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March Wrasslin |OT| Road To WrassleMania

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No One Remembers
Id'............................................. not fuck richard dawkins........................ would fuck the harry potter chick
Id'............................................. not fuck richard dawkins........................ would fuck the harry potter chick


Hmmm, if I was ranking these shows it'd look like

1. Raw: Even though it sucks, it's live.

2. Smackdown: No John Cena, but it's not live so I usually just read the spoilers and don't watch.

3. NXT: I watch it every now and then. Johnny Curtis is funny, but everything else including Regal's stuttering, nonsensical, stream of consciousness commentary are awful.

4. Impact: Will tune in every now and then for skits and promos.

5. Superstars: It's just wrestling without entertaining, funny, skits and promos to break up the monotony and provide context. Plus it's not canon so nothing important will ever happen.

6. Ring Ka King: Watched a bunch of episodes and wasn't really impressed. "Yeah baby! I don't like it!"

7. ROH: Never seen it. Don't even know how to see it should, for some bizarre reason, the mood ever strike.

I really do not understand pro-wrestling fans like this. You seemingly watch for nothing but promos. Pro wrestling is generally poorly written and acted, so what draws you to it if not for the actual wrestling? If you are looking for skits and storylines, wouldn't your time be better spent on something like SNL and Breaking Bad? One in a thousand angles are any good, and that is usually just a direct result of a once-in-a-lifetime promo like Austin 3:16 or Cane Dewey.

Getting through a recorded WWE show takes me about 10 minutes. I skip over any promos, "skits", video packages and vignettes. I skip over any match that includes a diva, a wrestler over 300ish pounds, a wrestler with a retarded gimmick or a match that involves a wrestler using a retarded finish like the Cobra/Peoples Elbow/etc. If you cut out Punk, Brian and Cody Rhodes, I probably wouldn't even bother any more.

I was hoping that Ring of Honor would be my salvation from shitty wrestling, the same way ECW did back in the 90s. It showed some promise from the start but I can only watch so many Davey Richards/Eddie Edwards matches. They need to shake that roster up quite a bit, and knock it off with all the damn recaps. Everybody that has been following your TV show knows why Wrestler A and Wrestler B are pissed off at each other. You don't need to spend 10 minutes every week doing recaps. I don't care how good a guy is, 30 minutes of every 60 minute show does not need to be dedicated to him.

On the 27th of June on Uncyclopedia, we presented a special tribute article, recognizing the career of Chris Benoit. However, now some days later, the facts of this horrific tragedy are now apparent. Therefore, other than these comments, there will be no mention of Mr. Benoit in this article. On the contrary, this article will be dedicated to everyone who has been affected by this terrible incident. This marks the first step of the healing process. Today, the Uncyclopedia writers will do what they do better than anyone else in the world — entertain you

i dont know why but that made laugh


GAF, I haven't posted in here for a while, but I have a question.

Orton. Kane. Why is this happening?

Because Orton's too important to be in the Ace/Long Tag Team match but the WHC title is tied up with Bryan/Sheamus. So he gets a throwaway feud to pass the time until after WM.


GAF, I haven't posted in here for a while, but I have a question.

Orton. Kane. Why is this happening?
The Cena effect.

Wade Barret challenged Cena, got squashed, stopped and picked on Orton.

Kane challenged Cena, got squashed, stopped and picked on Orton.
New NOAH show, featuring tag partners Ricky Marvin & Super Crazy taking on GHC Jr. Heavyweight Tag Team Champions Atsushi Aoki & Kotaro Suzuki in a pair of singles matches, Jun Akiyama & Go Shiozaki continuing their feud in a 6-man tag match, Diamond Ring's Katsuhiko Nakajima defending the GHC Jr. Heavyweight Title against Genba Hirayanagi of NO MERCY, and in the main event GHC Heavyweight Champion Takeshi Morishima and Diamond Ring's Kensuke Sasaki take on no. 1 contender Takashi Sugiura, teaming with Naomichi Marufuji;

