For real though, this is some of the best restoration/digitizing I've ever seen. A+++ work from the WWE crew.
it is. I'm so happy to see high def WCW stuff.
I need to watch fall brawl tomorrow
For real though, this is some of the best restoration/digitizing I've ever seen. A+++ work from the WWE crew.
Wowzas. Someone mentioned milking goats?hey gfex
Well, looks like CM Punk didn't show up so they've lost Zychi as a customer.
Zycchi, I can sense you in this thread, I know your hanging on my every word, WATCH IMPACT.
Impact: It's Only 2 Hours.
Mr. Nobody said:no punk so Raw was great
I thought TNA has that 365 thing where the Impact never ends?
Impact: It never ends.
Well, this will be useful.
So weird how they just completely refuse to take the division seriously, yet somehow still need to have it around.
Why have the boys have to go out and troll for rats when you can just employ them?
This again.
Meltzer said the person who told him Punk would be there called him immediately after the show and said he was lied to (the informant, not Meltzer)
Lol. Of course. Anytime he gets something wrong, he says he was lied to or plans changed. This time, it's his source was lied to.
holy shit i'm dying, how is this the first time im seeing this
he needs retributionApparently Drake Younger has signed with WWE!
Great news, the dude's one of the most enthusiastic, likeable characters in wrestling and deserves a shot at the big time after all the deathmatch shit he put himself through.
How was RAW? I turned it off after Wyatts/Shield. I think I'm going to stick to PPVs and NXT for the foreseeable future, I just can't stand 3 hours of this shit every week. Especially not live.
Man that promo at the start of RAW could have been great, but sadly it just turned into advertisement for the Taker match. They should have said how Punk doesn't appreciate the fans and rather walks out because of his ego. Shut these idiot fans up.
Before someone asks, yes I couldn't resist and fast forwarded through the show.
Man that promo at the start of RAW could have been great, but sadly it just turned into advertisement for the Taker match. They should have said how Punk doesn't appreciate the fans and rather walks out because of his ego. Shut these idiot fans up.
Before someone asks, yes I couldn't resist and fast forwarded through the show.
You are the biggest Meltzer apologist on here, sometimes I wonder if you are employed by the dirtsheets.To be fair, Meltzer never said Punk would be there, he was very clear in his wording that he was told by someone high up, Punk was 100% going to be there. But he was very careful to never say he was 100% and always mentioned he only had the one source, but that it was a legit source.
Thing with Meltzer is, he reports rumors and on his sources, which then gets transcribed by the copy/paste dirtsheets and turns into "DAVE MELTZER SAYS PUNK WILL DEFINITELY BE AT RAW" and he gets shit about it.
Obviously he was worked, his source no doubt told him he was lied to, but as I said in the beginning, it's more likely they worked him.
What if Aiiiii is actually Dave Meltzer and Dave Meltzer was his alt?
You are the biggest Meltzer apologist on here, sometimes I wonder if you are employed by the dirtsheets.
nah cause Dave Meltzer was pretty passionate over gaming side disputes. Aiii isn't too much I don't think
I just discovered something amazing. So, there's this Dutch Craigslist-like site where you can sell your shit. And I put my old iPhone on it this morning. Now this website has a function where you can see exactly what's for sale around you, and I clicked on my apartment building to see what my neighbors were selling.
And, while I'm not 100% sure, I have to check the nameplate tonight, I think my noisy upstairs neighbor is selling his floor, available at the end of the month it says. Now, this guy moved in in december 2012 and has been nothing but annoying me ever since. He stomps on the floor, yells through his house all day, plays his TV and shit loudly, has no problem slamming doors, even at 6 AM when he leaves for work, etc. In short, he's not so loud that I can call the cops on him or really have much of a valid complaint, but he's loud enough as to where I've spend the last year getting more and more annoyed every day. He's divorced clearly, and his kid stays with him from wednesday through sunday every two weeks. And goddamn, this kid is the whiniest kid ever, constantly cries, complains and yells. Spends the entire day rolling shit on the floor, throwing shit on the floor, stomping on the floor. A fucking nightmare.
But now it seems, he's either leaving or, worst-case scenario, replacing his floor with something that actually isolates his sound. But I'm gonna assume the fucker is moving out at the end of the month.
Aiii is Dutch? The fuck?
You can sell your apartment floor in Dutchlandia? And selling your floor is something you do before moving out? What an odd place you live in, Aiii.
This can't be news to you.
Is that something you usually buy yourself when moving into an apartment? Fake wooden floors that you then sell when you're done? The concept sounds bizarre unless there is some kind of misunderstanding here.
it is :O
I thought you were a real american. We the people!