitude era. I think Jericho is about the only solid heel they have left. Cody Rhodes and the Miz as heels is a sad joke. Johnny Ace has improved a lot, but he is still a poor substitute for evil Vince.

Cody is a great heel, they also did a decent build of the match where I go, hey, this guy might actually have a chance against the huge ass Giant with the fist punch from hell that shatters skulls.

Cena will not turn heel, heel Cena doesn't sell merchandise like face Cena does, it would destroy a nice portion of WWE-income, it won't happen. There's been heel's in the attitude era that sold merchandise and got cheered like crazy for it, you know who. But Cena is being legitimatly hated by half the crowd, if he turns heel everyone will be booing him out of the building and really hate his guts enough to NOT buy any Cena-merchandise. Yeah, it just won't happen.


No doubt Cody has talent, he is one of the best young stars they have. I just cant buy him as heel for whatever reason. He has done a good job selling the Show match, but he still reminds me of a Boy Scout.

A proper heel flip to Thug Cena would move a lot of merchandise to a different set of fans. While it will hurt his image sales to some kids and his charity work with make a wish, he took off during his heel turn and Word Life era. Personally I like the Thug Cena and Im sure Im not the only one. If done properly some kids will like a heel Cena as well, just like kids and adults alike bought up heel merchandise during the attitude era. Cena is capable of pulling it off, just like Rock is capable of pulling off it off. Heel or Face it doesnt matter for some stars and I think Cena has the mic skills and charisma to make a heel role work. The half of the crowd that boos Cena now, would probably start cheering for a heel Cena. He loses a certain set of fans and gains another. He has too much charisma to be hated by everyone as a Word Life heel.


I think you're confusing the situation. The problem that has been plaguing this company for the past near decade is creating new stars. They have been lazy on this issue and instead jammed the same few selectable characters down our throats. Midcard exchanging wins, tag division dead, heels getting random, monthly pushes and brought back down to midcard or even obscurity. Introducing big meatheads or powerhouses and getting fed to Cena. It's been the same horrible and boring formula for too long. Long enough I've given on stop watching on a regular basis because of how ridiculously bad it is. Cena himself is an issue, and not just booking. He has been boring as shit on the mic, his ring work is more predictable than a Family Guy joke, and he's buried other characters' gimmicks just for the sake of his terrible comedy. Heel or face, that will not change.


I wish someone would just tell Vince that he has a serious problem and blind spot where Cena is concerned. It's baffling how much they bury their head in the sand here. WWE steadfastly refuses to do anything about the negative reaction to Cena.

They have never done this before. Sure, you might push a face longer than he deserved or tried to hold through a bad crowd reaction (like Lex Luger for instance) but you'd get the message and drop it soon enough.

But no, Cena has been booed consistently since at least 2006. That's six fucking years and they still think "if we just hold out long enough, and keep telling them they SHOULD be cheering him because he's such a swell guy, they'll cheer him and we'll be a billion dollar company again!"

Well guess what WWE? THEY DON'T CHEER HIM. Doesn't matter if you think people should be cheering Cena, they aren't and they won't.

Yeah, he's a source of income with his merchandise for the kids. But endless Super Cena pushes are killing every other aspect of the company.

The "shoved down our throats" line is overused in wrestling, usually misusing "our" and really just meaning "I don't like this guy". However, Cena has been shoved down our throats, and for too long. I hate him more and more as the years go by, I will never cheer him as long as he's the boring, stale, piece of shit face. Neither will any of the people booing him now. I wish someone would just tell Vince this and make him understand it.


I wish someone would just tell Vince this and make him understand it.
The people that have tried telling Vince this are summarily fired, demoted and/or ostracized for daring to tell a genius he's wrong or that they know better.

And it doesn't happen often because these people value their jobs and Vince surrounds himself with "glad-handed yes men like John Laurinaitis". Hell, even the WWE champ used those exact words and emphasized that he was sick of a world where John Cena is considered the best - and he still is regardless of whether Punk totes around a heavy belt or not.

Nobody makes Vince McMahon understand anything. Vince knows better. Vince knows all. Vince knows what's best for us. Don't you understand that? It will never change until he's dead.


The people that have tried telling Vince this are summarily fired, demoted and/or ostracized for daring to tell a genius he's wrong or that they know better.

