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March Wrasslin' |OT| The NXT Era Has ArRIVED

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I find it amazing that they turned him Heel but he still has to wrestle as a face because he's too gassed to get any sustained offence going. I mean he tried to do a mock YES chant last night but he was so tired his arms just collapsed to his sides after like 2 points.

LOL I noticed that one too. He was begging for the Orton finish to come so he can go take an 8 hour nap in the back.


I like that Epico and Primo are still listed on WWE's roster page.
Ditto for Hunico. Granted, he should still be listed as such on the NXT Superstars roster.

Lol @ Alicia Fox and Nikki Bella trending.
I can't possibly fathom what the WWE gains by paying for things to trend on Twitter when the mere fact of them saying shit is "trending" on a program like NXT Arrival or WWE Main Event that's exclusive to their network and barely has any viewers clearly devalues any impact it could have.

Not to disparage Arrival or anything but there's no way anything would "trend" by being exposed to such a small audience.

For all intents and purposes all the WWE is doing is paying money to Twitter... in order to advertise Twitter. In what world does this make sense?


Christian carries around that mini-spotlight that he beat Sheamus up with on RAW, he always sets it up to point at himself when he enters the ring to cut a promo, and he thinks Sheamus is trying to steal it from him.

This will explain Christian's EXTREMELY TAN SKIN and will also give them an opportunity to bring this back: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xV3AqncOJFM

Just slap a blue dot over Randy's face and say it's Christian.


This amused me way more than it should have...




WCW Superbrawl 2000 2/20/00

TO THE MEAN GENE. Gene updates us on Commissioner Nash's leg injury, plus the injury caused by Jeff hitting him with a guitar on Thunder. The remaining nWo (Jeff and the Harris Brothers) walk out of Nash's office. Jeff claims he laid Nash out again and is now acting commissioner. He immediately lifts the ban on the Harris Brothers.

TAFKAPI vs Lash LeRoux WCW Cruiserweight Championship

Lash gave Paisley a slap on the ass to start the match. Short and boring. Paisley was on the apron the whole match and the ref didn't give a fuck. Prince won with the diving DDT. Title retained.


TO THE BACK. Norman gets his ribs taped up. Elsewhere, Gene talks with Nasty Knobs. That fat fuck.

Bam Bam Big Yellow vs Brian Knobs WCW Hardcore Championship

Terrible match. Knobs wins. New champion.

TO THE BACK. Ric Flair hits on both Lex and Liz. Elsewhere, security guard the locker rooms of Sid and Scott Hall.

3 Count vs Norman Smiley

3 Count is here to kick some ass tonight. "Their fan club meets in a phone both" made Tony pop huge. Shanon went flying on a super back drop that sent him past the floor mats and nearly over his partners. Shane almost kills himself doing a whisper in the wind kind of move. Giant Swing! 3 Count won after hitting all of their moves.



TO THE BACK. A door is shown with a large KEEP OUT sign. It's private, god damn it.

The Wall vs The Demon

Wall played some mind games to start the match by not coming out for his entrance and sneaking from behind when Demon went to look for him. This was billed as a special main event because of the deal that KISS made with WCW that all Demon matches would be main events. They got around it by announcing Demon matches as special main events and I'm sure Gene was too busy counting his money to give a fuck. The ring is so god damn loud. Like an ECW ring. Less creaky, but more wooden. Ugly and uninteresting match. Boring chants. All that shit. Wall gets spiked on his head taking a slam from the top. He recovers and hits a chokeslam for the win moments later.


TO THE MEAN GENE. Gene talks to Cat and says he hasn't found James Brown. Cat insists James Brown is in the building. Elsewhere, the Harris Brothers try to open the PRIVATE door to no avail. Elsewhere, Tank and Big Al get psyched up for their match.

Tank Abbot vs Big Al Skins Match

Skins match is a leather jacket on a pole match. Specifically, Tank's UFC jacket. Mark Madden breaks down why this match is so stupid: The angle is that Big Al thinks Tank is a sell out for joining pro wrestling. And to prove his point, Al also joins pro wrestling. They hold hands and tie them with a belt. Tank says "fuck" very audibly over and over. Al hits a cheap shot forearm to the face that appears to knock Tank out. Not only is the picture much better on the Network, but so is the audio, because I can hear everything. Al stands on Tank's face, which just pisses him off. Judo throw! I like that Tank says BAM when he throws punches. Tank throws Al over his shoulders and tries to climb the ropes only to drop Al to the floor. Tank gets the jacket and wins. He then pulls a knife, holds it to Al's throat, and says "I can fucking kill you".



Gene talks with Harlem Heat. Big T has been watching Stevie's back from day one. Sure.

Booker vs Big T

Short and terrible. Another giant black guy debuted. Ahmed won with the Pearl River Plunge.

