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March Wrasslin |OT| Road To WrassleMania

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A decade ago you had fucking Hulk Hogan returning to the WWF. Think of all the shit that happened in that very short build:

- The rock gave Hogan the Rock Bottom as soon as the match was accepted
- Hogan and the nWo struck back with a hammer to the head, and some ridiculous, but at least building the match semi into the ambulance
- Hogan won CLEAN over The Rock in a tag match on RAW with the leg drop
- Hogan went into Wrestlemania despite the build as a total face and The Rock as the heel and The Rock immediately adapted and played the heel role in the match to a T

Wow what a difference a decade makes. I guess that's the difference when you have two wrestlers people care about, and one now trying to not make the other one look bad because his gimmick is so fucking wore out and fragile.

you're comparing a feud between two guys who were there EVERY week against a feud that has been dormant for over a year.

wwe's got two problems, one, they setup a feud a year in advance, with cena having nothing to do in between besides fight for the wwe title.

two, the feud is with a guy who has been on raw a total of 6 times in 52 weeks(i may be counting this wrong)

not a whole lot you can do with that.


My Member!
Yeah this is true. As much as people say that PG hasn't hurt WWE on here, I feel it has. Especially the lack of blood. That's been used since the 60's to add heat to a feud or make a match seem like a hard fought battle and now without it, matches just don't feel as big. Also the lack of Jim Ross announcing. He could make even the shittiest feuds have an epic feel about them and added a much needed intensity to the product. Cole ignoring moves and being silent forcing Lawler to try to call moves should not be happening. There's no more blowing up cars, very few backstage brawls, very little use of weapons, etc.

Also, how would you feel if you are The Rock and you are in the ring trying to make your upcoming match have this huge once in a lifetime feeling by confronting your opponent and staring him down seriously like you want to destroy him and the idiot is just sitting there smiling and laughing the entire time? How does WWE think this is good?

All those things would add to it, I think it's just the PG mindset has sunk in to the point where nothing backstage or out of the ring can happen to anyone anymore and that's when all the interesting shit happened. You had goofy entertaining stuff like Austin and Booker T brawling in a grocery store, APA getting involved in stupid shit backstage in poker games, Jericho pissing into coffee cups, Big Show jumping on chained up coffins, etc, etc.

I'm just naming off random shit, but everyone was involved in SOMETHING back then . something was always going on in every little feud no matter how fucking goofy it was at least there was some motivation for it. Shit, you had a RAW end with Kai En Tai taking a kendo stick at Val Venis' dick.

No, I'm not saying I want absolutely ridiculous shit like that nowadays, but that fact that shit was going on with every feud made you care and made things interesting. Now, really what are all the feuds being based on so far? Bryan and Sheamus are just kind of there, Sheamus just wanted the World title just because, and they're having a match just because. Triple H and Taker, well Taker wants to beat Triple H because of last year's match where he got beat up and now we'll just talk about it and junk.

Nothing ever goes deeper than face value anymore. You can't get actually hyped about anything because there's no motivation to do so. You get feuds that just happen, just because. Shit, the fucking WWE Title match was technically made on a run of the mill battle royal on a fucking RAW. These are the things used as the basis of feuding nowadays, some interference, a run in or two, and then three weeks of the same shit with taking and then your PPV and do it all over again. It's just bad man.
you're comparing a feud between two guys who were there EVERY week against a feud that has been dormant for over a year.

wwe's got two problems, one, they setup a feud a year in advance, with cena having nothing to do in between besides fight for the wwe title.

two, the feud is with a guy who has been on raw a total of 6 times in 52 weeks(i may be counting this wrong)

not a whole lot you can do with that.

There is a shit ton more they can do with it then what they have. The problem is they only seem interested in getting Cena over with the fans and if they have to make the Rock look like an idiot to do so (which won't work anyways), so be it.
All those things would add to it, I think it's just the PG mindset has sunk in to the point where nothing backstage or out of the ring can happen to anyone anymore and that's when all the interesting shit happened. You had goofy entertaining stuff like Austin and Booker T brawling in a grocery store, APA getting involved in stupid shit backstage in poker games, Jericho pissing into coffee cups, Big Show jumping on chained up coffins, etc, etc.

I'm just naming off random shit, but everyone was involved in SOMETHING back then . something was always going on in every little feud no matter how fucking goofy it was at least there was some motivation for it. Shit, you had a RAW end with Kai En Tai taking a kendo stick at Val Venis' dick.

