Raw 2
Smackdown 2
Superstars 1
Ra Ka King 3
tna 2
well 13 hrs.
Hmmm, if I was ranking these shows it'd look like
1. Raw: Even though it sucks, it's live.
2. Smackdown: No John Cena, but it's not live so I usually just read the spoilers and don't watch.
3. NXT: I watch it every now and then. Johnny Curtis is funny, but everything else including Regal's stuttering, nonsensical, stream of consciousness commentary are awful.
4. Impact: Will tune in every now and then for skits and promos.
5. Superstars: It's just wrestling without entertaining, funny, skits and promos to break up the monotony and provide context. Plus it's not canon so nothing important will ever happen.
6. Ring Ka King: Watched a bunch of episodes and wasn't really impressed. "Yeah baby! I don't like it!"
7. ROH: Never seen it. Don't even know how to see it should, for some bizarre reason, the mood ever strike.