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March Wrasslin' |OT| The NXT Era Has ArRIVED

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huh, I didn't actually know that the finisher was part of the hulking up process. that WCW thing sounds SO amazingly WCW though

Oh definitely. The finisher being part of the Hulk Up process got more and more regular as the years went by. By 1988, it was pretty much the way he'd Hulk Up every time. Get hit with finisher, kick out at 2 WITH AUTHORITY, Hulk Up, YOUUUUUU, punches, big boot, leg drop, pose down. Rinse and repeat.
argh minuuuuuuuuussssssssssssss
Oh definitely. The finisher being part of the Hulk Up process got more and more regular as the years went by. By 1988, it was pretty much the way he'd Hulk Up every time. Get hit with finisher, kick out at 2 WITH AUTHORITY, Hulk Up, YOUUUUUU, punches, big boot, leg drop, pose down. Rinse and repeat.
sounds very Top Face. damn, that's 8 years of that. at least every once in a while, Cena will pull out stops.


argh minuuuuuuuuussssssssssssss

sounds very Top Face. damn, that's 8 years of that. at least every once in a while, Cena will pull out stops.

Fuck Minus. Use Media Fire or ImageBam. I'm done with Minus.


WCW Uncensored 3/19/00

TO THE BACK. Team Flair arrives. Elsewhere, Sid and Hogan talk about watching each other's backs tonight.

TAFKAPI vs Psychosis WCW Cruiserweight Championship

Ugly and bad match. Prince was wearing a very distracting shirt and won with the diving DDT. Chris Candido made his WCW and teased that Sunny was also coming in.

TO THE MEAN GENE. Before throwing to the interview, Tony says "That's how you fill some time!". Gene speaks with Bam Bam about the Wall's mean streak of late.

XS vs The Demon/Norman Smiley

This match also sucked, mostly because everyone besides Norman is terrible. Norman was dressed up like the Demon. Norman Conquest for the win. Norman and Stacy did the Big Wiggle after the match.


TO THE BACK. Kidman and Booker try to put their issues behind each other for their upcoming tag match. Elsewhere, David and Crowbar make Daffney promise to stay in the back when they go after the Wall.

Bam Bam Big Yellow vs The Wall

You see, Bam Bam trained Wall to be a wrestler, and he didn't train Wall to be a guy who hurts people. Even though Bam Bam went years at a time where he would try to hurt people. Diving headbutt early on. Running tornado DDT from Bam Bam. Wall does the Cactus Clothesline and we're out on the floor. Wall chokeslams Bam Bam through a table that had computer monitors on it. The monitors exploded for some reason. EMTs immediately came for Bam Bam even though it was the weakest table bump you'll ever see. Crowbar and David run out to attack Wall. Wall and Crowbar end up on top of the Turner Tron. Wall chokeslams Crowbar off of it.


TO THE BACK. The locker room is checking on Crowbar. Knobs dedicates his match to Bam Bam and Crowbar.

3 Count vs Brian Knobs WCW Hardcore Championship Gauntlet Match

Fat fuck Knobs, being a shitty fat fuck. WCW didn't prepare well for the hardcore match, as Knobs had to go deep into the back to get the wheel barrow of weapons. You'd think someone would have had that near the entrance. Like someone should have had that as one of their job responsibilities. 3 Count attack him and he basically no sells all of it and starts throwing weapons. 3 Count take turns doing moves off a ladder, which Knobs also quickly no sells so he can get a fire extinguisher out. Shane is the first member eliminated. Obviously the rules weren't explained to anyone because the fans thought the match was over and Knobs' music played. Evan was eliminated with an Awesome Bomb to the floor. Knobs tried to slam Shannon through a table, only to get dropkicked by Shane. He fell over the table and was pinned. Title retained. As it turns out, Knobs was in the ropes, so the match was restarted. He pins Shannon with a trash can splash from the second rope. New champion. Fat fuck.


TO THE MEAN GENE. Gene talks with Harlem Heat 2K INC LTD. Elsewhere, Vampiro is talking to himself about bad things that make him feel bad.