No, I'm not saying I want absolutely ridiculous shit like that nowadays, but that fact that shit was going on with every feud made you care and made things interesting. Now, really what are all the feuds being based on so far? Bryan and Sheamus are just kind of there, Sheamus just wanted the World title just because, and they're having a match just because. Triple H and Taker, well Taker wants to beat Triple H because of last year's match where he got beat up and now we'll just talk about it and junk.

Nothing ever goes deeper than face value anymore. You can't get actually hyped about anything because there's no motivation to do so. You get feuds that just happen, just because. Shit, the fucking WWE Title match was technically made on a run of the mill battle royal on a fucking RAW. These are the things used as the basis of feuding nowadays, some interference, a run in or two, and then three weeks of the same shit with taking and then your PPV and do it all over again. It's just bad man.

Agree wholeheartedly. Seems like things started to go downhill with Steph having greater input on creative and eventually taking over.


Nothing ever goes deeper than face value anymore. You can't get actually hyped about anything because there's no motivation to do so. You get feuds that just happen, just because. Shit, the fucking WWE Title match was technically made on a run of the mill battle royal on a fucking RAW. These are the things used as the basis of feuding nowadays, some interference, a run in or two, and then three weeks of the same shit with taking and then your PPV and do it all over again. It's just bad man.
I'm sure they had long-term storylines built to logically provide a basis for most of these feuds and get people invested in them but Vince overruled them at the last second.

Because that's what Vince does.

And that's why we're left with nothing more than a bunch of WrestleMania feuds happening "just because". Because that's the reason Vince uses to justify changing his mind. "Just because". Or merchandise sales. Or because a rating dropped in a certain quarter of RAW. Or because something trended on Twitter. Or because a certain wrestler got a crazy pop one night at a PPV that wasn't expected.

"Oh let's run with that", Vince says. Why? Just because. Storytelling is an afterthought. You make your decision and then invent some BS storyline excuse afterwards to justify it. If you bother to do even that.

PG has nothing to do with it. This is what happens when you let outside influences and the delusions of a madman dictate how you run your product instead of letting the product drive itself with naturally evolving stories and angles that are allowed to run their logical course without being undermined.


<continues to sleep through Cena/Rock discussion>


You guys should follow my lead. Vince sure isn't getting worked up like you guys about how bad his product sucks. Why should you? It's not your company.

We've rehashed these "why nobody gets built up" arguments ad infinitum again and again.
We all know nothing gets built.
We all know nothing ever changes.
We all know why the commentary sucks.
We all know that the only angles that get over are "lightning in a bottle" moments that are never logically built and are subsequently overexposed until you're sick of them (Zack Ryder) or buried by Triple H.

Discussing them ad nauseum just turns WrassleGAF into the broken record that is the WWE product. We should just watch in hopes for good workrate and memorable matches from talented wrestlers knowing full well that the outcomes of their feuds will never matter because Vince and Trips and Cena will always and forever be the same.

I got to see a phenomental TV match between CM Punk and Daniel Bryan on Smackdown 10 days ago. That's enough for me. It'll probably outshine anything thrown out there at Mania for an outrageous asking price.

Vince doesn't care because there's no competition. You can tell they're complacent with being mediocre. They've found a way to make the Rock's comeback mediocre. That shouldn't happen.

Competition breeds excellence, monopoly breeds complacency.


Vince doesn't care because there's no competition. You can tell they're complacent with being mediocre. They've found a way to make the Rock's comeback mediocre. That shouldn't happen.

Competition breeds excellence, monopoly breeds complacency.

They should create internal competition. Smackdown vs Raw


My Member!
I'm sure they had long-term storylines built to logically provide a basis for most of these feuds and get people invested in them but Vince overruled them at the last second.

Because that's what Vince does.

And that's why we're left with nothing more than a bunch of WrestleMania feuds happening "just because". Because that's the reason Vince uses to justify changing his mind. "Just because". Or merchandise sales. Or because a rating dropped in a certain quarter of RAW. Or because something trended on Twitter. Or because a certain wrestler got a crazy pop one night at a PPV that wasn't expected.

"Oh let's run with that", Vince says. Why? Just because. Storytelling is an afterthought. You make your decision and then invent some BS storyline excuse afterwards to justify it. If you bother to do even that.

PG has nothing to do with it. This is what happens when you let outside influences and the delusions of a madman dictate how you run your product instead of letting the product drive itself with naturally evolving stories and angles that are allowed to run their logical course without being undermined.

