For some reason, this popped into my mind all of a sudden:

For some reason, this popped into my mind all of a sudden:
Yeah that one probably.
He asked if he could use it, I okay-ed it.So there's someone with Plywood's old Danny avatar and it's confusing the crap out of me.
So there's someone with Plywood's old Danny avatar and it's confusing the crap out of me.
Should I double the confusion and wear it again?
You know what I just noticed from watching the nostalgia stream?
The crowd back in 1999 was virtually a sea of signs. So many more than you see at Raw/SD now.
A lot of the mid card guys back then got bigger pops than most of the main eventers today.Man, the crowd popped SO HARD for Val Venis. I'd forgotten he was so over back in 99.
It is known.Yes.
It is known.
You know what I just noticed from watching the nostalgia stream?
The crowd back in 1999 was virtually a sea of signs. So many more than you see at Raw/SD now.
YOU Know what WE NEED? More Benoit signs!!!!1!Cena killed their spirit.
Y'all need to stop playin' and watch some 2012 Raw. There's a reason Dub-See-Dub is dead, nah'mean? None of the nostalgic stuff can stack up.
WWE 2012, The New, New Generation. Where the big boys play.
I hope Kenny Omega never makes it to WWE. He will never hear the end of this.
or this....
Fuck DUB-SEE-DUB, it's all about TEENAY now. None of that Hollywood Hogan and Kung-Fu Bischoff stuff, now we got Hulk "Electronically Stimulate my Penis" Hogan and Eric "My Son Can't Wrestle Worth a Shit" Bischoff.
Don't you turn your back on the Wolfpacfuck nitro
show thunder
Don't worry, he won't. He had a WWE development deal a few years ago and hated it, so he left. Now he is doing very well in Japan.
Jeff Albertson said:Been tempted to go and see my local indie fed in England (Preston City Wreslting), they just announced that John Morrison is coming, big news for them
And it's baffling to me too because Sheamus (the person, not the character) seems like a really good guy who loves the business. His face character is just bland and a walking stereotype who cracks jokes about the "old country". You just know he'd be more enjoyable writing his own material but he holds back because he's just grateful to get a main event push and doesn't want to end up in anyone's doghouse (i.e. Kevin Dunn) again.Really would like to see Bryan retain. Face Sheamus is bleh.
Barring some kind of tag title match featuring Kofi, you know it's going to be curtain jerking. The only options they have are Bryan/Sheamus or Rhodes/Big Show - and starting off a PPV with Paul Wight lumbering around to get people excited isn't going to fly.Sheamus isn't that bad, imo, it's just his character is...nothing. Oh wait, he's Irish! And very pale! Wow, what development.
I'm pretty sure that, unless Mr. H's & Da Undahtaker steal the show, Bryan/Sheamus will be 2nd best match of the night (behind Punk/Jericho) as long as it's given enough time and isn't curtain jerking the show.