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March Wrasslin' |OT| The NXT Era Has ArRIVED

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Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I don't know. Shark Johnson's ban-worthy post has legit shook me into making me a little gun-shy.

Read what I posted in Vince McMahon's most patronizing voice possible and my truths are revealed!


So not worth it
My ban for thread shitting was nothing more than a misunderstood joke either. There really is no fool-proof way to post on GAF really, there is only a handful of members that never ever get banned and those are mostly the guys that never post.


The majority of me wants Bryan to win the title at WM and have a giant YES YES YES moment that will be shown in hype videos for decades to come. But there is a part of me that wants HHH to go over and see the reaction.


The majority of me wants Bryan to win the title at WM and have a giant YES YES YES moment that will be shown in hype videos for decades to come. But there is a part of me that wants HHH to go over and see the reaction.

Yeah, I want some way of HHH winning to just to read the meltdowns. Like have it as the opening match, but he still gets added to the title match later on and takes the belt. Best of both worlds.
It is VERY sad for me to say that I know someone who refused to buy the Network because he didn't like the Authority. Then, as of last night, he subscribed.

I just don't grasp the concept of someone NOT looking at it as a great value. It's baffling.
I dunno, I'm still trying to decide myself. The convenience is nice, I think if it had replays of current Raw and Smackdown like we thought it would, I'd have bought it already. As it is though, I still have to go stream/torrent those, so I might as well keep going, it's not a massive time saver.

The second replays are on though, I'll sign up.


So this raises a question.

I'm curious who was more behind Daniel Bryan getting back into the WM main event picture. Was it Vince realizing that he made a mistake and trying to finally capitalize on Bryan being the most over guy in a decade? Or was it HHH and potentially other people along with him dragging Vince kicking and screaming into this idea?

I dunno, I'm still trying to decide myself. The convenience is nice, I think if it had replays of current Raw and Smackdown like we thought it would, I'd have bought it already. As it is though, I still have to go stream/torrent those, so I might as well keep going, it's not a massive time saver.

The second replays are on though, I'll sign up.

My only real problem with WWE Network right now is that there are pretty much no attitude era shows available outside of like 4 shows. Those should have been a much bigger focus for being available since more people are going to be interested in reliving shows from the 90s rather than watching a 2012 SmackDown that's still fresh in people's memory.

And it looks like WWE is going to trickle random episodes of Raw/SD onto the network instead of doing bulk updates, which means watching any WWE stuff from 97 through pretty much 2009 in its proper entirety is going to be near impossible for the foreseeable future.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I'm still trying to figure out what he did that was ban worthy. I didn't realize not accepting Titanfall as the Jesus Christ of Gaming was ban worthy.

My ban for thread shitting was nothing more than a misunderstood joke either. There really is no fool-proof way to post on GAF really, there is only a handful of members that never ever get banned and those are mostly the guys that never post.

We should just all make sure we learn whatever lesson there is from Shark's sabbatical and remember that we don't do any PC concern trolling. It may be interpreted a zillion different ways. If it makes us hesitate before posting, we shouldn't post. That's the main takeaway.

It's the usual "I can't wait for this bad thing to happen because tears tears tears" shtick. It's not very funny but people do it over and over anyway.

I love it when people get their hopes crushed. I legitimately love seeing people get excited then let down. I am a petty person. But I won't lie, I love that shit. It's not played for laughs or yuks or anything. I legitimately like seeing people upset.


I hope the App gets the second screen fixed up. I'm out in Denver and watch on DirecTV, there's no time delay so I couldn't vote or anything. They need to add a Provider option or something.
It is VERY sad for me to say that I know someone who refused to buy the Network because he didn't like the Authority. Then, as of last night, he subscribed.

I just don't grasp the concept of someone NOT looking at it as a great value. It's baffling.
Totally agree I have not watched wrestling in like six years. Life just got in the way I had a son and he loves it so it is pretty cool to see how it has changed. For the most part I kept up with it, but this network I had a friend show me the other day and it's amazing. My boy saw mankind thrown off the cage and his eyes we wide open it was a great experience . As for the here and now it's almost like wrestling fans are acting like little kids with the while I'm not your friend anymore only to see them playing together at the following recess. The network alone is awesome and the current product has no real effect on me. I'll watch my
Stuff and my boy will watch his. Unfortunately he will be crushed come mania watching Bryan lose !!


So not worth it
We should just all make sure we learn whatever lesson there is from Shark's sabbatical and remember that we don't do any PC concern trolling. It may be interpreted a zillion different ways. If it makes us hesitate before posting, we shouldn't post. That's the main takeaway.

I got banned twice, and since the last one every post I make, even the simplest ones make me hesitate before posting.

Hell, sometimes I edit them out completely after posting because I'm still not sure it might offend someone.

GAF pretty much has me scared of losing WrassleGAF for an extended period time every time I make a post.


I think they always intended to continue pushing Bryan in this "underdog against the machine" role, but they had a slow burn in mind and also not a spot at the top of the card, but more in a prominent but secondary role.
Then the ultra negative reaction to the Rumble happened and they realised fans aren't going to go with the program (which was Orton/Batista).