Booker/Kidman vs Harlem Heat 2K INC LTD

Man, Ahmed...man. Remember when Jim Neidhart showed up in TNA in a match against Jay Lethal and looked like he was pregnant with sextuplets? It's like that, but black instead of pink. Kash ate an ax kick that he immediately no sold. Kidman has no offense, but Booker can clean house. An HD shot of Torrie is not flattering, as she has some terrible skin problems going on. Ahmed tries to do a suicide dive from the crowd over the guard rail onto Kidman. He kind of made it. I guess. Part of him made it over, I suppose. Book End to both members of Heat doesn't matter, as Book is caught in a double spinebuster moments later. Kidman pins Big T with a sunset flip.


Recap of what happened to Bam Bam and Crowbar.

Vampiro vs Fit Finlay Falls Count Anywhere

I had forgotten about 75% of the roster wearing casts because Lex broke their arms. Aimless brawling in the ring until Fit gets a giant padded chair. He was going to stomp it on Vamp's face. The ref wouldn't allow it and it turned into a padded Van Daminator. Into the crowd it goes. And now into the women's bathroom for just a moment only to go into the men's room instead. SWERVE! Lol at WCW security already being in the bathroom just waiting. I wonder how long they had been in there. Finlay literally tries to murder Vamp by attempting to throw him off the balcony. A security guard starts shoving fans and gets knocked on his ass for it. Vamp wins with the Nail in the Coffin on the floor.


TO THE BACK. Shittiest NWO talk. Elsewhere, Gene talks with Disco and the Mamalukes.

The Harris Brothers vs The Mamalukes WCW Tag Team Championships

Harris Brothers win with the H Bomb. New champions.

TO THE BACK. A limo is shown. BUT WHO WAS LIMO?!?!?! Elsewhere, Finlay says he beat respect into Vamp tonight and wants him to keep it burning. Elsewhere elsewhere, Gene talks to Team Package. Recap of the Funk/Dustin feud, followed by Gene getting some words with Dustin.

Dustin Rhodes vs Terry Funk

Terry comes out with his hand up a chicken with Dusty written on it. A guy in a chicken suit runs out. Terry claims it is Dustin's baby brother. There were chicken sounds played over the PA system. I think this is supposed to be a bull rope match, but neither guy has been attached to it and the ref doesn't seem to care. Terry Funk in 2000 is a straight up bummer to watch. He's old, in pain, and can barely move, but he was out there taking tons of punishment. Bulldog on a cow bell. The chicken returns. So do the sound effects. "That's what the chicken gets for being cocky." Fuck you, Madden. This is terrible. Funk changes the rules to an I Quit match. Dustin quits. It didn't matter because it isn't an I Quit match. But Dustin did verbally submit, which should mean the match is over anyway. Dustin wins with a piledriver in the vicinity of the cow bell.


TO THE MEAN GENE. Gene talks with WCW Champion Sid.

Sting vs The Total Package Lumberjack Cast Match

It fucking sucked. The lumberjacks all ended up fighting to the back, making it a normal match. Sting won and he and Vamp shared a moment after the match.

TO THE MEAN GENE. Gene talked with Tank Abbott, who attacked Dillinger during the lumberjack match for fining him. Elsewhere, Sid is told there was a change in the format and his match is up next.

Sid vs Jeff Jarrett WCW Championship

Jeff has a band of YAKS and will allow them to flash the crowd if he wins the title. it quickly heads to the floor and then into the crowd. The Harris Boys were out and in the ring and the ref didn't even notice. Extended sleeper spot. Ref bump. Guitar shot. Slick hops to the ring. Hogan follows him out and breaks up the pin. Another ref bump. Big boot and leg drop to Jeff. Sid makes the pin and retains his title. Scott Steiner runs out and smashes a guitar on Hulk.


Ric Flair vs Hulk Hogan Yappa Pie Strap Match

Flair hits the ring and the match is on. Hulk didn't even get an entrance! Jimmy Hart comes out looking coked out of his mind. Flair and Hogan go on to have their usual match, but saggier. It sucks, both guys bleed, a pin fall is counted just so Hulk can kick out and Hulk Up. Hulk wins via pinfall in a strap match.


