So I'm going through and watching every WCW PPV in order (mostly because I was purely a WWF fan growing up) and so far they've been pretty crappy. Thoughts on what I've seen:
Starcade '83: Crappy show. Hardly any good matches minus the Steamboat match. The Flair title match was OK, but the finish was awful. Too much blading. The Piper/Valentine match was pretty good, I guess. Gordon Solie annoys me SO MUCH when he called a "suplex" a "su-play." What is up with that? The production is awful. Why did I watch this?
Starcade '84: Ugh. So much blading (in plain sight of the camera, mind you). Crappy matches. Main event had an awful, awful finish.
Starcade '85: OK, so far, I guess. I don't remember what I've watched. Everything is forgettable.
Random thoughts overall: The concept of false finishes obviously DID NOT exist back then. Matches just randomly end with filler moves (snap mares, CHOPS, etc.). It's so bizarre. There's no climax. No build up to the finish. They just happen. Randomly. So odd. It really kills the excitement for me. I never feel like I'm watching an end of match. I've had to rewind several matches because I missed the finish.
Blading. OMG! Everyone blades. FOR NO REASON. 2 minute match? LET'S BLADE! And it's not like they try to hide it either -- on every show I've watched so far you can clearly see the dudes blading in plain sight. It's just bizarre. And gross. Blood in a match works if there's a reason. Randomly blading MINUTES into a match is just stupid. Especially when there's blood in practically every match.
The production is also awful. Sound issues. Camera issues. Lighting issues. Issues overall. But it was early '80's.
BTW: I'm so happy to watch these old-ass PPVs so my complaints aren't as nasty as they sound.