And it doesn't happen often because these people value their jobs and Vince surrounds himself with "glad-handed yes men like John Laurinaitis". Hell, even the WWE champ used those exact words and emphasized that he was sick of a world where John Cena is considered the best - and he still is regardless of whether Punk totes around a heavy belt or not.

Nobody makes Vince McMahon understand anything. Vince knows better. Vince knows all. Vince knows what's best for us. Don't you understand that? It will never change until he's dead.

But that's not actually true. Wrestler's book and interviews (Jericho's for instance) maintain that Vince likes people who throw weight around and show some balls to talk back to him. Jericho mentions one time where he exploded at Vince over something and it ended up being what Vince wanted him to do.

At least, he did want people to stand up to him a few years ago. I've seen others talk about how newer wrestlers are too timid or scared to stand up to authority like they would have done ten years ago.

Times may have changed for whatever reason.


So not worth it
But that's not actually true. Wrestler's book and interviews (Jericho's for instance) maintain that Vince likes people who throw weight around and show some balls to talk back to him. Jericho mentions one time where he exploded at Vince over something and it ended up being what Vince wanted him to do.

At least, he did want people to stand up to him a few years ago. I've seen others talk about how newer wrestlers are too timid or scared to stand up to authority like they would have done ten years ago.

Times may have changed for whatever reason.

Punk recently did an interview where he said pretty much the exact same thing.
“(We) have a lot more one-on-one conversations. I wont say he takes the time to talk to me now, because he always did, but I think he views me differently now. He used to view me as maybe talking to a boy. Now he thinks he’s talking to a man after I stood up and did everything I did over the summer. I always thought I was a main event player. The difference is now he knows I’m a main event player.”

src: http://www.chicagotribune.com/enter...rview-rock-cena-wwe-20120326,0,2605529.column


Unfortunatly the ratings still go up during Cena matches/segments compared to the rest of the show.
Opening, 10 PM slot and closing are always the high spots. He's in the same spot each and every year, yet the ratings for the whole show have been continuously bad, and have been dropping each year. If he was booked like a proper main eventer and not the son of Superman, the rest of the cast would look semi-legitimate and a decent show would be put on.


Wrasslegaf got snubbed for the off-topic community?

That's stone cold.


I said, that's stone cold!

Jamie OD

Imagine if Cena Vs Rock went to a draw or no contest. Heck, they did it last year with Cena Vs Miz and that was without any screwjob or effective interference involved.


No One Remembers
Imagine if Cena Vs Rock went to a draw or no contest. Heck, they did it last year with Cena Vs Miz and that was without any screwjob or effective interference involved.

They'll do the ole montreal screwjob. HHH, after his victory over the Undertaker, will come out and ring the bell shortly after Cena puts the STF on the Rock.


So not worth it
They'll do the ole montreal screwjob. HHH, after his victory over the Undertaker, will come out and ring the bell shortly after Cena puts the STF on the Rock.

Mweh, they did that less then a year ago, it will be a clean finish I reckon.

If the program continues over this year, Rock will go over, if not, then Cena wins. In the end however Cena wins regardless.


So not worth it
AJ posted that last one on her Twitter, from the right angle. Poor Khali, so confused on which way to look.

She added: One of the greatest pictures of all time. I tried to pick the one Khali looks the jolliest in.

One of the greatest pictures of all time. Trying to stand as close to Rey as possible. I may be obsessed

Such a mark AJ.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
When would you guys want to make a pick list for Mania? Day or two before the show?


He (or she, can't tell) is probably like "Where the heck is Elmo? Or even Fozzie Bear?"

Should have sent Puppet H to a kid's hospital.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
WCW 2000 is so hard to watch. Jeff Jarrett seriously. You're not a Main Eventer. Still... Stacy Keibler is decent.

It is very hard to watch. I put on a couple 2000 PPVs and the quality was just abysmal. They were trying to elevate new talent, but the show was so bloated and overdone that they couldn't shine like they were meant to...

Vampiro was great in this time period.
It is very hard to watch. I put on a couple 2000 PPVs and the quality was just abysmal. They were trying to elevate new talent, but the show was so bloated and overdone that they couldn't shine like they were meant to...

Vampiro was great in this time period.

Yeah, I'd agree with that. Not sure what to make of this Prince gimmick... or the other 5 music based gimmicks.


No One Remembers
It is very hard to watch. I put on a couple 2000 PPVs and the quality was just abysmal. They were trying to elevate new talent, but the show was so bloated and overdone that they couldn't shine like they were meant to...