Show was garbage. Even worse than I remembered it. But next is Spring Stampede, which was the worst PPV I've ever seen. Now in HD.


One of the big dogs at work gave a speech and told us to "Deal with it" on one of our problems that we're having. Did he just turn heel on us? The crowd stayed mainly silent.
argh minuuuuuuuuussssssssssssss

sounds very Top Face. damn, that's 8 years of that. at least every once in a while, Cena will pull out stops.

The first few years of Hogan's 1st run as champion he only wrestled on television about 6 times a year. He would be on Saturday Night's Main Events and maybe 1 or 2 Superstars and that was it. So even though he did the same match over and over it didn't become stale for a few years. As a kid it was a big deal just to see him.


The Network crapping out as I'm trying to redo Spring Stampede 2000 definitely seems like the universe is looking out for me. I think I'm going to pound some more Nyquil and go back to bed.


Guys, remember that Daniel Wyatt storyline?

Good times.
The Beard & Bastard tag team is just the WWE's latest attempt at derailing D.Brine's unwanted fan momentum. Along with all of his insulting "give me more title shots because the fans love me" pandering.

They'll be successful at some point. Hopefully the fans will move on to cheer for someone they want to back as a main eventer like Reigns.

And you can say "Well, if you pay for a ticket the WWE's already won," but since when did it become a contest? Why are fans having to try and WIN the show? The WWE should always and forever be about entertaining people and keeping things exciting, not competing with them and running meta-ass storylines. The Chicago crowd wasn't hot because they were engaged, they were hot because they were rejecting damn near everything on the show. Is that the kind of hot crowds we really want?
Hardly. But it's no surprise that's the only kind of hot crowd we can get any more outside of the rare Shield/Wyatts confrontation because Vince has the maturity of a college frat boy.

If the WWE believes they can fuel attention to their product by stifling and enraging their fans instead of catering to them, they'll continue to do that until they're proven wrong - in the wallet (where they'll feel an impact). The fact that hardcore fans refuse to punish Vince in the only area that matters to him and their stock price just skyrocketed, they're not exactly giving the WWE any reason to change their ways, now are they?

Wah wah Daniel's not in the main event.

Wah wah Daniel's in the main event but he's getting beat.

Wash wah Daniel's in the main event and winning but getting buried afterward.

Wah wah Daniel's in the main event, winning, and celebrating, but I don't like his tag partner.

Perfect reason why the WWE shouldn't listen to you.
Here's the biggest reason the WWE shouldn't listen to them...

Wah wah Daniel's not getting the WWE title at Mania, but I'll pay them $120/year for the Network and buy tickets to their live events so I can boo in person. That'll show 'em how upset I am.

I like you, JesseEwiak. I'm making you my new deputy. You'll be my new Byakuya. Let's foster despair in WrassleGAF... TOGETHER!

The Network crapping out as I'm trying to redo Spring Stampede 2000 definitely seems like the universe is looking out for me. I think I'm going to pound some more Nyquil and go back to bed.
Sounds like they're trying to do you a favor, stro. You're putting yourself through all of that suffering to recap the entirety of The Wall's career for us and everything. I wouldn't wish that fate on my worst enemy.
The thing that baffles me the most about Bryan (apparently) not being in the title match at is the obvious "WrestleMania moment" it will provide. Y'know how they always talk about "WrestleMania moments" and how important they are? Hell, Big Show and Cody had a feud a few years ago where the whole story of the match was Big Show trying to get his "WrestleMania Moment."

Knowing that, what better WrestleMania moment is there than Bryan winning the title (after getting screwed out of it for so long) and panning the camera back to see a packed 'Mania crowd doing the YES! chant in unison. Shit writes itself. Yet, they're seemingly sticking to their guns and putting out a title match the fans obviously don't want to see.

