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March Wrasslin |OT| Road To WrassleMania

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I went through a phase of doing the Jericho entrance pose every time I went up in an elevator and the doors opened.

It was like an embarassment roulette
Sometimes I feel like this thread is on repeat.

Do you have mood lighting in your house? I carry some red lightbulbs around for that authentic Kane lighting experience myself
Do you make sure to carry a boombox with mood music when you need to talk to someone?
I do the Worm when I prtake in intercourse.
I don't do that freaky shit. I'm too nice of a guy though; even after my ex broke up with me, I still put her over.
How'd it go the day you botched?
Haven't botched yet. I guess you could say I'm more like Hunico. ;P




The build for WrestleMania’s two big matches seems strong on the surface, but in week two of the return of Dwayne Johnson, there are questions arising.

As noted many times, for reasons completely logical, there was concern about the idea of The Rock vs. John Cena resulting in Cena coming across as uncool, less of a star, and giving the impression that he was only the top star today because the level of stars is lower than a decade ago. Plus, as Cena has said, come 4/9, Cena has to be there as the centerpiece of the promotion and The Rock will be gone. And given his movie schedule, it is unclear how often he’ll be back other than he said he would be at next year’s WrestleMania in East Rutherford, NJ.

So face-to-face angles the past two weeks have been booked to strengthen Cena as a babyface, even if it’s at the expense of making Rock less cool. Perhaps there was the feeling that Rock is bullet-proof because all he has to do is come out and cut his promos and he’s so charismatic that whatever has been done doesn’t matter. During his career, he jobbed more than just about any wrestler once he reached the top rung on the ladder than anyone in wrestling history with the possible exception of Ric Flair. And what would have hurt some people never hurt him.

But the 3/5 Raw in Boston showed a few things. The first and obvious one is that the ratings drawing power that he had in 2011 is not there on this run.

Internally, the reaction to the rating from last week only being a 3.14 was to blame it on the Daytona 500. Realistically, the show probably would have done about a 3.4 had the race not been on since the race drew an NFL type of audience, and the NFL historically costs Raw about 10%. So it’s nowhere close what Rock was drawing a year ago for his advertised live appearances. It wasn’t going to hit last year’s numbers on ratings since it’s not the first time back in years. But on his second week back, doing a slightly higher rating (3.23) but very slightly fewer viewers, there is no excuse regarding competition.

And in Boston, the crowd reaction was very different from any Raw show he’s been on in anyone’s memory, probably dating back a decade. Some will explain that as going to John Cena’s home town, but that would be ignoring that Cena was booed more strongly in his home town than in 90% of the cities he goes to. And it wasn’t that Cena got cheered, because even in the end, Rock was cheered more than Cena. And it’s not negative chants at him, such as “Tooth Fairy,” as pointed out. WWE officials had to be happy, given that part of the goal was to create a split audience, because a split audience would mean Cena is being seen at the same level as Rock. But when he came down, he was a superstar, but it was not the same as it’s been. If the buy rate comes in strong, the idea of sacrificing Rock to make Cena makes all the sense in the world. One is staying and the other isn’t, and when the other comes back, he’s a big enough star that this will mostly be forgotten. And ratings are not historically accurate in predicting buy rates, but they were much higher at this same point last year. The March 7, 2001 show did a 3.92 rating, 21% higher than this year, and 5.78 million viewers–36% higher.

And in that storyline, Cena is the babyface. He’s the guy who has been on top but if he loses in the biggest match of his career, in theory, he’ll never be seen as anything more than a guy who was on top during a weak period for business and not an all-time legend. Now, that’s not true at all, but it’s what he’s trying to sell to make it important.

On paper, this year’s Mania is stronger than last year. Adding Shawn Michaels as referee this year, which was actually first planned for last year, adds a key element, plus Undertaker not being around for a year makes him more special. Rock vs. Cena is billed as the biggest match in history. The company is expecting every record, gate and PPV, to be broken. The gate record is pretty much already there. The build for the top two matches has been strong. Next week they are doing a battle of the bands, with Rock singing and Cena rapping. That is uncharted water when it comes to building up a big match. But there are also two more Raws, and Rock is on both of them. There are only so many times they can go face-to-face and call each other names while doing nothing. It’s all about peaking on the right day, not a few weeks early (or in the case of what should have been the main event two years ago, a few months early).