Vampiro was great in this time period.

Fat Chick Thriller/That 70's Guy vs. Vampiro :|:|:|:|


Great American Bash 2000, the last WCW PPV I bought:

The Great American Bash 2000 - Baltimore Arena; Baltimore, MD 6/11/2000
- Cruiserweight Title: Champ Lt. Loco beat Disco Inferno
- Kronic beat Big Vito & Johnny the Bull
- Ambulance Match: Mike Awesome beat Dallas Page
- Boot Camp Match: G.I. Bro beat Shawn Stasiak
- Tables Match: Shane Douglas beat The Wall
- Asylum Match for US Title: Champ Scott Steiner beat Tank Abbott & Rick Steiner
- Hulk Hogan beat Billy Kidman. As a result, Hogan gets a title shot at Bash at the Beach.
- Ric Flair beat David Flair
- Human Torch Match: Vampiro beat Sting
- WCW Title: Champ Jeff Jarrett beat Kevin Nash

So horrible. Anytime a PPV ends with Jarrett holding a title above his head, I want a refund. Still waiting to hear back from WCW on that.


Great American Bash 2000, the last WCW PPV I bought:

The Great American Bash 2000 - Baltimore Arena; Baltimore, MD 6/11/2000
- Cruiserweight Title: Champ Lt. Loco beat Disco Inferno
- Kronic beat Big Vito & Johnny the Bull
- Ambulance Match: Mike Awesome beat Dallas Page
- Boot Camp Match: G.I. Bro beat Shawn Stasiak
- Tables Match: Shane Douglas beat The Wall
- Asylum Match for US Title: Champ Scott Steiner beat Tank Abbott & Rick Steiner
- Hulk Hogan beat Billy Kidman. As a result, Hogan gets a title shot at Bash at the Beach.
- Ric Flair beat David Flair
- Human Torch Match: Vampiro beat Sting
- WCW Title: Champ Jeff Jarrett beat Kevin Nash

So horrible. Anytime a PPV ends with Jarrett holding a title above his head, I want a refund. Still waiting to hear back from WCW on that.

I hope you didn't watch much early TNA.


Not all of early TNA was bad. When the X-Division took off is where I got hooked. Until Russo came in, that is.

Jamie OD

WCW 2000 is so hard to watch. Jeff Jarrett seriously. You're not a Main Eventer. Still... Stacy Keibler is decent.

You must watch the Bunkhouse Brawl between Jeff Jarrett Vs Mike Awesome from Fall Brawl 2000. It is so overbooked to Hell that it becomes funny.

The people who interfere in the match are
players from the Tennesse Titans, Gary Oldman and Sting
. In that order.
I'm currently in February, but that sounds class!

Well wasn't he with Stacy? That was pretty amazing.

or was that just for show?

He was feuding with Kimberly Page, stalking her with a crowbar. Now he's just a lunatic. Last PPV Ernest Miller bought out James Brown. For no reason.


So not worth it
I like the Legend Roundtables on WWE On Demand with DDP. He just hates it when the WWE guys like JR rag on WCW.

He's right, it's understandable as someone like JR was of course in full-on warmode with WWF at the time WCW was popular, but still it's kinda cute to hear DDP defend the fuck out of David Arquette not wanting the title and being such a nice guy with respect for the business and what not. Finally they end up settling on Russo being a jackass and an idiot, which is something everyone can agree on apparently _O-
I like the Legend Roundtables on WWE On Demand with DDP. He just hates it when the WWE guys like JR rag on WCW.

He's right, it's understandable as someone like JR was of course in full-on warmode with WWF at the time WCW was popular, but still it's kinda cute to hear DDP defend the fuck out of David Arquette not wanting the title and being such a nice guy with respect for the business and what not. Finally they end up settling on Russo being a jackass and an idiot, which is something everyone can agree on apparently _O-

They had this 'Powers That Be' thing going on back end of 1999 that they just stopped. It was basically Vince Russo sitting behind the a desk, but it was never really said who it was.

Can't wait for all those rock and cena videos on the youtube homepage to be blocked in my country.
Let me sum them up for you.




AJ posted that last one on her Twitter, from the right angle. Poor Khali, so confused on which way to look.

She added: One of the greatest pictures of all time. I tried to pick the one Khali looks the jolliest in.

Such a mark AJ.

They could start a feud between Bryan and Rey for those comments when he returns!
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