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March Wrasslin' |OT| The NXT Era Has ArRIVED

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Haven't watched Raw yet....heard about the main angle though. Don't you just love when the WWE gives in IWC....or was it their plan IWC? Was it their plan all along IWC?


So not worth it
Oh fuck you're right, they are that petty
They are, but it could still be a match at Mania instead.

Either way, either Ambrose or AJ is losing their belt today. If only because they need viewers to watch live Main Event if they want to do any kind of even a remotely realistic stress test for Mania.


So not worth it
Oh, also, we can pretty much end the avatar bet now, because I suppose HHH will have to do the job now. We need a new thing to bet on, maybe #orton vs #batista vs #bryan?


Wow. GAF can never be happy. (Although I'm also in agreement that Cesaro needs to be pushed hard. That dude is an amazing talent.)

So it's pretty damn obvious Bryan's gonna win against HHH at Wrestlemania. What chance do you think that they'll have him win the belt instead of Batista? Especially seeing as Batista supposedly has a title win in his contract.

So let's see what's in the card so far.

MAIN EVENT: Randy Orton vs. Batista (vs. Daniel Bryan if victorious)

Triple H vs. Daniel Bryan

Brock Lesnar vs. Undertaker

John Cena vs. Bray Wyatt

30 Man Andre the Giant memorial Battle Royal

Possible match:

Christian vs. Shamus

Anything I missed.?
I have never seen anyone substantiate this claim. I think someone on some forum (this one?) just said it as an extrapolation of Batista being put in the main event, intended to be his big babyface return.
But I haven't seen anything that has indicated he literally has it in his contract.
Yeah, that opening segment was kinda sorta awful, got the feeling that "trophy" will be about the size of a Slammy from how it was presented.

what Bryan stuff happened? i'm completely out of the loop.

WWE had their ring, trucking, rigging and various other behind the scenes crew along with one of their kids and the annoying red hat wearing "sign guy" to pose as fans to "Occupy" Raw to finally get what we wanted. Maybe my speakers weren't turned up high enough but it seemed like for a big part after the obvious plants were brought up the crowd died down a bit.

Bret was done before the kick. stro reviewed the match, he might remember better than me, pretty sure Bret lands face first on the floor at some point during the match and gets fucked up there.

The kick resulted in just one of a series of concussions he got from that match but biggest issue from the kick is that it tore a hole the size of a quarter in his neck muscle which never healed.


Ziggler needs to win the battle royale. It's a little early for Cesaro to win major at Mania.

It's hardly a major victory, it's probably going to be the opening match. It's actually the ideal mid level victory that would spotlight Cesaro without making him one of the main events.


So not worth it
It's hardly a major victory, it's probably going to be the opening match. It's actually the ideal mid level victory that would spotlight Cesaro without making him one of the main events.

I'm gonna assume Trips vs Bryan is the curtain jerker since Bryan will need some time to get ready for another match.
Since no one else seemed to do it. Stephen Amell of Arrow hearts the WWE Network.
The WWE Network continues to delight me.
FYI - I was in attendance at this match. My buddy John's birthday party. April 1, 1990. Unequivocal highlight of my life up until that point. You think I'm kidding.

EDIT: Well goddammit, I searched Amell and got nothing, guess I should have looked up Arrow too. Fail.


I'm gonna assume Trips vs Bryan is the curtain jerker since Bryan will need some time to get ready for another match.
No, the classic heel move would be HHH having the matches back to back & give Bryan zero rest in between.


So not worth it
Since no one else seemed to do it. Stephen Amell of Arrow hearts the WWE Network.


EDIT: Well goddammit, I searched Amell and got nothing, guess I should have looked up Arrow too. Fail.

Arrow is great.

Also, not the only CW actor that likes wrestling...
Shane West from Nikita also watches.

Raw moves to CW! Guest Hosts everywhere!