But there is one drawback of weakening Rock to help make Cena. For the night of WrestleMania, the storyline that will garner the most interest is Rock as the pure babyface beating a babyface acting Cena that people hate. That’s the greatest money emotion for the night. If there is going to be a difference between, say 1 million and 1.3 million buys around the world, Cena is not that difference. Nor is Undertaker vs. HHH with Shawn Michaels as referee. It is a strong larger than life in a league of his own Rock pulling Cena up higher with his gravitational pull, not trying to bring Rock “back to Earth” so Cena is closer to his level.

Raw on 3/5 did a 3.23 rating and 4.61 million viewers. The number of viewers was almost identical, actually down 35,000 from last week but there is no Daytona 500 to use as the reason. There were fewer people watching TV this week than any Monday night so far in 2012, but that only explains 3.2% (the drop from last week’s overall television viewing) and if you factor that in, would be equivalent to 4.76 million normalized viewers, still 1 million less than they were doing at this time last year.

The show was fourth for the night on cable. It did have the same second hour drop as in most weeks, even with everyone knowing a Rock-Cena confrontation was going to end the show.

The show did a 2.2 in teenage boys (down 19% from last week), a 3.1 in Males 18-49 (up 11%), a 1.0 in teenage girls (down 9%) and a 1.1 in Women 18-49 (down 8%). Overall, it was 69.5% male viewers.

In looking at the final segment with the Rock/Cena confrontation, teenage boys went from 2.5 to 2.8, Males 18-49 from 2.9 to 3.6, Teenage girls from 1.1 to 1.2 and Women 18-49 from 1.1 to 1.4.

The show opened at a 3.45 rating for the Michaels-HHH confrontation. Jack Swagger vs. Santino Marella lost 443,000 viewers. Rock’s first interview plus Alicia Fox vs. Eve Torres gained 338,000 viewers. That’s probably a ton for Rock and losing for the match. The John Cena empty arena promo lost 382,000 viewers. C.M. Punk & Sheamus vs. Chris Jericho & Daniel Bryan gained 205,000 viewers to a 3.25, weak for that point in the show. Rock’s Paul Revere promo plus Show vs. Miz lost 121,000 viewers, far less of a drop than usual in that time slot. Rock’s third promo about John Hancock plus Kane vs. R-Truth lost 187,000 viewers. The Rock/Cena confrontation gained 763,000 viewers to a 3.57 overrun, which is slightly above normal levels. Part of that is because Cena had done one long promo and Rock had done three medium length promos already on the show.

Kenta Kobashi got out of the hospital on 3/6, but has said nothing about a return date. The only thing he has said is that he’s not retiring. If that’s the case he’s going to have to change his mentality and accept his role as the modern Giant Baba, where he’s out there to do a few easy things and a mid-card attraction on the show, which isn’t going to be easy for a guy who had a 180 degree different mentality about pro wrestling his entire career.

Kia Stevens (Kharma) came out on 3/7 and admitted the story of her giving birth to a healthy baby boy on New Year’s Eve was a hoax. She said she actually miscarried but was so devastated, and still is, that she lied to friends and to everyone saying she gave birth and was afraid to tell the truth because her pregnancy was announced on live television. We had heard rumors of this of late, and that there was going to be a change in the WrestleMania women’s title match which had been earmarked as the returning Kharma vs. Phoenix at one point. As far as what WWE knew and when is unclear, but we’d been told about a change in the planned card and this match being scrapped about a week or so back, and a few days later the rumors of this surfaced. Stevens said that she was finally coming to grips with what happened and said she wants to start a foundation for women who have experienced what she did, noting it’s a bigger club than people think. She said she was going to organize several events to raise awareness.

Barrett had surgery due to the dislocated elbow that he suffered at the 2/20 Raw tapings and will be out closer to four months than the original diagnosis of six to eight weeks. He’s definitely out of WrestleMania.

The situation with Mark Henry and him getting the monster push, and then having it being taken away of late, also relates the injuries and perception. Henry has, for years, had an internal rep for being injury prone and the feeling that he’s not “tough,” in the sense of gutting it out. Of course, when it comes to both Mysterio and Henry, that may have played out in both guys continuing to work when injured and compounding those injuries because they didn’t take more time off. But that’s the reason they took away his monster push and are now using him just to put over the top babyfaces on television. Henry has been trying to break into acting. He’s talked about his days in wrestling being limited for a while. The story is that he realizes in acting he’s probably limited to playing bodyguard and bar bouncer roles, but he’s trying to get them.