Pro-Wrestling NOAH, 07.03.2012
Tokyo Korakuen Hall
1,400 Fans


01. Ricky Marvin vs Atsushi Aoki

02. Kotaro Suzuki vs Super Crazy

03. Mohammed Yone & Taiji Ishimori vs NO MERCY (Maybach Taniguchi & Yoshinobu Kanemaru)

04. Jun Akiyama, Akitoshi Saito & Takuma Sano vs Go Shiozaki, Tamon Honda & Masao Inoue


05. Katsuhiko Nakajima (c) vs Genba Hirayanagi

06. Takeshi Morishima & Kensuke Sasaki vs Takashi Sugiura & Naomichi Marufuji


Just watched the debut show from new Ohio-based indy 'MidWest Wrestling';


Not a bad show overall, but nothing that's going to make people come rushing to check them out. The opening match between Arik Cannon & Ricky Shane Page was pretty good with a nice finishing stretch, but never really got going and probably should have been higher up the card. Jason Gory vs Aiden Vale was OK, I'm only slightly familiar with Gory and never heard of Vale, but they put on a nice, short match, although Gory's finishing stretch was super indy-riffic, with a Code Red, followed by a double-stomp off the top rope, followed by his Pestilence choke submission, followed by his split-leg Tombstone finisher. Next was an entirely forgettable tag match between two teams I can't even remember. I think one of the teams were meant to be pirates? Lol. That was followed by a pretty badly constructed 3-way match, between Facade, Shane Hollister & Bobby Beverly, who of the three looked pretty good, despite being the greenest guy in the match.

Gregory Iron vs Matt Justice was a lot of fun, with Justice playing into the big bully role well, while Iron, disability or no, plays the underdog with ease. Ryan Burke vs Justin Mane was good too, Mane seems like he has the making of a great heel with the way he worked the crowd on the mic pre-match and his antics during the bout. I really liked his GTS-style Ace Crusher, and the finish was pretty good, with Mane getting the low blow behind the ref's back, before hitting 'Starstruck', his pele kick finisher. The main event was the real attraction of this show for me, though, as it saw BJ Whitmer taking on Aaron Epic. This is my first time seeing Epic, but he played the heel role well, looks solid in the ring and told a good story, working over Whitmer's neck for the majority. Whitmer is looking really good, he has not missed a beat and carried himself with the quiet confidence of a proper ring veteran in this match. Whitmer eventually picked up the win, much to the delight of the audience, with the Wrist Clutch Exploder, followed by his submission finisher, which looks like a reverse Gogoplata Hold.

Post-match, Epic continued to attack Whitmer and was joined by Arik Cannon, but his opponent from the opening match, Ricky Shane Page, made the save and set up BJ Whitmer & Ricky Shane Page vs Aaron Epic & Arik Cannon for the 2nd show. Overall, this was a fun event despite the fact that, outside of Whitmer/Epic, nothing really stood out. To their credit, the crowd were into the show throughout, and there were a lot of kids and vocal parents in the crowd, which gave the event a lively atmosphere despite the small audience. The roster of MWW seems a bit on the thin side though, I think they're going to need to bring in more guys like Whitmer & Cannon on a regular basis to help the younger guys through their matches (speaking of which, Drake Younger, Sugar Dunkerton, Darin Corbin & Uhaa Nation are booked for their next show). Still, this was a good debut and MWW shows some promise. I'll definitely be checking out their next event.

You can buy the MWW debut show and tickets to the next show on April 22nd over at their store; http://www.midwest-wrestling.com
Oh you!

on the other hand this



Oh boy, where to begin?

- Drew makes the list by beating a midget in his first victory in months, yeah that's some top 25 material!
- Teddy Long and Johnny Ace are actually listed, they aren't even wrestlers!
- Swagger drops a mere one rank for losing his title and rematch, just shows how little that title is worth
- Undertaker absent again? still top 15 material, those below him must really suck if he can still outrank them by not turning up.
- Big Show at number 3, he's just that good apparently, strange as all I remember is "WOOOOO" but there he is outranking both WWE and World champions

Just going through that made my head hurt.
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