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March Wrasslin |OT| Road To WrassleMania

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I think the point is that his ring performance is average at best, his mic performance is slightly better, and he's presented as the greatest thing since sliced bread. Fully half the WWE roster, if not more, is capable of putting on a more exciting show than John Cena night in and night out, and yet HustleLoyaltyRespect-Man is shoved down everyone's throat as the pinnacle of WWE's output. He's just not that good.

And the infuriating thing is that he would have the strap right now if they thought people would believe for a second that a title-wearing Cena would be in jeopardy of losing the belt to a part-timer like the Rock. And the even MORE infuriating thing is that a month after Wrestlemania he'll have the title back no matter what, because to Vince and the WWE, Cena having the title is the status quo, and after the whole Rock thing they'll need to get things "back to normal". It's bullshit.


Why is it every time there's a selection of anti-Cena posts, there is somebody who comes in and says "hey! it's WWE's fault, don't blame Cena!", no shit. Nobody here directly hates the person. They hate and despise his character - not only because it has not change one ounce in almost a decade, neither has his moveset or style in carrying a match. Everybody has their own "5mod", but people point out Cena's because it's the same damn thing every time. He is awfully complacent on the mic and in promos. He's too good of a speaker to be so fucking bad as often as he is. He applies terrible submissions and his STF is borderline insulting. The grievances we list are almost endless.
So it looks like everything has changed....complete reboot. I like the Yoshino/Doi/PAC/Ricochet/Swann team. PAC and Ricochet on a tag team would be awesome. Where does this leave Johnny Gargano and Chuck Taylor though?

No idea, perhaps they scraped Ronin with Gargano seemingly out for the future? Again though, I'm left totally confused as to what the hell's going on in Dragon Gate/DGUSA, lol. I like faction warfare, but it's pretty damn convoluted.


No idea, perhaps they scraped Ronin with Gargano seemingly out for the future? Again though, I'm left totally confused as to what the hell's going on in Dragon Gate/DGUSA, lol. I like faction warfare, but it's pretty damn convoluted.

Gargano seems to be ok to wrestle. He's booked for a tag match Thursday night Mania weekend and he's already wrestled in a battle royal at another indie. I guess we'll find out over Mania weekend if Ronin sticks together.

It looks like the only team that wasn't touched was DGUSA's D.U.F. That makes since though because none of those guys have gone to Japan to my knowledge.


I think the point is that his ring performance is average at best, his mic performance is slightly better, and he's presented as the greatest thing since sliced bread. Fully half the WWE roster, if not more, is capable of putting on a more exciting show than John Cena night in and night out, and yet HustleLoyaltyRespect-Man is shoved down everyone's throat as the pinnacle of WWE's output. He's just not that good.

I don't know. As much as I like guys like Kofi, Dolph, Cody, etc., I'm not sure they'd do nearly as well as Cena has done since 05. Business would probably be even worse than it is now.


Why is it every time there's a selection of anti-Cena posts, there is somebody who comes in and says "hey! it's WWE's fault, don't blame Cena!", no shit. Nobody here directly hates the person. They hate and despise his character - not only because it has not change one ounce in almost a decade, neither has his moveset or style in carrying a match. Everybody has their own "5mod", but people point out Cena's because it's the same damn thing every time. He is awfully complacent on the mic and in promos. He's too good of a speaker to be so fucking bad as often as he is. He applies terrible submissions and his STF is borderline insulting. The grievances we list are almost endless.


Probably one of the most successful runs ever. I guess Longevity has turned into a problem. Stone Cold had to retire, and Rock left...so who knows if they would have gotten stale as well.

Hogan has pretty much been the same except with Heel turn. Sting had some character changes. Flair... kinda been the same the whole time.

There's no one really to replace Cena though. HBK, Rock, Stone Cold, Edge, Angel, Brock, Batsita, Eddie, Hardcore Holly... all gone. Undertaker/Rey pretty much gone. Chris Jericho? Probably will be gone in a year. There's always Big Show!

So thinking back these past ten years, who could have been a contender that's not already gone/dead/quit/retired? Mr. Kennedy? Meth Hardy? MVP?


Why is it every time there's a selection of anti-Cena posts, there is somebody who comes in and says "hey! it's WWE's fault, don't blame Cena!", no shit. Nobody here directly hates the person. They hate and despise his character - not only because it has not change one ounce in almost a decade, neither has his moveset or style in carrying a match. Everybody has their own "5mod", but people point out Cena's because it's the same damn thing every time. He is awfully complacent on the mic and in promos. He's too good of a speaker to be so fucking bad as often as he is. He applies terrible submissions and his STF is borderline insulting. The grievances we list are almost endless.

While I agree with the majority of your post, I feel that you may be assuming that most people think like you.
Im sure there are some that do blame WWE for Cena's character, etc. But, there's got to be a few that actually do blame Cena entirely. At least, it seems that way at times.