The company in the annual 10-Q documents released Paul Levesque’s wrestling contract (not his executive contract, which is different). He originally signed a five-year deal on March 30, 2006 and the deal has been renewed since then, likely in March of last year, for a second five-year term, and now expires on March 30, 2016. Levesque works with a downside guarantee of $1 million per year, which he is paid $19,230.70 in 52 weekly installments. The one thing notable is that within WWE, the top guys have noted that the highest downside anyone gets is $1 million, and since HHH would likely be paid at least equal to everyone as far as base pay, that’s probably the case. Now the key here is that he’s still getting $1 million per year downside even though he’s only doing a few matches per year, and will be getting that for more than four more years. The contract calls for payment “at the promoter’s sole discretion” for house shows, PPVs and merchandise. In most cases wrestlers beat their downsides due to that number, but there are no percentages mentioned in the contract. It also notes that wrestlers are not paid anything based on television revenue, Internet revenue, video on demand revenue, magazine revenue, or from any advertising revenue. Levesque’s contract also called for a maximum of 15 dates per month unless both the promoter and wrestler agree to terms of more dates than that in a given month. His contract calls for first class air transportation in North America and international business class transportation outside North America. The contract states that if a wrestler is injured, he must immediately tell both his opponent and the referee he is hurt, and that the match should be finished as quickly as possible to avoid aggravating any injury. The contract as noted calls for wrestlers having to have and provide their own health insurance coverage even though the promotion has a policy of paying all medical expenses for injuries that take place while performing (not training, although top stars who tear muscles training have been taken care of). They have to provide the company proof of having this insurance.


At one point in the last week the plan was to remove Kingston from the tag team with R-Truth and put Marella in, making it a full-fledged buddy comedy tag team. R-Truth & Marella were the team at the house shows on the road this weekend, but on Smackdown, they had R-Truth & Kingston winning a non-title match from Primo & Epico. This being a guess, the idea of R-Truth & Marella as a team predated the idea of the U.S. title going on Marella, so when that happened, they couldn’t put Marella for now in a team with R-Truth.

The name being talked about to work with Clay if or when they get the go-ahead to bring him back to TV is Miz.

Another note on WWE tryouts when they have them and Regal and Steve Lombardi are in charge. They ask everyone to write down the ten most embarrassing and humiliating things they can come up with that could possibly happen to them as pro wrestlers. Lombardi then tells them, the reason I’m doing this is because the odds are every one of the things you name will happen to you at one point or another if you make it to the main roster, so you need to decide whether this is what you want out of life.
At one point in the last week the plan was to remove Kingston from the tag team with R-Truth and put Marella in, making it a full-fledged buddy comedy tag team. R-Truth & Marella were the team at the house shows on the road this weekend, but on Smackdown, they had R-Truth & Kingston winning a non-title match from Primo & Epico. This being a guess, the idea of R-Truth & Marella as a team predated the idea of the U.S. title going on Marella, so when that happened, they couldn’t put Marella for now in a team with R-Truth.

Another note on WWE tryouts when they have them and Regal and Steve Lombardi are in charge. They ask everyone to write down the ten most embarrassing and humiliating things they can come up with that could possibly happen to them as pro wrestlers. Lombardi then tells them, the reason I’m doing this is because the odds are every one of the things you name will happen to you at one point or another if you make it to the main roster, so you need to decide whether this is what you want out of life.

While I'm happy for Santino, that sucks about Kofi almost being out of tag-team purgatory.

And LOL/SMH at that tryouts news.


NeoGAF's smiling token!
WrassleGAF has been in 15% more threads than usual since last month. The demand for WrassleGAF has never been higher!
Kofi won't escape it sadly, if Xavier woods gets called up you know he'll end up in a team with Kofi.

Kofi deserves more and it's a credit to him he stays relatively over


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Cena is so bland and the empty arena promo justt reinforces that.