Holy shit, just rewatched the Bryan segment and I can't believe I missed him saying this

"we are one, we are united, we will stand together"




part 4 of the ongoing Suzuki series. after retiring from MMA, Suzuki when back to his roots. in 2003 he returned to NJPW and would become a staple in the puro scene with a new look: dressed in all black, funky haircut and a towel on his head. Nakamura was, at this point, a CAW. nothing distinctive about him at all, a far cry from the quirky, exotic character he is nowadays.


match starts off methodical, lots of circling from both men. first clinch attempted but they go against the ropes. back in the center of the ring. nice counter sequence into wristlock from Nakamura.


Suzuki spins out of Nakamura's hold. back in the middle of the ring, collar-and-elbow tie up. side headlock takedown by Nakamura. Suzuki locks in a headscissors but Nakamura escapes. Suzuki tries an armbar from which Nakamura rolls out. both men are back up. single leg takedown by Nakamura, now works on a kneebar. funny spot as Suzuki bites Nakamura to try and escapes as Nakamura pays him back in the same coin.


both wrestlers are standing up again. clinch. they trade back body clinches. Nakamura pulls a drop down reverse takedown, gets top position. forearm choke. now working on a sleeper hold but Suzuki stands up and throws him. hard kick by Suzuki. now it's him with a forearm choke. ref breaks the action. Suzuki resumes with a single leg boston crab attempt which Nakamura counters with a triangle choke. Suzuki escapes and stomps Nakamura, follows with hard kicks.


half camel clutch by Suzuki. lets go of it and decides to stomp Nakamura some more. stiff knees. Nakamura tries to comeback with forearm smashes but Suzuki dodges and beats him up with kicks and hard knees.


snapmare by Suzuki, more stiff kicks. Nakamura fights back with a low spinning kick. brings Suzuki up by the head but gets hit with kicks to the mid-section. he grabs one of them and counters with a mid height weird powerbomb.


Nakamura gets up and shoots for a double leg takedown but Suzuki hits him with a knee to the jaw. back to hitting more stiff kicks on Nakamura's back. Suzuki pulls Nakamura and spikes him with a Gotch style piledriver.


Suzuki now locks a guillotine. switch to rear naked choke. Nakamura manages to reach the ropes and the ref breaks the action. disrespectful slaps by Suzuki to Nakamura while taunting him and the crowd. Nakamura draws from his fighting spirit and trades blows with Suzuki but loses the exchange. Suzuki finishes up with a loud stiff kick.


abdominal scretch attempt by Suzuki but Nakamura just collapses. Suzuki picks him up, goes for an irish whip but Nakamura quickly jumps in for a triangle choke. Suzuki tries to counter but gets rolled up in a pin. 1, 2, 3, it's done. winner via pinfall, Shinsuke Nakamura. pretty enjoyable match, even if Nakamura barely got any offence in.


next match is the Suzuki vs Kobashi one in NOAH. most detailed review i ever done, almost as big as some of stro's full event reviews. i'll have to downsize it, almost 20 gifs to follow the play-by-play. won't post it today.
Holy shit, just rewatched the Bryan segment and I can't believe I missed him saying this

"we are one, we are united, we will stand together"



He's going to hand his WM title shot over to our glorious leader Wade Barrett!


And there was a period where TNA was legitimately entertaining with all the indy guys and X Division folks they had signed.

Yep, then then got stupid and got this idea that bringing in WWE and WCW rejects and jobbing out all of the TNA people that made TNA what it was to them and making all of the TNA vets second class citizens to WWE amd WCW cast offs would be the way to go.
All downhill from there.


It's funny, that when this build started it was always a little awkward with Bryan using the YES Movement and "give the fans what they want" while pushing for a match with HHH, which wasn't what the fans really wanted. So it was a little cynical, using the verbiage of the fans to push something WWE wanted, not the fans.

But as soon as Bryan said "that's not all we want...", it became an actual reflection of what the fans wanted and it all worked. So it's a great use of a real reaction turned into a wrestling angle.


