I'm the only one here who paid money to put D'lo Brown's theme on their iPod. Pretenders.
I'm the only one here who paid money to put D'lo Brown's theme on their iPod. Pretenders.
OK, I'm out.Hogan gets Funky in a sex tape.
I'm the only one here who paid money to put D'lo Brown's theme on their iPod. Pretenders.
Please. I had WWE The Music Volume 4 and The Anthology on CD. Remember those? They are shiny silver discs that contain files.
I'm the only one here who paid money to put D'lo Brown's theme on their iPod. Pretenders.
Please. I had WWE The Music Volume 4 and The Anthology on CD. Remember those? They are shiny silver discs that contain files.
I own both This Fire Burns and Cult of Personality.
I have both You Look Good To Me and X-Factor's Uncle Kracker theme and have used them as personalised ringtones for previous partners!
I cry and touch myself to Tell Me A Lie every night.
I have this..which happens to have the greatest intro song of all time.
Yeah, but that Drowning Pool Triple H theme.....bleh.
Drowning Pool's theme for HHH was wank, but Our Lady Peace's Whatever for ***** ****** was genuinely awesome.
I have this..which happens to have the greatest intro song of all time.
Imagine seeing Our Lady Peace live now and hearing that song.
I have a Right to Censor theme rape alarm.
You're thinking of Forceable Entry. Volume 5 had Motorhead's theme.
Drowning Pool's theme for HHH was wank, but Our Lady Peace's Whatever for ***** ****** was genuinely awesome. I was a big fan of the Lita, Matt Hardy and Kane tracks too.
In fact Kane's Slow Chemical theme is fucking awesome.
Imagine Vince McMahon coming out to this, I need it to happen now i've thought of it.
Youtube Comment said:all these rappers liked the attitude era, cuz wwf was like it came from da streets.
I have the official Tazz heart monitor.
I composed Goldberg's theme onto a Nokia 3210 for my Music homework in year 10 and got an A.
I sing Shawn Michael's theme when I take showers.I composed Goldberg's theme onto a Nokia 3210 for my Music homework in year 10 and got an A.
I concede.
I sing Shawn Michael's theme when I take showers.
I have this..which happens to have the greatest intro song of all time.
Holy crap, someone else knows about this? lol Yeah, it's awesome. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j5DrWboRsUwThe best Kane theme was the remix of Type O Negative's Out of Fire from Vol 5.
Holy crap, someone else knows about this? lol Yeah, it's awesome. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j5DrWboRsUw
Kane has actually been pretty lucky in having only great themes.
Here's Method Man's Kane song that was kept off Aggression. It's not that great, lol. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WZIgnPJF2Ho
Most underrated theme in WWE history. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=URGhV9XiivY
Most underrated theme in WWE history. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=URGhV9XiivY
I remember one night on Smackdown, The Rock used the Method Man song from that Aggression album and the crowd was really confused.
Most underrated theme in WWE history. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=URGhV9XiivY
Since you stole my answer i'll just have to use Umaga's theme
I do the Christian hoodie peek and chest slap any time I enter a room.
I do the HHH spit when I'm in the shower.
Do you do the Terminator pose after you get out of the shower?
No. I leap out of the shower like Sin Cara leaps into the ring.
No. I leap out of the shower like Sin Cara leaps into the ring.
You too?Do you have mood lighting in your house? I carry some red lightbulbs around for that authentic Kane lighting experience myself
I do the HHH spit when I'm in the shower.