"everything I will have done will be meaningless if don't win"

Jeez I really hope the rock wins.
muy beuno
I gotta wonder what Vince's reasoning is on how that wasn't Cena's fault.
Vince: "So who the fuck caused this drop in viewers for Cena?"
Employee: "Uhhh, Cena. He was literally the only person in that promo.... there wasn't even a crowd."
I really don't understand the mentality of the WWE going out of their way to say their number 1 star John Cena sucks, is corny, and lame. This is like last summer when they had people going on about how the WWE sucks. This is not good for business. People are going to hate him even more after he beats Rock too. Ratings are going to get bad after Mania.
Yeah looking at those ratings I think its time for the rock and cena to have a pre mania brawl.

Let rock rock bottom cena or Cena AA rock.... just something. then the GM can do the "no more fighting until mania or the match is off" thing.

But nah.. next week we get a rock concert / cena rap off and we will probably have a bunch more of grinning cena


Need the next great heel for SD or RAW (a non-coward heel)? He's right there.
Vince will turn him into a coward and ruin him as soon as he gets elevated to the big show.

Incidentally, is there a specific reason why everyone is expecting Ambrose to be brought up right after 'Mania?
I know this is historically what's happened but then again they could have elevated him six months ago when he was clearly ready and they had serious talent depth issues and didn't.

Kofi won't escape it sadly, if Xavier woods gets called up you know he'll end up in a team with Kofi.
Kofi deserves more and it's a credit to him he stays relatively over
It's his entrance theme that keeps him over. They'll eventually change it and he'll be future endeavored faster than you can say Shelton Benjamin.


NeoGAF's smiling token!
It's like he emptied 20 arenas all at once
I gotta wonder what Vince's reasoning is on how that wasn't Cena's fault.
Vince: "So who the fuck caused this drop in viewers for Cena?"
Employee: "Uhhh, Cena. He was literally the only person in that promo.... there wasn't even a crowd."
Speaking of Vince:
Cranky Vince ‏ @CrankyVince



hey! He went to that TNA taping and cut his honest heart felt shoot promo on camera.
I don't get the big deal with pasting the Observer on here, since all the other wrestling sites post the news within hours of it's release anyway.

I read the WWE tryout news on rajah before dream even posted it.


I don't get the big deal with pasting the Observer on here, since all the other wrestling sites post the news within hours of it's release anyway.

I read the WWE tryout news on rajah before dream even posted it.

All of those sites suck too! Dave works hard, don't rip him off, just pay for the sub to the site.
I wonder if Meltzer and Alvarez have a GAF account. Just think of a GAF version of the Observer.

"NeoGAF member dream posted the Observer in the WrassleGAF thread but has now gained backstage heat from a couple members on the forum. There is talk of dream jobbing to Drew McIntyre Heavy for a solid month as punishment for this terrible crime."


I wonder if Meltzer and Alvarez have a GAF account. Just think of a GAF version of the Observer.

"NeoGAF member dream posted the Observer in the WrassleGAF thread but has now gained backstage heat from a couple members on the forum. There is talk of dream jobbing to Drew McIntyre Heavy for a solid month as punishment for this terrible crime."

I think Heavy was one of those guys maybe?
Vince will turn him into a coward and ruin him as soon as he gets elevated to the big show.

Incidentally, is there a specific reason why everyone is expecting Ambrose to be brought up right after 'Mania?
I know this is historically what's happened but then again they could have elevated him six months ago when he was clearly ready and they had serious talent depth issues and didn't.

It's his entrance theme that keeps him over. They'll eventually change it and he'll be future endeavored faster than you can say Shelton Benjamin.

People are expecting Ambrosee after Mania because that's exactly when new talent always debuts and he and Cesaro are the only ones who are ready. And their depth issues are worse now than they were 6 months ago due to injuries.

As to the bolded, everyone was saying the exact same thing about R "What's up" Truth, but unless Kofi can get a re-design or a really hot feud then I would agree with you.


I think Heavy was one of those guys maybe?
I doubt it.
Heavy didn't strike me as someone who hated the on-screen product enough to be covering it for a living.

As to the bolded, everyone was saying the exact same thing about R "What's up" Truth, but unless Kofi can get a re-design or a really hot feud then I would agree with you.
I wasn't one of those people. Killings has always had buckets of charisma and superlative skills on the mic to dig him out of whatever holes Creative buries him in.
Kofi does not have these things. The only thing Kofi has is that his in-ring style pretty much makes him a defacto face for life. And, in this environment, that means he gets stale.
I'm sure they work hard, but news is news. It's coming out either way. I wouldn't post the opinion columns, but other than that it's going to come out sooner than later.
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