Botchamania 245 is up. There's a lot of WWE in there so watch it before it gets taken off Youtube.
I think you're fitting in just nicely Jon, wouldn't worry about it.
You should definitely change your avatar back to Disco Inferno, though. Maybe Disco wearing a drum major hat.
Seeing this gif of William Regal sums up how I feel about my place in the Wrasslegaf community 90% of the time:
The woman crying from the famous gif after Randy and Liz reunite at WM7 is also near the front row at WM8 with a Savage sign. So either she was a super fan, a plant, or a relative of Liz or Macho.
STFU. Don't you ruin this for me, stro. DONT YOU RUIN THIS FOR ME!
Don't remember that match, but the AJ/Kaitlyn match from Payback (I believe) was pretty damn good.Just watched TLC 2013 by accident.
That AJ - Natalya match is actually not bad. One of the best Divas matches on a PPV in a while.
Does the asshole with the Bocahontas sign go to the tapings every single week or something?
I call plant.
Don't remember that match, but the AJ/Kaitlyn match from Payback (I believe) was pretty damn good.
Yea it was Payback 2013. That was a better match and they at least let it go 10 minutes. That definelty helped.
I don't recall ever seeing a WWE documentary, but I like Stone Cold's Beyond the Mat. This is a series, right? Does The Rock have one?
i feel like i should recognize that sunglasses guy above carlito
Ah I wasn't aware of the direct to DVD sequelFerris Bueller
I know he came up with the character long before, but man this feels like a me too of Bray Wyatt.
Everyone has their own opinion, but I don't see Bray Wyatt in all.
-modulated voice
-out for himself and not to start a cult
Comparing this to Wyatt doesn't make sense to me.
Can't believe they cut Solomon Crowe's debut![]()
I think they moved it. Rose's debut was from the previous tapings, they moved it to this one. They are probably going to have some vignettes for Crowe first.
He's Aldous Snow, as played by Russel Brand, not Russel Brand himself. Doesn't surprise me, since according to Chris Hero, Dusty Rhodes keeps very up to date on pop culture and thinks its important to know about the latest movies, TV shows, etc.
Also, this is stuck in all of your heads