NeoGAF's smiling token!
Random rant but here goes:

I think there are too many mixed messages both backstage and from people outside of the WWE but are of the business.

They're told what to do and if they deviate from that they get yelled at. But then they're told to act like superstars yet if they don't shake someone's hand they're in the doghouse. Then they're told to make something, whether it be promo or how the match flows "their own" and they'll get yelled at if someone backstage doesn't like it or even fired like Juventud did for using high flying moves despite being a CRUISERWEIGHT at the time. Heck, even if they pitch ideas for themselves to creative they're told creative has nothing for them. Let me repeat that, EVEN WHEN THEY HAVE IDEAS FOR THEMSELVES, CREATIVE CAN'T THINK OF WHAT TO DO WITH THEM.

But then you got outside guys saying "It's your own fault for not grabbing opportunities." What fucking opportunities? Cause even when they self create they end up getting consumed by the WWE machine. SEE: Zack Ryder and how he got tossed into a fucking Kane/Cena feud and turned into a stupid Eve love storyline where he'll likely only be at ringside for a divas match at Mania. Look at Punk who after getting people to care about this fucking niche had his character assassinated by Triple H.

Even if you make your own path, there's no guarantee the company won't shit all over your success and toss you back in the pile of no-name, no personality motherfuckers that should they decide to show some personality will get yelled at or pedigreed for getting over!

Then there's the certified jobbers that are Jack Swagger and Drew McIntyre. Not forgetting to mention that Jack should not be jobbing under any circumstance because he was a former HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION and that should be enough credit to not become Raw's definitive jobber.



CM Punk explains the weird Shawne Merriman tweets:

They're not Twitter wars. They're not. The Merriman thing isn't even anything. That dates back a couple of years now. We were in Costa Rica, there was a bunch of us lounging around a pool. I think it was me and Ted DiBiase, we were watching this goof run back and forth. He would literally go into the little poolside gym, do some bicep curls and then walk around us, hoping that some of the Divas would notice. A couple of the girls got up to leave to go get ready for the show and some big fat white guy came out of nowhere and I saw him handing out business cards to the girls."

Punk went on and said that the man handing out business cards was Merriman's manager or publicist. Punk said that Gail Kim got up to leave and Merriman pursued her. Punk told a story of watching the awkward situation where Gail was trying to get around Merriman and avoid him.


So thinking back these past ten years, who could have been a contender that's not already gone/dead/quit/retired? Mr. Kennedy? Meth Hardy? MVP?
That's why you use guys like CENA to build younger guys. Cena was catapulted to the main event scene because he faced the likes of Kurt Angle, Brock Lesnar, and Taker and got the main event rub. Those were the guys who put him in that spotlight and gave the FO more freedom to ease him in there.

Agree with Plywood, as well. There's plenty of blame to go around. Creative can't create a decent midcard or tag division for shit sake. Show quality without those usually turn into something that isn't generally positive. When there's years and years of no guys being built up properly, you have a time like now where there's nobody to carry the show or sell tickets like it was over ten years ago. The titles have no more prestige, none. They have basically all but forgotton about the IC and US title as far as I'm concerned. You have young talents like Cody Rhodes who, at least on camera, shows he gives a shit about it, but then you look at the booking team and they push him nowhere. It's hilarious.


That's why you use guys like CENA to build younger guys. Cena was catapulted to the main event scene because he faced the likes of Kurt Angle, Brock Lesnar, and Taker and got the main event rub. Those were the guys who put him in that spotlight and gave the FO more freedom to ease him in there. etc...

Ok... Cody Rhodes. That's one. Who else?


Any news on Del Rio's return?

With how unenjoyable I've been finding WWE as of late, it's really made me miss him. I just hope he comes back with other things to talk about instead of "Destiny".


Ok... Cody Rhodes. That's one. Who else?

Barret, massive push with the Nexus, then was fed to Cena where he got buried literally and then Orton. After that he has been in the mid-card limbo with no direction.

Ziggler is the one that NEEDS to be champion this year and for an extended period of time, if not, his push for the past year will amount to nothing, just like right now, where he has nothing going onto WM.
Gargano seems to be ok to wrestle. He's booked for a tag match Thursday night Mania weekend and he's already wrestled in a battle royal at another indie. I guess we'll find out over Mania weekend if Ronin sticks together.

It looks like the only team that wasn't touched was DGUSA's D.U.F. That makes since though because none of those guys have gone to Japan to my knowledge.

I was at the AIW show in Cleveland that Gargano made his comeback at. He entered # 30 in a Royal Rumble did a few spots and won. I'm thinking he should be good to go for all his major bookings in the future.