Well this stuff started taking a notable downturn when the PG era started, that's why I think it's a PG mentality. No, the content of being PG isn't to blame, great feuds were made all the time in the 80's on what was basically PG-ish cartoon feuding. But I think once they started doing PG stuff, that to them meant strip away all the interesting gimmicks and interesting moments and you're left with vanilla filler for each and every feud because they don't know what to do now.

I'll agree with the Vince stuff, but changing things or the direction of the way things should go really has nothing to do with the depth of the feuds nowadays. Technically, everything going on now is a "long build" but look how thin this shit is. A whole lot of "nothing" feuding going on where nothing is being built that well. Lots of talking and doing nothing with really thin motivation at that in the promoing.


Well this stuff started taking a notable downturn when the PG era started, that's why I think it's a PG mentality. No, the content of being PG isn't to blame, great feuds were made all the time in the 80's on what was basically PG-ish cartoon feuding. But I think once they started doing PG stuff, that to them meant strip away all the interesting gimmicks and interesting moments and you're left with vanilla filler for each and every feud because they don't know what to do now.

I'll agree with the Vince stuff, but changing things or the direction of the way things should go really has nothing to do with the depth of the feuds nowadays. Technically, everything going on now is a "long build" but look how thin this shit is. A whole lot of "nothing" feuding going on where nothing is being built that well. Lots of talking and doing nothing with really thin motivation at that in the promoing.

The problem I see with it is they still have the Vince Russo mentality of short matches with long segments in between, without any of the Vince Russo controversy to make those segments any interesting. What made the 80s so great were guys like Macho Man and Ricky Steamboat pulling off thirty minute matches a night, all-the-while giving awesome promos to hype said matches


Loving the Rock vs Cena build up. Haven't been this interested in the WWE in years. Ordering Wrestlemania for the first time in a decade since Hogan/Rock.
Also, how would you feel if you are The Rock and you are in the ring trying to make your upcoming match have this huge once in a lifetime feeling by confronting your opponent and staring him down seriously like you want to destroy him and the idiot is just sitting there smiling and laughing the entire time? How does WWE think this is good?

This is the worst thing about this.

It feels like a constant burial in a way.


My Member!
This is the worst thing about this.

It feels like a constant burial in a way.

It's so unrealistic too, it's not even funny. If someone talked shit about you and then you talked shit back and told them you were going to whoop their ass, and they sit there with this goofy grin on their face laughing you would slap the shit out of them or beat their ass. It's awkward as fuck they refuse to get physical EVEN THOUGH THEY ALREADY FUCKING HAVE BEFORE.
so HBK is gonna help Triple H at mania right?

I can see the the next night promo where they say it doesnt matter who was better because they where always best when they where a team and as a team they beat the undertaker.
so HBK is gonna help Triple H at mania right?

I can see the the next night promo where they say it doesnt matter who was better because they where always best when they where a team and as a team they beat the undertaker.
Undertaker will tombstone them both and then Charles Robinson will run down to the ring and count the 3 for 20-0


so HBK is gonna help Triple H at mania right?

I can see the the next night promo where they say it doesnt matter who was better because they where always best when they where a team and as a team they beat the undertaker.

It'd be funny if after the match, kevin nash runs down to the ring and him, hunter, michaels, and taker all raise their hands and give each-other wolf kisses
announced for RAW next week, John Cena and The Rock will appear in a rap-off and sing-a-long competition. It is being billed as "The Rock concert and John Cena rap." That should be .......... interesting.

WTF is this company doing. have then hit each other already.


Missed the main event.

Went with my friend who was getting SFxTekken at midnight. Trolling all the Mass Effect fans looked to be more entertaining than the Rock/Cena stuff.


announced for RAW next week, John Cena and The Rock will appear in a rap-off and sing-a-long competition. It is being billed as "The Rock concert and John Cena rap." That should be .......... interesting.

WTF is this company doing. have then hit each other already.

Hit each other!? CRAZY!

Hell, they barely could get twenty minutes of actual wrestling on tonight.


best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
I missed the cena thing, but the eve ryder shit and the constant twitter pulls are making my damn head hurt


All those things would add to it, I think it's just the PG mindset has sunk in to the point where nothing backstage or out of the ring can happen to anyone anymore and that's when all the interesting shit happened. You had goofy entertaining stuff like Austin and Booker T brawling in a grocery store, APA getting involved in stupid shit backstage in poker games, Jericho pissing into coffee cups, Big Show jumping on chained up coffins, etc, etc.

I'm just naming off random shit, but everyone was involved in SOMETHING back then . something was always going on in every little feud no matter how fucking goofy it was at least there was some motivation for it. Shit, you had a RAW end with Kai En Tai taking a kendo stick at Val Venis' dick.

