Jim Johnson recently released his own version of this theme on iTunes. :/

Jim Johnson recently released his own version of this theme on iTunes. :/
About to start my trip to Miami. Bean you know what to do.
Wrestlemania 28 |OT| Age in the Cage :: RISE ABOVE TRENDING TOPICS
Wrestlemania 28 |OT| Era's End but John Cena will always be there.
Triple H |OT| Wrestlemania 28
The newest induction to WrestleCrap is..........Wrestlemania XXVII:
Yeah, reading through that article I forgot just how bad WM27. All those skits... shitty matches.I like how he mentioned Bryan and Sheamus getting dumped off the show about 8 times. I was fuming the whole night over that getting dumped in favour of stupid skits, a 5 hour Rock promo, and a 15 minute Cole match. My first chance to see Bryan Danielson at WM, and with an opponent I like and who he works well with, no less, and instead I got to watch Cole stumbling around the ring for an eternity.
The only three things I can remember clearly from that crappy WM is Sheamus/Bryan getting shit on, the Taker/HHH match, and Miz cracking his head off the concrete at the end of the main event (go watch a replay, it's nasty, and I'm not just talking about the match itself here).
#Wrestlemania 28 |OT| #YES! #YES! #YES! #YES! #YES!
Yeah right. Next you're going to tell me that "Rellik" is "killer" backwards.
What title did we have for Wrestlemania 27?
Wrestlemania 28 |OT| End of an Era but theMemoryCOO Remains
Okay i'm late to this but It was me, penguin! it was me all along!. I feel sorry for your suffering rewatching that dreck of a ppv that was WM27, I had to fast forward through most of the dead time in HHH/Taker to counter falling asleep which was probably what they were doing now I think about it. Fortunately the main event this year should be fun to watch, though I may end up breaking out Kid Icarus myself during the HIAC if they start lounging around for ages again.Finished WrestleMania 27.. and forgot who mentioned it earlier in the thread.
But re-watching the Triple H/Undertaker match, there's really not much special in it. Not a bad match, but literally a match that ends like 20 minutes before it ends. The last 10 minutes or so is Triple H hitting the Undertaker then staring at him wondering what to do for 3 minutes.
Also, I just started playing Kid Icarus during the main event.
Ok... should probably make a wrasslemania OT and post it tomorrow.
We need thread title ideas. Ill just spit balling a few.
Wrestlemania 28 |OT| WWE puts on another Big Show.
Wrestlemania 28 |OT| Anti Hype.
They did it to many more songs too: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CaDaZOi4YME&feature=related
Why WWE?
I like WWE puts on another Big Show.
The Christian theme is growing on me. Though I do not find it to be better then Story of The Year's version tbh.
The DX theme, mweh, it's okay, but it doesn't compare to http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EntKPJr4OJI
The Christian theme is growing on me. Though I do not find it to be better then Story of The Year's version tbh.
The DX theme, mweh, it's okay, but it doesn't compare to http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EntKPJr4OJI
Hey that Christian theme is cool.
edit: god damn I'm really late on this...
HHH vs Undertaker Battle Rap
Orton has just kind of "been there" over the past year and a half. I'd really like to see him get a good angle again.
I'd like to see Orton lose the whole broody brood "voices in my head" bullshit. He's a great talent, and I think he's being wasted with his personality....or lack thereof.
The WWE should really let him open up, and be more himself. The whole staring in to the middle distance shit is getting really, REALLY old.
I definitely miss heel Orton. Slapping refs, kicking Jeff hardy in the balls, PUNTS. So good.