Barret, massive push with the Nexus, then was fed to Cena where he got buried literally and then Orton. After that he has been in the mid-card limbo with no direction.

Ziggler is the one that NEEDS to be champion this year and for an extended period of time, if not, his push for the past year will amount to nothing, just like right now, where he has nothing going onto WM.

I can agree on all of those. Absolutely.


I was at the AIW show in Cleveland that Gargano made his comeback at. He entered # 30 in a Royal Rumble did a few spots and won. I'm thinking he should be good to go for all his major bookings in the future.

Gabe just posted on Facebook that they're about to announce his next title defense.


Barret, massive push with the Nexus, then was fed to Cena where he got buried literally and then Orton. After that he has been in the mid-card limbo with no direction.

Ziggler is the one that NEEDS to be champion this year and for an extended period of time, if not, his push for the past year will amount to nothing, just like right now, where he has nothing going onto WM.


Imagine a WWE where we could see Ziggler and Cody be champs of their respective brands and having actual feuds. Who is Ziggler feuding with? Why is Cody feuding with Big Show? wasn't Big Show in the Main Event pic with Mark Henry like a month ago? And I just know they're gonna feed him to Show at Wrestlemania and then push him to jobber status. Look at how they did Ziggler. Lost the US belt to Ryder, had a mini-push, and is now doing absolutely nothing.



Imagine a WWE where we could see Ziggler and Cody be champs of their respective brands and having actual feuds. Who is Ziggler feuding with? Why is Cody feuding with Big Show? wasn't Big Show in the Main Event pic with Mark Henry like a month ago? And I just know they're gonna feed him to Show at Wrestlemania and then push him to jobber status. Look at how they did Ziggler. Lost the US belt to Ryder, had a mini-push, and is now doing absolutely nothing.

It'd be pretty damn boring with Cody and Dolph leading the way right now. They're both missing something and need more time.

Nose Master

The biggest problem I had with Raw is the same one from every week. They cram in too much shit into every episode, resulting in a cavalcade of underwhelming, short matches. We don't need to be reminded of every feud every week.

Why was the Miz/Show match even on the card? The match was what, 10 seconds? When the Diva matches are just as long as the "real" matches, you've fucked up.


It'd be pretty damn boring with Cody and Dolph leading the way right now. They're both missing something and need more time.

Well of course both of them need a reason to be in the main event. That's what creative is for. Creative has to give them that 'something' and have them on TV more. Instead of 15 minute HHH and Rock segments, how about giving the mid-card some air-time and having the upper card put them over once a decade.
He's very charismatic, good and confident on the mic, and knows how to tell a story properly. He's had decent matches with guys who shouldn't have had them. He's incredibly over and has stayed that way despite people complaining for the last several years. He's the total package for what draws in US wrestling. You've got to think outside the box.

I believe the WWE could turn anyone on their roster into what you explained if they wanted to. The reason it works for Cena is because he is Marky Mark jr. A white guy who acts black, and tough. Can't wrestle his way of a paper bag etc............... A super hero to all kids 12 and under.
Cody and Dolph should do swap places, let Cody go into an immediate feud with Punk.

Cody has instant talking points against Punk in that he looks and dresses like a true champion, while Punk looks like a gas jockey/line cook. Let Cody really get under Punk's skin.

Give Dolph a clean break from Vickie to see if he can cut it without the training wheels, then let him take down whoever beats Bryan (probably Sheamus). Keep DB around that main event scene so that he doesn't suffer the same fate as Miz.


Cody and Dolph should do swap places, let Cody go into an immediate feud with Punk.

Cody has instant talking points against Punk in that he looks and dresses like a true champion, while Punk looks like a gas jockey/line cook. Let Cody really get under Punk's skin.

Give Dolph a clean break from Vickie to see if he can cut it without the training wheels, then let him take down whoever beats Bryan (probably Sheamus). Keep DB around that main event scene so that he doesn't suffer the same fate as Miz.

This is why they have the Draft.


I believe the WWE could turn anyone on their roster into what you explained if they wanted to. The reason it works for Cena is because he is Marky Mark jr. A white guy who acts black, and tough. Can't wrestle his way of a paper bag etc............... A super hero to all kids 12 and under.

No one cares about his workrate though. That doesn't equate to drawing money.


Give Dolph a clean break from Vickie to see if he can cut it without the training wheels, then let him take down whoever beats Bryan (probably Sheamus). Keep DB around that main event scene so that he doesn't suffer the same fate as Miz.

Would be quite interesting if Bryan's current heat (and performances) make him retain the title and then go into a real main-event cementing feud with Orton.


pwinsider said:
Sami Callihan, who's work has been on fire in recent months in DGUSA, EVOLVE and CZW, was backstage at Raw and Smackdown this week for a WWE tryout with producers

Good for FCW, they could use someone hot on the mic since Ambrose is about to come up.
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