Lmfao. I actually like nao as actual heels
Exactly.. Why the hell was The Undertaker on that show?!
Lol @ Alicia Fox and Nikki Bella trending.
Batista is going to work a 15-20 min match in the main event of WM. Oh. My. God.
Encephalitis is a brain injury. Ain't got shit to do with mosquitoes.
I find it amazing that they turned him Heel but he still has to wrestle as a face because he's too gassed to get any sustained offence going. I mean he tried to do a mock YES chant last night but he was so tired his arms just collapsed to his sides after like 2 points.
Ditto for Hunico. Granted, he should still be listed as such on the NXT Superstars roster.I like that Epico and Primo are still listed on WWE's roster page.
I can't possibly fathom what the WWE gains by paying for things to trend on Twitter when the mere fact of them saying shit is "trending" on a program like NXT Arrival or WWE Main Event that's exclusive to their network and barely has any viewers clearly devalues any impact it could have.Lol @ Alicia Fox and Nikki Bella trending.
Usos so freaking awful on the mic. Prob going to be transitional champions for the Wyatts.
Aaron Paul clapping should be the new RockClapping.gif
When does Batista get his "I love this business!" shirt?
This amused me way more than it should have...
The unified belts have no meaning anymore. The streak is a new belt now.Random thought: What was the point of Paul Heyman declaring that if Barack Lesnar doesn't fight Batista or Randy it would be "hell"?. It was like they completely forgot that what they demanded.
Being a recent newcomer to WWE, are there any required-watching Stephanie McMahon matches/storylines I should watch on The Network?
I'm really interested to see how long they are going to let this unified belt thing last until they realize they are going to need to separate them again to keep it "fresh"
She had a decent match with Trish Stratus in some early 2000s PPV. That one is definitely worth a watch.
She was in a weird feud with Vince as well.
Why are you looking to bail from attending Global Wars? You're not going to give the WWE money for their Ricoh Coliseum house show instead, are you?
so we might be doin' filler Smackdown main event matches on the biggest show of the yearSmackdown Spoiler:
It seems Dolph Ziggler might get a wrestlemania match! It could either be asingles match with Del Rio or a tag match of him and Sheamus vs Christan and Del Rio
When you don't develop your mid-card in a meaningful fashion all you have available to do with the talent is filler.so we might be doin' filler Smackdown main event matches on the biggest show of the year
D.Brine gets saved every time he wrestles because he sucks and needs help to do anything.Smackdown Spoiler:
Deja Fucking Vu it's Big Show saving Bryan again.
Smackdown Spoiler:
Deja Fucking Vu it's Big Show saving Bryan again.
so we might be doin' filler Smackdown main event matches on the biggest show of the year
Encephalitis is a brain injury. Ain't got shit to do with mosquitoes.
Smackdown Spoiler:
Deja Fucking Vu it's Big Show saving Bryan again.
none of the partners are even friends or even have any kind of connection to each other. I guess it hasn't stopped them before, like that time William Regal showed up in a backstage video with Sheamus and they pretended that they were longtime friends, so that when Big Show knocked out Regal the next week Sheamus could be all ARGH YOU BEAT UP MY GOOD FRIEND BILL REGALWhen you don't develop your mid-card in a meaningful fashion all you have available to do with the talent is filler.
At least you can argue that Christian & Sheamus have been feuding... albeit in a half-assed redo of the Orton-Christian feud where Christian seldom goes over and gets booked like a bitch. But it does qualify.
Royal Rumble 1999 - Rock vs. MankindThis is a really weird request but: Are there any PPVs on the network with really good chair shots? I need a clean, HD image of someone taking a chair shot to the head.
This is a really weird request but: Are there any PPVs on the network with really good chair shots? I need a clean, HD image of someone taking a chair shot to the head.
This is a really weird request but: Are there any PPVs on the network with really good chair shots? I need a clean, HD image of someone taking a chair shot to the head.
Is the Kennel from Hell match on the network?
Smackdown Spoiler:
Deja Fucking Vu it's Big Show saving Bryan again.
Rock vs Foley RR1999 basically killed headshots forever. Foley takes a dozen of them while handcuffed.This is a really weird request but: Are there any PPVs on the network with really good chair shots? I need a clean, HD image of someone taking a chair shot to the head.
I'm expecting the WM main event to turn into Cena / Orton rematch #3 by now.Goddammit.
They're seriously doing that again?