Junior Wrestlemania XXX Champion
Those spoilers.
EDIT: New Page!
EDIT: New Page!

CZW (rather blatantly) yoinked this idea when we had the time. We really like that sort of thing.
You'd think it would mess with the pop of a wrestler's music hitting because you've already seen them on the tron, but it just adds to the "big match feel." And hell, even if they don't show it in the arena, putting it through the TV feed would still add something to the match.
I just really love the aesthetic of 97-98 WWF. Those backstage shots, the old school barricades that were closer to the ring, TONS of signs in the audience, normal crowd lighting, smaller and darker tron + entrance ramp, messier ringside area by the commentary table(s), more flashbulbs, etc. It's not even nostalgia speaking because I regularly revisit that footage and it looks so much better to me. The WWE's too sleek these days. It's like futuristic utopia wrestling.
Yes! Yes! Yes! Embrace the despair! Yes! Yes! Yes! <does the D.Brine chant>I just let it happen to me now. I'm ignoring it like the black eye this product gives me as it abuses me emotionally. August can't come soon enough and I'm part of the problem. They sell to you and never deliver. 1000 times out of 10. There will never be any hope whatsoever. Now I'm just gonna watch from the rafters and let this all happen now.
Beard and Bastard! Beard and Bastard! Can't wait until they're feuding with the Wyatts after Mania.Yes Daniel Bryan, form a tag team with Big Show. Do what you want.
Big Dave shall triumph. It's what's best for business. $120 well spent.Yes Batista, have your Mania moment, the boos don't mean anything. Only the titles on your shoulder and the pyrotechnics over the Wrestlemania sign as it closes.
The Shield will soon be over. Cesaro will job to Rusev and put him over. There is no hope for you. Only despair!I'm too numb to care now. It's never gonna stop you guys. I'll just watch your Cesaro and Shield matches and just grin.
You are a man of impeccable taste. Thursday is almost here.Can't wait till NJPW washes the taste of those Smackdown spoilers out of my mouth
Yes! Yes! Yes! Embrace the despair! Yes! Yes! Yes! <does the D.Brine chant>
Beard and Bastard! Beard and Bastard! Can't wait until they're feuding with the Wyatts after Mania.
Big Dave shall triumph. It's what's best for business. $120 well spent.
The Shield will soon be over. Cesaro will job to Rusev and put him over. There is no hope for you. Only despair!
You are a man of impeccable taste. Thursday is almost here.
Eva Marie and Daniel Bryan should be main eventing Wrestlemania.
Her dad can be the ref.
No! Flat no!
It should be Eva Marie alone.
WCW really screwed the pooch with Bret Hart. Comes off of a huge controversial finish with the WWF and gets put into the role of referee for Bischoff v. Zbyszko, then screws future buddy Hollywood Hogan out of the title later that night.
HOW MANY FUCKING GOD DAMN TIMES DOES BIG SHOW HAVE TO HAVE SHITTY BUYRATES AND RATINGS?! Jesus fucking Christ!!!!!!!!!! Iron clad contract to torment my soul for 15 god damn years.
Big Show vs Big Boss Man feud was top notch stuff though.
That was 15 years ago!!! The start of his entrance music makes me hate my life.
After reading this, I don't know. Just feel real defeated and deflated after reading the Smackdown spoilers and this article above. Because man, shit's harsh bro.
Her hair is red like fire, like the passion she has for pro-wrestling.
I don't know why this is a surprise to you. WWE has lost over two-thirds of their audience they had in the Attitude Era. So realistically speaking, they've already lost most of their "regular" fans. They still don't give a shit. They used to do 7's and 9's on the regular like it ain't no thing and now struggle to get 3's. Yet they're still coasting on fumes of an era that is long gone. WWE don't give a shit, but this will catch up to them. Name me one business where they shat on their hardcore base and it didn't seep into their regular fanbase. I bet WWE will be niche status in 2024 depending on if they continue this trajectory.
I just wish they'd be consistent, not all this up and down throwing shit at the wall to see what sticks and what have you.#FactsOnly
Cold hard troof. It's a depressing read, but anyone who's been paying attention for the last however many years already knew this. The "smarter" fans got, and the more the internet communities grew, the more The 'E shifted from just making a wrestling show to entertaining themselves by trolling everyone. Now we're at the point where marks, "smart fans," wrestlers, and WWE Creative are commingling at a level never before seen in This Business because of social media, and everyone is at everyone else's throat, and the whole thing is a mess.