Sure, Bryan may win at Extreme Rules or some other random PPV down the road, but will it have the same impact? The same lasting memory? Remember: This is WrestleMania 30. They have an opportunity to make a really special moment that seems so goddamn obvious, but it appears their stubbornness is outweighing their logic.
Don't need a title belt to have 70,000 peoplechantin yes. Triple h (and the authority ) getting cuppanance for torturing Bryan is a great moment in and of it self.

Bryan/ triple h should have been the story since summerslam and now it is.

Why put him in a match he wouldn't Win!?!


So not worth it
Because Triple H needs his win at Mania, he is the GOAT and doesn't lose to anyone, especially not non-drawing midgets with funny looking haircuts and facial hear.

Bryan can win at Extreme Rules over Triple H and the 15k people chanting YES will be a great visual too.
lol :(


Neo Member
the chick Fandango was dancing with on Sky Sports was so incredibly uncomfortable, I might watch in slow-mo to see if he copped a feel. creep.
This is might be an apples and oranges thing but I was Legit Shook that Cena beat Hunter at Wrestlemania 22. I think Hunter knows what's best for business.

I think WWE is scared as to what happens once Bryan gets that big victory . Will fans stick around after he wins. Seems a lot of he support comes form the fact he is getting held back.


Goat vs Goat

I would actually kill to see 2002 Triple H vs Modern Day Bryan....hell, even 2002 Bryan, but he was kind of a green spot monkey / mat wrestling tech at the time.


Didn't read the Spoilers but I'm assuming it involves everyone's favorite guy BIG SHOW.

Guy's he's just having fun!


This is might be an apples and oranges thing but I was Legit Shook that Cena beat Hunter at Wrestlemania 22. I think Hunter knows what's best for business.

I think WWE is scared as to what happens once Bryan gets that big victory . Will fans stick around after he wins. Seems a lot of he support comes form the fact he is getting held back.

Winning against HHH doesn't stop. Even if he gets a title shot, he still doesn't have the title. And now he has to worry about shenanigans with the belt actually on the line.
And then after getting the title, he has to defend it.

As long as there is the fear that he will be buried, which at least from a backstage perspective is always true, he will be this kind of underdog.


Didn't read the Spoilers but I'm assuming in involves everyone's favorite guy BIG SHOW.

Guy's he's just having fun!

That reminds me of how much I hate "Hey's just having fun out there, John!". Seems like that gets used 3-4 times a show, along with "As _____ rolls on".
Finally got my DVD of the Revolution Pro show I went to in October, rewatching it now - the opener was a lot of fun, a few botches I didn't notice live though and an 8-man tag makes the RevPro ring look absolutely tiny.

Swords of Essex;


Rob Lynch's awesome belly to belly;


The London Riots hit an assisted spear;

Stro, I was watching Uncensored with my friends on a Skype group chat earlier..

I tapped around the Luger match. Just can't. Good lord that show.

I love the Vampiro/Finlay match because security is doing the worst job in the history of ever of protecting the talent and the cameraman. Oh good lord if I was that cameraman I'd die of claustrophobia, holy crap

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
It's just Smackdown. The most relevant thing they have had on SD was Batista's promo. There's nothing else there.


Stro, I was watching Uncensored with my friends on a Skype group chat earlier..

I tapped around the Luger match. Just can't. Good lord that show.

I love the Vampiro/Finlay match because security is doing the worst job in the history of ever of protecting the talent and the cameraman. Oh good lord if I was that cameraman I'd die of claustrophobia, holy crap

I skipped it. I go from my original notes so I know what to look for and if there is nothing in the original review, I'm not bothering with it. I'm not putting myself through all that again when I don't have to. But the terrible job security was doing was in my original review for the show. They might as well not even be there. I don't think there was any security for after the match while Vamp was in the crowd. I did laugh my ass off at the guy getting knocked on his ass for shoving fans around. I'll never understand why so many places hire out of shape middle aged dudes or old women to be "security". So many arenas hire people that can do dick if shit pops off. Does WWE even have their own security any more or do they use arena staff?


