When were those pictures taken?
Yahoo pays Dave to do that.
On some random trip Kane took to India in 2009. He was on a bunch of media, met a few Bollywood stars, and apparently had 5,000 people show up to his autograph signing, lol. http://www.wwe.com/inside/overtheropes/news/articlephotos/kanevisitsindiagalleryWhen were those pictures taken?
lol that's gonna be a struggle unless fellow wrestlers chime in, and even then...Nigel McGuiness started a kickstarter to get a documentary documenting his final days as a wrestler funded http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/...-of-mcguinness
Looks like it could be good, but somehow I doubt he is going to get $32,000.
Boo! My internet's being dumb. But my wireless is working. WtfFuuuuuuu
I broke the synchtube?!
This was rad, thanks yo
AJ hasn't aged a day
This was rad, thanks yo
NoRéN;35837893 said:Yeah, good stuff.
so, is there any chance the womens division becomes relevant again? A shame WWE gets lot of things right but seem to fuck up on badly on others.
They really are pulling out all of the stops to get us to like Cena: http://vids.wwe.com/16545/wwecom-exclusive-john-cena-share
I mean, massive respect for Cena's brother, wouldn't wish it to anyone and glad to hear the dude's fine. But must WWE exploit this? Really?
So I guess rock is a ROH/kevin steen fan?
That's kind of cool that he even has a clue what's happening in the indies
Call me a cynic, but it seems kind of disingenuous. I've never seen him tweet an indie wrestler before he came back...
You know what's surprisingly hard to find pictures of? Bully Ray's calves.
Impressive, Nigel McGuiness's documentary already got over 10% of the needed funding. I hope he gets it as it is something I would definitely like to see.
I still don't understand why he needs $32,000 though. Couldn't something like this be made for under $5,000? That includes pressing dvds, editing video, and licensing the footage.
AJ hasn't aged a day
Is he in the best shape of his life currently? I think so.
What I don't like about the whole thing is this bolded line right here:
6. supporting myself while I do it.
So basically x amount of money for the film and the rest as a wage for him.
Yeah, fuck that.
I didn't read the Impact spoilers....is TNA worth watching tonight? If not, will Winter be on?
Not knowing is half the fun.
I wish I had Dave's job.
I think I'll start a dirt sheet for the vidya game industry.
On working with his son on TV: “It’s a challenge and I have mixed emotions about it. At the end of the day, he’s doing what he wanted to do…I have a certain point of view about the wrestling business and the current state of it, and the opportunities that exist in the business today versus what has existed in the past. I tried to dissuade him from getting involved, but he’s doing what he wanted to do. Regardless of how I feel about it, he’s sticking to his dream and that’s an admirable quality.”
On working in the business now versus in WCW: “I live for the day today and I don’t spend a lot of time dwelling in the past. There is a big difference between what I do today for TNA versus what I did for Turner Broadcasting. I don’t have to deal with talent issues. That is a stressful job, even when talent is on their best behavior. It’s stressful having the futures and the welfare of that many people in your hands. Wrestling is a tough business to break into, and knowing that you’re in control of them being able to feed their families…I don’t like that.”
On The Ultimate Warrior’s run in WCW: “There was a certain level of expectation and it fell flat. We thought we had a decent way to use him…I’ll never forget this, it’s like scar tissue, it never goes away. On his first Nitro, he was supposed to cut a 5 or 6 minute promo, and when he got near the TWENTY-FIVE minute mark, I wanted to dig out my eyes. It was the most painful, excruciating, non-seneschal, disconnected interview I’ve ever heard in my life…it was horrifying, and went downhill from there.”
On his role with TNA Booking: “Bruce Pritchard is head of creative, and I oversee things and make sure that the Network gets what is asked for. I wanted to develop a long term plan for booking, and Vince Russo liked running things on a short term planning basis. Right now, we are very much on track with the creative direction that we laid out in October. I work very closely with the team and Dixie on the day of TV, but I’m not involved in management on a day to day basis.”
On Vince Russo’s Departure: “I don’t know why Vince and TNA parted ways, and I wasn’t involved in it. I haven’t spoken to him since, aside from an email wishing him success in the future. I haven’t talked to anyone in TNA about it either. He and I had philosophical differences on how to create primetime television, but I don’t think it’s unfair or unprofessional to acknowledge that. I enjoyed the challenge of working with him.”
On whether or not Ric Flair should appear at the WWE Hall of Fame Ceremony this year: “I’m not a decision maker, and whatever they decide, I’m going to support. But in my personal opinion, I think they should allow Ric to go to the Hall of Fame. Ric Flair is a very special individual…he is 63 years old...he’s not perfect, but there is not anyone in this business that deserves the respect and honor of taking center stage in the biggest event in our universe more than he does.”
Interesting interview with Eric Bischoff:
Sounds to me like he knows his son blows and doesn't want him on TV.
WTF? After that 5 star promo from Kurt Angle talking about cue cards, action figures, Jeff Hardy merch, and socks on fricken' arms, he isn't even on tonight's show?Tonight is the "Who are we supposed to blame this on if Russo is gone?" edition of Impact. Here is the official preview:
"- After what he did to "Cowboy" James Storm this past week, Bully Ray is claiming to be the new #1 Contender to the World Title! The question is, will Sting agree?
- What's next in the war between Sting and World Heavyweight Champion Bobby Roode? With their battle at Victory Road drawing closer, will the mind games continue Thursday on IMPACT?
- Will Garett Bischoff show up on Thursday night? His father Eric Bischoff and Gunner warned Garett not to appear unless he has backup! Will Bischoff and Gunner make good on their threats? Or, will the young superstar come prepared?
- In X Division action, it will be X Champion Austin Aries defending the title against Zema Ion
- In tag team action, TV Champion Robbie E and Robbie T will battle Matt Morgan and Crimson, with the winners getting a shot at the Tag Team Championship at Victory Road
- Plus, "The Phenomenal" AJ Styles has promised a surprise for Christopher Daniels and Kazarian! What does AJ have planned? Tune in and find out! "
Has anyone watched this?
WTF? After that 5 star promo from Kurt Angle talking about cue cards, action figures, Jeff Hardy merch, and socks on fricken' arms, he isn't even on tonight's show?