TO THE BACK. Gene talks with Maestro (OOH LA LA) and Ryan Shamrock. If James Brown actually shows up, Stro says he will listen to any music Cat chooses. But if James Brown doesn't show, Cat becomes his slave. Elsewhere, the Harris Brothers have a dude to open the private door. They beat him up.

Kidman vs Vampiro

They have an even opening exchange, ending with a tiltawhirl back breaker from Vamp. Head scissors takes Vamp to the floor. Gut wrench superplex from Vamp. Brainbuster. First powerbomb counter of the night. Some miscommunication ends with a dropkick to the knee of Kidman. Torrie gets bumped off the apron. Vamp threatened to hit her with a chair. Kidman dropkicked it into him. This is really sloppy. Fameasser. Almost a Pyscho Crusher from Vamp. DOUBLE powerbomb to Kidman. That's two powerbombs in a row. To Kidman. What the fuck. Kidman wins with a tornado reverse DDT from the top rope.


TO THE MEAN GENE. Terry Funk and Dustin Rhodes are with Mean Gene. Funk promises to kick Flair’s ass. Dustin always looks like he’s on the verge of tears. Sid busts out of his room and security tries to stop him, but he puts them in their place. David/Daffney/Crowbar are wheeling around on a stretcher in the back. The Mamalukes (PAISANS!) are going to fuck those nutty fucks up. JTB is going to break thumbs because they wouldn’t let him eat his cheese sandwich. What? Vito uses Sicilian and Italian interchangeably, which proves to me he isn’t Sicilian.

David Flair/Crowbar vs The Mamalukes WCW Tag Team Championships Sicilian Stretcher Match

"The Mamalukes think this it's a shoot, don't they?" Yep. Another sloppy, shitty brawl. The Mamalukes won and retained their titles. After the match, they put Daffney in a wheel chair and taped her tits while she screamed. It was really uncomfortable and I'm not going to gif it. They also shoved a sock in her mouth. Tony claims she enjoys it. Mark actually brought up that it looked like they taped her breasts down.


TO THE BACK. The Harris Bros and JJ have a plan. Elsewhere, Gene gets a few words with Sid, who is wearing a small hat.

The Cat brings out James Brown and they dance.


TO THE MEAN GENE. Mean Gene asks Scott Hall about his match tonight. Scott Hall looks pissed and mentions being in time out because he can’t play well with others or get along with the bookers. This was his last night in WCW. Recap of the Flair/Funk feud. Ric Flair talks about how he doesn’t like the hardcore stuff *Cut to Flair rolling on thumbtacks and bleeding every night on tour in his 60s* The rules are there will be a 10 count after any pin or submission. It could be 1 or 101 falls.

Ric Flair vs Terry Funk Texas Death Match

This angle was based on Mick Foley's book, where he said that Terry Funk was a better wrestler than Ric Flair. Flair thought that was bullshit because he didn't have to rely on hardcore garbage, which is hilarious considering how often Flair relied on bleeding and all the hardcore stuff he would go on to do in the 2000s. Lots of punches from Funk and chops from Flair. I don't know how I never noticed how obvious Flair was at when he was telling people to come after him. He does the big NOOOOO on his knees and then nods his head yes and waves his hands. He's been doing it since the 80s and I didn't notice until about a month ago. Suplex on the floor. Another one. Two old saggy men suplexing each other on the floor. First fall goes to Funk. Flair gets a chair out and starts working over Funk's leg. He taps out to a figure four. Flair Flip all the way to the floor. Piledriver on the floor. Another one. A table is brought into the ring. Funk has a mic and is shit talking. His chest has been cut open from chops. Fucking dope piledriver through a table. Funk would miss a moonsault through a table and Flair made it up before him. Flair wins.


WHO IS BEHIND THE DOOR?! Mean Gene gets a word with Jimmy Hart and Hulk Hogan. Hogan’s mustache got so much better around 1999ish. How to you keep a mustache like that trimmed? Seems like a lot of work to keep a handle bar of that size so even and awesome. Michael Buffer is of course in to announce Hulk Hogan. This is now the co-featured main event. But The Demon vs The Wall was the Special Main Event. Buffer isn’t even doing ARE YOU READY or Let’s Get Ready to Rumble anymore. He’s only been around twice I think this year and the first time he said Are We (having fun yet?!) Ready and this time he said “Let’s bring em’ on.”

Hulk Hogan vs The Total Package

Shitty match. Hulk won via the leg drop and Sting made his return a month after he was advertised to return.

TO THE BACK. Scott Hall tells the security guards to try the mini bar before he, Sid, and Jarrett head to the arena. Oh no, the door is open. It wasn’t Sting, either.