This is might be an apples and oranges thing but I was Legit Shook that Cena beat Hunter at Wrestlemania 22. I think Hunter knows what's best for business.
The fundamental difference here is that Cena was someone the WWE wanted to build, put over and make the face of their company. He was the defacto chosen one.

Whereas D.Brine is someone they perceive to be enhancement talent that they use to troll the smarks and build up their chosen main eventers. Guys like Roman Reigns.

A simple point of contrast would be to compare this video of Cena in Chicago back in 2006 and compare it to D.Brine in Chicago this past Monday.

Was Cena beaten down and made to look like a little scrawny bitch 50 times before he fought Triple H at WrestleMania 22?
Hell no. They were portrayed as equals.


It's just Smackdown. The most relevant thing they have had on SD was Batista's promo. There's nothing else there.

I wouldn't worry too much. But Show is no doubt getting a Mania match.

Against Cesaro!!!!!!

But for real, that be worth it just to see a Giant Swing.


Neo Member
hi guys, sorry to use this as some kind of tech forum but I'm having a big old issue with the Network on Xbox.

I'm in the UK so presumably this is why the WWE Network app isn't showing up in the app store. anyone else having this problem, and if so is there a way to get around it? from what I see online I'll need to make a new Xbox live gold account and pretend I'm in the US but I'm not paying for it twice =/


Was Cena beaten down and made to look like a little scrawny bitch 50 times before he fought Triple H at WrestleMania 22?
Hell no. They were portrayed as equals.

D. Bry should not be portrayed as an equal. Over achiever? YES!

I mean, the guy doesn't even look dangerous. At least people feared Chris Benoit. He looked legit dangerous. D. Bry is just too, well..nice looking. And that has helped tremendously with the sympathy factor. He's not the first guy ever "buried", but he sure is on a short list of guys who fans would not support being ignored.

Anyhow. I'm not for Super Bryan. I like him, want him to win his share, but no invincible bar.
Bryan vs triple h is David vs Goliath . Bryan is the ultimate underdog .

They are not equals . This is about earning respect. Bryan beating him makes him be respected.
I skipped it. I go from my original notes so I know what to look for and if there is nothing in the original review, I'm not bothering with it. I'm not putting myself through all that again when I don't have to. But the terrible job security was doing was in my original review for the show. They might as well not even be there. I don't think there was any security for after the match while Vamp was in the crowd. I did laugh my ass off at the guy getting knocked on his ass for shoving fans around. I'll never understand why so many places hire out of shape middle aged dudes or old women to be "security". So many arenas hire people that can do dick if shit pops off. Does WWE even have their own security any more or do they use arena staff?

A wise maneuver on your part, uggggh. What a show.

So many frivolous lawsuits springing up from that damn match, it's ridiculous. Fans are like a foot away. Security failing in every way. Cameraman somehow never losing signal or anything. What a Trooper.

I believe WWE uses both.


D. Bry should not be portrayed as an equal. Over achiever? YES!

I mean, the guy doesn't even look dangerous. At least people feared Chris Benoit. He looked legit dangerous. D. Bry is just too, well..nice looking. And that has helped tremendously with the sympathy factor. He's not the first guy ever "buried", but he sure is on a short list of guys who fans would not support being ignored.

Anyhow. I'm not for Super Bryan. I like him, want him to win his share, but no invincible bar.

They should book Bryan similar to how they booked HBK.


So D.Bry's win percentage in 2013 was 83%, tied with Sheamus/RVD at no.2
John Cena was 95%

I don't know how this is calculated but enjoy!

edit; Rey has never been below 60%!



So D.Bry's win percentage in 2013 was 83%
John Cena was 95%

I don't know how this is calculated but enjoy!

I love how everyone gets dumped on as they bow out... Doesn't look good for McIntyre!

Seems like only Michaels and Rikishi went out with head held high (ish). Oh and Angle.

Was Angle heel in 2004/5?


Online Ho Champ
They should book Bryan similar to how they booked HBK.

if he ever has a WM moment thats i think it will look just huge like bret vs sean. Problem is they need another FACE for him to take it from , Brotista is doing tooooo damn good as a troll.

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