Ok look some people in this thread clearly just don't like Daniel Bryan. Whether it's to entice a reaction from people who like him or just flat out just make a joke about it for the sake of making a joke about it, It's fine.
But in all seriousness, are you all legit excited for the Orton/Batista main event as far as the actual in ring action goes? I wanna hear ANY justifications for this match with no sarcasm or jokes. Just shoot. Why do you want to see this?
Does anyone know of the big puroresu events in Japan this year? I figure since I live here now I should go to one. My only live experiences being local indies and and WWE.
I've been watching random wwf ppvs from 1999-2000 tonight and...I don't any of this outside of the main events. I'm really starting to warm up to the idea that the Attitude Era really wasn't as good as people thought it was, and that it was mostly as forgettable as I thought it was outside of a few memorable things. Or maybe I'm being too hard on it. I don't know.
All I know is that hardcore "wrestling" is hillbilly redneck shit and not wrestling. Especially when all they do is punch each other around backstage and throw each other into random objects. This shit is so boring.
AJ is seriously the poor man's diva. Truly terrible.
Orton is good in the ring, and Batista makes me laugh with how bad he is in the ring. That's the only reason I'd wanna see it.But in all seriousness, are you all legit excited for the Orton/Batista main event as far as the actual in ring action goes? I wanna hear ANY justifications for this match with no sarcasm or jokes. Just shoot. Why do you want to see this?
Every time I read this thread title in my subscriptions, I read it as Mecha Wrasslin.
AJ is seriously the poor man's diva. Truly terrible.
Ok look some people in this thread clearly just don't like Daniel Bryan. Whether it's to entice a reaction from people who like him or just flat out just make a joke about it for the sake of making a joke about it, It's fine.
But in all seriousness, are you all legit excited for the Orton/Batista main event as far as the actual in ring action goes? I wanna hear ANY justifications for this match with no sarcasm or jokes. Just shoot. Why do you want to see this?
I find it amusing how forgiving people are of the headshot bullshit in the Attitude Era, yet scream bloody murder if exposed to deathmatch wrestling. Barbed wire and light-tube cuts heal, serious head trauma doesn't. I couldn't properly watch the Rock vs Mankind I Quit match, it's just so amazingly reckless.
You're right, it's all just meta, it's like a wrestling twilight zone.I don't even think it's inconsistency or throwing shit at the wall anymore. There's absolutely a plan, there are motives, and there is total consistency, especially in the last 3 years. It's like CM Punk's "Shoot" was a blessing and a curse because him tapping into that hardcore audience and unearthing the "voice of the smarks" right in front of Vince's eyes all of a sudden gave them a whole new source of entertainment. Now EVERYTHING'S a work on EVERYONE.
And you can say "Well, if you pay for a ticket the WWE's already won," but since when did it become a contest? Why are fans having to try and WIN the show? The WWE should always and forever be about entertaining people and keeping things exciting, not competing with them and running meta-ass storylines. The Chicago crowd wasn't hot because they were engaged, they were hot because they were rejecting damn near everything on the show. Is that the kind of hot crowds we really want?
Punk obviously, he doesn't exercise.So who is responsible for AJ losing them thighs. Kaitlyn or Punk
Wah wah Daniel's not in the main event.
Wah wah Daniel's in the main event but he's getting beat.
Wash wah Daniel's in the main event and winning but getting buried afterward.
Wah wah Daniel's in the main event, winning, and celebrating, but I don't like his tag partner.
Perfect reason why the WWE shouldn't listen to you.
Looks like we finally found JBL's GAF account, Maggle.
Looks like we finally found JBL's GAF account, Maggle.
Ok look some people in this thread clearly just don't like Daniel Bryan. Whether it's to entice a reaction from people who like him or just flat out just make a joke about it for the sake of making a joke about it, It's fine.
But in all seriousness, are you all legit excited for the Orton/Batista main event as far as the actual in ring action goes? I wanna hear ANY justifications for this match with no sarcasm or jokes. Just shoot. Why do you want to see this?
More like Vince.
The real Vince, not that Sunflower Seed goof.
Nah, just a long time grizzled veteran of the Smark Wars.
Better to be JBL than somebody bitching that Bryan Danielson, of all people, is going to be in the third biggest match at Wrestlemania.
I'm sorry I'm not upset that Bryan isn't tapping John Cena, Randy Orton, and The Big Show on the same night in ten seconds a piece.
<joke about how you should ignore smarks if you hate them just like you think smarks should just ignore the product if they hate it>
Nah, just a long time grizzled veteran of the Smark Wars.
I don't give a fuck what you're not upset about. Wah wah is a thing JBL says. No need to get hot about it.
Who is the Darth Vader of Smark Wars?
That'd be fucking awesome.
I don't hate him, i am just puzzled how he got so popular as (hate to sound like HHH) he doesn't look like a superstar (not knowing his career history). I guess it takes a while to accept someone ? Ignoring his pre WWF/WWE career........ I did not become a fan of Chris Jericho until late 2001 (the feud against The Rock - i was growing tired of The Rock's schtick and grew to like Jericho's style... was a fan ever since). But i will be surprised if i ever turn the corner and start to appreciate Bryan. If a Bryan win doesn't lead to anywhere............. i would actually prefer HHH won the match to be honest (i am someone that thinks HHH should stay away). The crowd reaction would be worth it.
Completely out of context, here's a picture of Naito intently studying a microphone.
What are you takling about, nerd? Take your trekkie wars, shine em up real nice, and make like a leaf.
This is real life we're talking about here, not B+ fiction. We're A+ players.
Net_Wrecker said:Yo, real talk: Attack of the Clones is NOT a bad movie. It has a couple of cheesy lines, but it's easily better than Empire Strikes Back no matter the criteria.
I just finished watching WrestleMania V, about to make gifs. one thing though - that finish to Hogan/Savage was BULLSHIT. i'm about 25 years late to the program, i know but god damn
I find it amusing how forgiving people are of the headshot bullshit in the Attitude Era, yet scream bloody murder if exposed to deathmatch wrestling. Barbed wire and light-tube cuts heal, serious head trauma doesn't. I couldn't properly watch the Rock vs Mankind I Quit match, it's just so amazingly reckless.
You're right. I should be talking about Net_Wrecker's personal favorite Star Wars movie, Attack of the Clones.
smh @ me searching for that post thinking I actually typed that whileEntropia'dstrobogo'dDRUNK damnit, drunk.
Stop trying to fool these people Beef.
oh ya. Hogan was before my time, brotherThat's the finish to every Hogan match from 1984-1996 though.
oh ya. Hogan was before my time, brother
huh, I didn't actually know that the finisher was part of the hulking up process. that WCW thing sounds SO amazingly WCW thoughOh. Well that was Hogan's deal. He'd sell a lot during the match, then get hit with a finisher. The finisher would amp him up and he'd no sell everything and win with the leg drop. Forever and ever. In WCW, there was a match where Savage did the flying elbow to him on purpose to allow him to Hulk Up. I don't remember if it was on PPV or not, but if it is, it must be giffed.