That's weird. Certainly never anything I've heard of in the US. When you say bare, do you mean the apartments come with concrete floors? This concept is so weird to me. I can't wrap my head around the idea of having to put in your own floor wherever you move. You're baking my noodle, Dave.
Yep, in some cases you even have to remove the wallpaper if you put it up. You have to make sure all holes you made in the walls are closed up.
Basically, it looks like this when you get the key:
No no, that's where someone had a hole drilled in the wall and closed it!
See, it all makes sense!
We'll see how much sense it makes once we get it into nightvision mode with a audio recorder and start listening for noises and ask questions.
I have no idea what they hope to accomplish with this WM title match. They've given up on the idea of Batista being like the Rock, and just turned him heel, but haven't changed anything otherwise.
It's now just heel vs heel.
It's even worse, it's a heel nobody wants vs a heel nobody cares about. To top it all off, the heel nobody wants cant go two minutes without gassing
That's another problem, the match is going to be absolute ass. Even Daniel Bryan couldn't get a good match out of Batista tonight, and while Orton is a good wrestler he can't carry lesser workers. Your only chance is a Triple Threat of some kind, with Batista being down for 90% of the match and Orton and the other guy having a proper match.
I bet Meltzer's source was Paul Heyman.
Nah, Paul Heyman wouldn't say "he was lied to"
The guy is probably one of the few people in the company that's still in contact with Punk directly.
I'm basing that bet on the idea that Meltzer realised he was lied to and made up something about his source being lied to to not expose that it was Paul Heyman.
Apparently Earl Hebner has refereed over 100,000 matches in his career.
Are they counting Brian's matches back when they were the same person?
All I was saying is Meltzer NEVER EVER says anything with certainty. So he never ever has to apologize for being wrong.
Wether you consider that is right or wrong is your decision.
Having just listened to what Meltzer actually said, this is true. It's part of his game. He works his audience as much as the workers.
Who needs CM Punk when we've got Daniel Bryan, Cesaro, Seth Rollins, Dean Ambrose, Bray Wyatt, Adrian Neville, Sami Zayn, Solomon Crowe, Paige and Roman Reigns....seriously, the next generation is here....we don't care if Punk takes his ball and goes home.
Who needs CM Punk when we've got Daniel Bryan, Cesaro, Seth Rollins, Dean Ambrose, Bray Wyatt, Adrian Neville, Sami Zayn, Solomon Crowe, Paige and Roman Reigns....seriously, the next generation is here....we don't care if Punk takes his ball and goes home.
That's because he was actually trained to be a journalist. He knows how to make money on reporting.
Who needs CM Punk when we've got Daniel Bryan, Cesaro, Seth Rollins, Dean Ambrose, Bray Wyatt, Adrian Neville, Sami Zayn, Solomon Crowe, Paige and Roman Reigns....seriously, the next generation is here....we don't care if Punk takes his ball and goes home.
Who needs CM Punk when we've got Daniel Bryan, Cesaro, Seth Rollins, Dean Ambrose, Bray Wyatt, Adrian Neville, Sami Zayn, Solomon Crowe, Paige and Roman Reigns....seriously, the next generation is here....we don't care if Punk takes his ball and goes home.
I'm not really watching them. I look at reviews and just find where the gifs are. But I will basically need to rewatch the 2000 shows since I really didn't have gifs for those.
Spoilers: Taker wins
Huge fan of Brocks but the streak must never be broken imo...
The streak should definitely be broken, just don't know who should do it.
I'm pretty sure they'll go with a triple threat. Hense Bryan getting beaten up by Orton yesterday
The streak should definitely be broken, just don't know who should do it.
You forgot Luke Harper in your list there
Punk definitely should have put someone over before leaving - with three PPVs after Mania but before his contract finished, there was plenty of opportunity.
Problem is - who? He already beat the Shield single-handedly, the Wyatts are too busy whuppin' Cena... I can't think of another young(ish) heel who could get a legit rub from Punk.
I disagree. If Punk is gone for WM, no way in hell he should come back to put any one over.