Sid vs Scott Hall vs Jeff Jarrett WCW World Heavyweight Championship

Hall and Jeff start the match before Sid comes out. Buffer said Jeff was a 5 time world champion seconds after Tony said Jeff had never been a world champion. Tony also referred to Hall and Jeff as "those two kids". Copious interference from the Harris Brothers. Ref bump. Double chokeslam. Another ref bump. Another ref bump. Another ref bump. Slick Johnson was the only ref left and wouldn't count for Hall. He kind of had a fake ref bump I guess. Guitar shot to Hall. Roddy Piper strolled out and refused to let Slick make the pin. Another ref bump. Sid pins Hall after a powerbomb. Title retained. The powerbomb injured Hall and he wouldn't return to action before WCW released him.


Random thought: What was the point of Paul Heyman declaring that if Barack Lesnar doesn't fight Batista or Randy it would be "hell"?. It was like they completely forgot that what they demanded.
Random thought: What was the point of Paul Heyman declaring that if Barack Lesnar doesn't fight Batista or Randy it would be "hell"?. It was like they completely forgot that what they demanded.
The unified belts have no meaning anymore. The streak is a new belt now.

El Torito is so over its insane.


I'm really interested to see how long they are going to let this unified belt thing last until they realize they are going to need to separate them again to keep it "fresh"


Marty really got the shit knocked out of him at WM7. Faces of Fear were not kind to him. HBK heading out of the ring and going straight to high five Vlad the Super Fan is pretty great.


love on your sleeve
I'm really interested to see how long they are going to let this unified belt thing last until they realize they are going to need to separate them again to keep it "fresh"

Would be easier to keep one World title if the midcard belts had any value. Besides, I'm tired of seeing of people rack up 10+ title reigns. I remember guys like Michaels, Bret and Hogan having 3-5 reigns and being considered god tier. :(


Smackdown Spoiler:

It seems Dolph Ziggler might get a wrestlemania match! It could either be a
singles match with Del Rio or a tag match of him and Sheamus vs Christan and Del Rio
Smackdown Spoiler:

It seems Dolph Ziggler might get a wrestlemania match! It could either be a
singles match with Del Rio or a tag match of him and Sheamus vs Christan and Del Rio
so we might be doin' filler Smackdown main event matches on the biggest show of the year


so we might be doin' filler Smackdown main event matches on the biggest show of the year
When you don't develop your mid-card in a meaningful fashion all you have available to do with the talent is filler.

At least you can argue that Christian & Sheamus have been feuding... albeit in a half-assed redo of the Orton-Christian feud where Christian seldom goes over and gets booked like a bitch. But it does qualify.

Smackdown Spoiler:

Deja Fucking Vu it's Big Show saving Bryan again.
D.Brine gets saved every time he wrestles because he sucks and needs help to do anything.
Never fear Team #YES, I'm sure it's just a slow build towards a dominant title run for him.

I'm beary certain of it! <nods enthusiastically>


so we might be doin' filler Smackdown main event matches on the biggest show of the year

Well then need 8-10 matches for WrestleMania and preshow. Right now it seems like they are doing this:

Orton vs Batisa
Bryan vs Triple H
Undertaker vs Brock
Cena vs Wyatt
Triple threat Shield match
Cesaro vs Swagger
AJ vs Naomi if her eye heals in time
Tag team title match

So they have room for that match and maybe one more.


This is a really weird request but: Are there any PPVs on the network with really good chair shots? I need a clean, HD image of someone taking a chair shot to the head.

Smackdown Spoiler:

Deja Fucking Vu it's Big Show saving Bryan again.


When you don't develop your mid-card in a meaningful fashion all you have available to do with the talent is filler.

At least you can argue that Christian & Sheamus have been feuding... albeit in a half-assed redo of the Orton-Christian feud where Christian seldom goes over and gets booked like a bitch. But it does qualify.
none of the partners are even friends or even have any kind of connection to each other. I guess it hasn't stopped them before, like that time William Regal showed up in a backstage video with Sheamus and they pretended that they were longtime friends, so that when Big Show knocked out Regal the next week Sheamus could be all ARGH YOU BEAT UP MY GOOD FRIEND BILL REGAL

way easier than actually developing anything
This is a really weird request but: Are there any PPVs on the network with really good chair shots? I need a clean, HD image of someone taking a chair shot to the head.
Royal Rumble 1999 - Rock vs. Mankind


This is a really weird request but: Are there any PPVs on the network with really good chair shots? I need a clean, HD image of someone taking a chair shot to the head.



Royal Rumble 1999 Rock V. Mankind

And Vince takes a mean chair shot in Stone Cold vs. Dude Love, Unforgiven 1998.
This is a really weird request but: Are there any PPVs on the network with really good chair shots? I need a clean, HD image of someone taking a chair shot to the head.
Rock vs Foley RR1999 basically killed headshots forever. Foley takes a dozen of them while handcuffed.


They're seriously doing that again?
I'm expecting the WM main event to turn into Cena / Orton rematch #3 by now.
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