Worst of all, whenever The 'E runs into any hostility from hardcore fans, instead of adapting and MAYBE finding ways to make both the casual and hardcore happy, they're using ALL the reactions as part of some storyline creating a Frankenstein's monster of a show where part of it is a wrestling program, part of it is trolling, and part of it is trying to keep people fooled without actually changing course in the booking. It's absurd. Watching Cena trying to work audiences for a decade is this concept in a nutshell. One minute he's cutting a face promo for his core fans, then he's kissing up to the city to get the haters to cheer, then he's trolling with fake heel turns and *wink wink* 4th wall breaking that leaves part of the audience confused, then he's making heel comments like "The future goes through me." All the while, nothing actually changes. They're working the crowd as if they're the enemies or wrong for feeling how they feel, but in doing so there's never any evolution or direction.
They need to quit all the nonsense, and just book. Bounce off whatever energy crowds are giving you, and change with it. Stop trying to trick people and curb frustration with false hope, stop with all the faux-realism feuds, and stop with all the absorption and deflecting of every crowd reaction.
Oh great, they're in the 3's That totally refutes my overall point. Have a cookie, JBL.
SD Spoilersssssss
* Batista kicks off the show to cut a promo. Daniel Bryan interrupts him and eventually Kane comes out and beats down Daniel Bryan. Big Show makes the save. Vickie Guerrero comes out and sets up tonight's tag team main event: Kane and Batista vs. Daniel Bryan and Big Show.
* Daniel Bryan and Big Show come out before the main event and say they've picked a name for their team: "Respect The Beard, Fear The Giant."
* Bryan and Big Show defeated Batista and Kane after Big Show hit Kane with a Knockout punch and Bryan rolled him up for the pin. SmackDown ends with Bryan leading a "Yes!" chant while sitting on Show's shoulders.
Cold hard troof. It's a depressing read, but anyone who's been paying attention for the last however many years already knew this. The "smarter" fans got, and the more the internet communities grew, the more The 'E shifted from just making a wrestling show to entertaining themselves by trolling everyone. Now we're at the point where marks, "smart fans," wrestlers, and WWE Creative are commingling at a level never before seen in This Business because of social media, and everyone is at everyone else's throat, and the whole thing is a mess.
Worst of all, whenever The 'E runs into any hostility from hardcore fans, instead of adapting and MAYBE finding ways to make both the casual and hardcore happy, they're using ALL the reactions as part of some storyline creating a Frankenstein's monster of a show where part of it is a wrestling program, part of it is trolling, and part of it is trying to keep people fooled without actually changing course in the booking. It's absurd. Watching Cena trying to work audiences for a decade is this concept in a nutshell. One minute he's cutting a face promo for his core fans, then he's kissing up to the city to get the haters to cheer, then he's trolling with fake heel turns and *wink wink* 4th wall breaking that leaves part of the audience confused, then he's making heel comments like "The future goes through me." All the while, nothing actually changes. They're working the crowd as if they're the enemies or wrong for feeling how they feel, but in doing so there's never any evolution or direction.
They need to quit all the nonsense, and just book. Bounce off whatever energy crowds are giving you, and change with it. Stop trying to trick people and curb frustration with false hope, stop with all the faux-realism feuds, and stop with all the absorption and deflecting of every crowd reaction.
Yeah attitude era was mostly shock value, then it went into overdrive a crash in 2002
Oh, sorry for being a jerk. Bad day.
Enjoy the cookie, it's peanut butter.
I wasn't trying to refute your overall point. I was trying to point out that part of your point was factually incorrect. And thanks for the cookie.
Oh, sorry for being a jerk. Bad day.
Enjoy the cookie, it's peanut butter.
No issue bro. I can sympathize.
I don't know why this is a surprise to you. WWE has lost over two-thirds of their audience they had in the Attitude Era. So realistically speaking, they've already lost most of their "regular" fans. They still don't give a shit. They used to do 7's and 9's on the regular like it ain't no thing and now struggle to get 3's. Yet they're still coasting on fumes of an era that is long gone. WWE don't give a shit, but this will catch up to them. Name me one business where they shat on their hardcore base and it didn't seep into their regular fanbase. I bet WWE will be niche status in 2024 depending on if they continue this trajectory.
Big Show was in Sisqo's thong song remix video. LolThat was 15 years ago!!! The start of his entrance music makes me hate my life.
I just wish they'd be consistent, not all this up and down throwing shit at the wall to see what sticks and what have you.
It's really depressing man,I've given so much of my life to wrestling and it sucks to know I don't really mean anything despite how much I love the product, I know there are alternatives but none of the good ones are as convenient, and I can't afford to support indies on a regular basis, christ this shit is depressing, Vince needs to go away so I can have a good product again