No, I'm not saying I want absolutely ridiculous shit like that nowadays, but that fact that shit was going on with every feud made you care and made things interesting. Now, really what are all the feuds being based on so far? Bryan and Sheamus are just kind of there, Sheamus just wanted the World title just because, and they're having a match just because. Triple H and Taker, well Taker wants to beat Triple H because of last year's match where he got beat up and now we'll just talk about it and junk.

Nothing ever goes deeper than face value anymore. You can't get actually hyped about anything because there's no motivation to do so. You get feuds that just happen, just because. Shit, the fucking WWE Title match was technically made on a run of the mill battle royal on a fucking RAW. These are the things used as the basis of feuding nowadays, some interference, a run in or two, and then three weeks of the same shit with taking and then your PPV and do it all over again. It's just bad man.

Pretty much.

I can't wait to stop wasting 2 hours every Monday after April 1st.

Instead, I'll be wasting 2 hours watching Raw and Smackdown from 2000 ^_^


Wade Keller's thoughts on whether Rock and Cena is work or shoot

So work or shoot or something in between? Well, I made my perspective clear a little earlier. I think Rock is the most generous, secure, ego-free Superstar I've seen if he's agreed to all of this because he is jobbing to Cena in a way that could elevate Cena to a new height and win over the male fans post-WrestleMania, no matter what happens in Miami. Maybe they are planning all of this out. Evidence that points to that is Cena having a great comeback ready for Rock's closing lines. But that much may have been scripted ahead of time and Cena may have freestyles after Rock left. Cena could have improvised writing the height and weight on his wrist, but my hunch is he brought the pen out and planned to do something with it at some point, and that opportunity just presented itself. I am completely willing to be totally wrong in thinking this is being improvised to a great degree and Rock is simply having his lunch money stolen on live national TV because he wants to do what's right for business and "give back." But this smells more like something else to me.


Also, how would you feel if you are The Rock and you are in the ring trying to make your upcoming match have this huge once in a lifetime feeling by confronting your opponent and staring him down seriously like you want to destroy him and the idiot is just sitting there smiling and laughing the entire time? How does WWE think this is good?

Cena has been doing this for years now.

It's disrespectful to the entire god damn concept of professional wrestling.

Could you imagine watching any other TV show or movie with two characters involved in a heated feud, and the one keeps looking to the camera with that smug smirk? All it's missing is a wink, a nod, and a thought bubble that pops up over Cena's heading saying "you know this is fake, right?".

On the one hand, you get The Rock and Kevin Steen talking about kayfabe on Twitter. On the other, you get John Cena pissing all over the very idea of it every Monday night.

It utterly destroys the product when the biggest wrestler in the company can't be bothered to pretend what's going on around him should matter to him.

In short: it's supposed to be real to him, damnit.


Cena has been doing this for years now.

It's disrespectful to the entire god damn concept of professional wrestling.

Could you imagine watching any other TV show or movie with two characters involved in a heated feud, and the one keeps looking to the camera with that smug smirk? All it's missing is a wink, a nod, and a thought bubble that pops up over Cena's heading saying "you know this is fake, right?".

On the one hand, you get The Rock and Kevin Steen talking about kayfabe on Twitter. On the other, you get John Cena pissing all over the very idea of it every Monday night.

It utterly destroys the product when the biggest wrestler in the company can't be bothered to pretend what's going on around him should matter to him.

In short: it's supposed to be real to him, damnit.

I hardly think it's disrespectful to wrestling. Aren't you overanalyzing things a bit? Cena's being Cena. His character is pretending like The Rock doesn't phasing him. His actions aren't being disrespectful to the business or something. Give me a break.
The best part of this show was Kyoufu getting bitter about the fucking American Revolution and shutting off his tv to resume watching cricket, sipping tea, and blessing the queen.

If this is really an attempt to get Cena over with the male audience, it's fucking hopeless. Like the Rock said earlier last year, we hate Cena because he represents phoniness. He's never genuine, and he never takes anything seriously. He hasn't evolved as either a wrestler or a character for nearly a decade, and until he does, nothing Vince nor creative do will get him "over" with older males. Period.

Cena has been doing this for years now.

It's disrespectful to the entire god damn concept of professional wrestling.

Could you imagine watching any other TV show or movie with two characters involved in a heated feud, and the one keeps looking to the camera with that smug smirk? All it's missing is a wink, a nod, and a thought bubble that pops up over Cena's heading saying "you know this is fake, right?".