Yep, then then got stupid and got this idea that bringing in WWE and WCW rejects and jobbing out all of the TNA people that made TNA what it was to them and making all of the TNA vets second class citizens to WWE amd WCW cast offs would be the way to go.
All downhill from there.

Once they signed Angle, it was over


It's funny, that when this build started it was always a little awkward with Bryan using the YES Movement and "give the fans what they want" while pushing for a match with HHH, which wasn't what the fans really wanted. So it was a little cynical, using the verbiage of the fans to push something WWE wanted, not the fans.

But as soon as Bryan said "that's not all we want...", it became an actual reflection of what the fans wanted and it all worked. So it's a great use of a real reaction turned into a wrestling angle.

Plus giving Bryan 2 potentially amazing Wrestlemania matches in one night kind of makes up for screwing him over 2 years in a row.


I have never seen anyone substantiate this claim. I think someone on some forum (this one?) just said it as an extrapolation of Batista being put in the main event, intended to be his big babyface return.
But I haven't seen anything that has indicated he literally has it in his contract.

He has A title in his contract, Wrestlemania has nothing to do with it.
He does not need the belt until before Guardians of the Galaxy comes out and they can build his face turn more naturally though him saving helping Bryan against some major run stuff from HHH and crew at Mania could be a quick face turn but it would be a waste and too soon.
IF Bryan wins - Batista will need to stay heel to stay in the title picture.
IF Batista wins - Batista will need to stay heel to keep Bryan in the title picture.


I'm pretty sure WWE just wants Batista to have the title when he's promoting. I really don't think it's literally in his contract to have the title. That just sounds like an exaggeration by fans.


When I heard about the Giant battle royal I thought WWE was going to cheese out and have Bryan win some Battle Royal and then end up somehow getting some scrap with HHH at Mania in a unannounced match.
Then get involved in the title at SS, but the way it worked out is better.
The funniest thing on Raw last night was Batista's completely smooth forehead revealing itself as incapable of preventing sweat from going directly into his eyes.
The "WTF" and "NO" reaction of the Chicago crowd to his insistence that he get a match with Trips shows that his character's motivation isn't authentic anymore.
Well, the Chicago crowd was just mistaken. They thought, well, he'll have a match with HHH and that'll be it. Anybody should boo that.

It is uncertain where D. Brine will take this. It could fizzle. But it could be great.

Kane is super smelly.


I'm pretty sure WWE just wants Batista to have the title when he's promoting. I really don't think it's literally in his contract to have the title. That just sounds like an exaggeration by fans.

Daniel Bryan wins the belt at Mania, feuds with Batista after Mania, Batista steals title during feud and goes on promotional tours with it, claiming he is the champion, Bryan is the underdog again and is fighting to get back what is rightfully his (again) without losing the belt.

This shit is simple to book.


So not worth it
Don't you guys think Marvel might be a little mad if Batista is promoting WWE instead of Guardians during the press calls they set up for him?



ALSO got word via communiquè that Shark Johnson is out for an entire month.

A whole month! Why? Here's what got him banned: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=103814526&postcount=475

... I'm saying nothing. BUT I shall be taking up his Captain Charisma banner for this month. Hashtag peep movement or something. Or peep this *points to crotch*.

Also, I'm hyped for Mania now. I knew they couldn't be stupid enough to have Orton and Batista in a singles match, so this let's Bryan and Orton have some action while Batista has a little nap. My avatar bet is for the HHH match only though, don't think he'll be taking the title.

If they're actually listening to the internet and not planned this since Punk walked out, we need a Kofi heel turn with a giant Flava Flav clock to check what time it is in his push schedule.


So not worth it
How dare he say that!
Oh wait I should read what he said
I'm never going to Gaming-Side again

Seriously, just stay here and occassionaly go to OT for the funny threads. I guess TV/Movie threads are relatively save to. Stay away from Gaming, stay away from other communities, stay away from political threads, LBGT threads, gender threads and religious threads.

It's good here, safe, enjoyable.
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