It's not so much that he's intimating that it's fake; it's that he's essentially no-selling any threat or seriousness his opponent is trying to bring. Really, if he was GOOD at being a babyface, he'd try his damndest to look like the underdog and at least respect the chance that this person is a threat. As-is, he just laughs the whole time, makes dumb jokes so 8-year-olds can laugh, and then either comes back after being beaten for 90% of the match or gets cheated out of a win. Formulaic almost doesn't begin to describe it.

Mr. Robot

At this point, the Johnny Ace vs Teo Long feud feels more intense than the Rock vs Cena one, at least Long has thrown Ace's jacket at him more times than Cena and Rock have faced each other...
Eh, I think I'm done until WrestleMania - I'm sick of this build and nothing they do at this point is going to get me in any way invested in Rock vs Cena, because they're going to do nothing other than this lame back and forth that's been going on for weeks and months and, hell, a whole damn year. Fuck this piss-poor excuse for a 'feud'.

Changing tack, I finally got around to watching Okada vs Naito from the NJPW PPV and enjoyed it a hell of a lot more than I expected, probably Okada's best match to date - check it out;

Kazuchika Okada (c) vs Tetsuya Naito - (NJPW 03/04/12)

Also, here's a fun tag match from DDT last month;

HARASHIMA & El Generico vs Kenny Omega & Kudo - (DDT 02/19/12)
I am truly, and I mean truly proud that most of you see the bullshit WWE is trying to pull with Rock vs Cena. You guys make me proud to be a part of this thread.


best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
I am truly, and I mean truly proud that most of you see the bullshit WWE is trying to pull with Rock vs Cena. You guys make me proud to be a part of this thread.

cmon liquid, i dont think theres a poster on gaf that doesnt see through this.


Eh, I think I'm done until WrestleMania - I'm sick of this build and nothing they do at this point is going to get me in any way invested in Rock vs Cena, because they're going to do nothing other than this lame back and forth that's been going on for weeks and months and, hell, a whole damn year. Fuck this piss-poor excuse for a 'feud'.

Changing tack, I finally got around to watching Okada vs Naito from the NJPW PPV and enjoyed it a hell of a lot more than I expected, probably Okada's best match to date - check it out;

Kazuchika Okada (c) vs Tetsuya Naito - (NJPW 03/04/12)

Also, here's a fun tag match from DDT last month;

HARASHIMA & El Generico vs Kenny Omega & Kudo - (DDT 02/19/12)
Really enjoyed the tag match. Omega sells like a champ.
thanks for the links, as always.


1) Cena needs to stop the smiley, aw shucks crap and be 100% serious.

The really sad thing is, we got a very very small hint of this with the Eve trash talk. That shit was entertaining (and I don't mean the name calling). No doubt that is all Vince would allow Cena to break his "Rise Above Hate" bs goody too shoes gimmick.

And the above is why we won't see Rock go full heel on Cena. If Rock went full heel, he would completely overshadow Cena... we all know this cannot EVER happen
cmon liquid, i dont think theres a poster on gaf that doesnt see through this.

It's just reassuring to know that we are all smarter than the WWE thinks. I don't they care what the reaction is once we get to WM, but. They want to make sure that leading up to it its is split 50/50.

I will order WM just to see this all blow up in their face.
They have handled this feud about as badly as they could have. It's borderline disgusting. For a match of this magnitude to be basin it on school yard insults and careful postering.

God it's Ludacris. They handcuffed the Rock, and turned Cena into an even more dispicable jerk with his constant smiling and joking. Like he's having a good time and doesn't take this serious.

Rock tries to make it business but Cena just laughs. It's dumb.
Rock/Cena=boring, so far this WM is looking like pure shit....

The Promo Match
The old man's undefeated streak match...

Their 2 selling points are shit....
After watching Raw i'm beginning to get more hyped for Rhodes/Show and Orton/Kane than Rock/Cena.
Rock's history lessons were enjoyable, especially the first but that final segment in the ring was just dreck, Cena's constant smirking was too much, it felt like The Rock was a stern parent trying to tell some kid (Cena) to stop messing around and listen to no avail.
Rock: "Hey look at me Cena, i'm talking to you!"
Cena: huuur, HUUUUUR *turns away, breaks out goofy grin*
But enough about that, we all know how poorly it's being handled.

Now how about that Swagger? he had one hell of a US title reign, almost as good as Ryder's run with the belt.
The Rock / Cena is still dull but the Rocks first two promos were classic Rock

This is going to be a dirty finish isn't it and go on till next year.

HBK is the special guest ref now?

They might as well rename it to the "we're trying everything to make this one exciting" match.
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