So between that and Punk leaving, they've decided to go with Bryan as the number two guy behind Cena himself (which was Punk's spot) after all.

Funnily enough the whole problem was Bryan had all the potential in the world to be a top star, but they didn't believe in him enough to give him the top star push, which is what he needed to become a brand/star/draw/etc, so it was a self-fulfilling prophecy back in the Autumn when they half-assed his "main event push". Now they're too wary of the crowd reactions to half-ass it, and they're giving Bryan the push he needs, which should in theory make him a a big star and justify said push to the WWE.

It's all very silly when you look at how this progressed.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I got banned twice, and since the last one every post I make, even the simplest ones make me hesitate before posting.

Hell, sometimes I edit them out completely after posting because I'm still not sure it might offend someone.

GAF pretty much has me scared of losing WrassleGAF for an extended period time every time I make a post.

You removed your #YES...what are you trying to say Aiii?

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I think they always intended to continue pushing Bryan in this "underdog against the machine" role, but they had a slow burn in mind and also not a spot at the top of the card, but more in a prominent but secondary role.
Then the ultra negative reaction to the Rumble happened and they realised fans aren't going to go with the program (which was Orton/Batista).

So between that and Punk leaving, they've decided to go with Bryan as the number two guy behind Cena himself (which was Punk's spot) after all.

Funnily enough the whole problem was Bryan had all the potential in the world to be a top star, but they didn't believe in him enough to give him the top star push, which is what he needed to become a brand/star/draw/etc, so it was a self-fulfilling prophecy back in the Autumn when they half-assed his "main event push". Now they're too wary of the crowd reactions to half-ass it, and they're giving Bryan the push he needs, which should in theory make him a a big star and justify said push to the WWE.

It's all very silly when you look at how this progressed.

I will say even if it doesn't get past the first match and if Bryan is denied his title shot at Mania, Bryan/HHH is a valid program and is doing a hell of a lot for Bryan. I really do want to see that match. I feel Triple H is going to put him over huge, but yank out the rug at the last minute.
I think HHH clearly is the one pushing this through. He recognizes Bryan's potential and has for a long while now. Yelling at him about stopping that street fighter basically sealed it for him, because he gets why Bryan would react that way (because that's what he did).

Trips is a lot more malleable than Vince is!
Also when the chips are down, he puts people over.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I think HHH clearly is the one pushing this through. He recognizes Bryan's potential and has for a long while now. Yelling at him about stopping that street fighter basically sealed it for him, because he gets why Bryan would react that way (because that's what he did).

Trips is a lot more malleable than Vince is!

Well and Triple H and Stephanie finally understand what it is about Bryan that the audience loves, and they keep pushing that button mercilessly. It's great - the reaction last week when the crowd wanted Stephanie's blood just was wonderful. So much anger and hate. They're working wonderfully with this and they definitely get it.

It was a #NO.


Well, I honestly think Bryan will go over Triple H and come up short in the main title picture. So I don't know what that makes me.


Also, if they go all the way, and Bryan wins both his matches at WM, we'll find out who is actually a Daniel Bryan fan, and who is a hipster type only looking to support the "underground" talent.
I fully expect if Bryan wins the title at WM there will be a loud minority screaming "Super Bryan" and "Cena Lite" and "Push whoever isn't in the main event but is considered an internet darling instead!!!" before WM goes off the air and


If we do get people who start complaining about Bryan after he finally goes over, I'll be pissed. I just really hope
,and by hope I mean "I'm delusional",
that Bryan potentially getting the strap at WM30 could be the watershed moment that actually gets more young talent pushed and gets Orton/Batista/Cena into a stage where they put over young talent.

HHH looks a million times better with the shorter haircut, he should havd done it while he was still active.

I think it's funny that HBK stuck with the long hair despite clearly having a bad spot on top of his head, but HHH has a full head of hair and he still opted to chop it off.

But yeah, I think HHH looks better now.
Does anyone have any suggestions on where to start watching WCW PPVs? In the early 90s I'm interested in mostly seeing Vader, Sting, Austin, Dustin Rhodes and Cactus Jack.
Also, if they go all the way, and Bryan wins both his matches at WM, we'll find out who is actually a Daniel Bryan fan, and who is a hipster type only looking to support the "underground" talent.
I fully expect if Bryan wins the title at WM there will be a loud minority screaming "Super Bryan" and "Cena Lite" and "Push whoever isn't in the main event but is considered an internet darling instead!!!" before WM goes off the air and
It's true everybody loves the chase but it becomes more than just chants it's merchandising bi rates and a whole lot more that decides who "sales".

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Does anyone have any suggestions on where to start watching WCW PPVs? In the early 90s I'm interested in mostly seeing Vader, Sting, Austin, Dustin Rhodes and Cactus Jack.

Oh man. I think Great American Bash 89 is a great jump-off point but Strobogo will be a better resource.





Does anyone have any suggestions on where to start watching WCW PPVs? In the early 90s I'm interested in mostly seeing Vader, Sting, Austin, Dustin Rhodes and Cactus Jack.

GAB 89 is indeed a good place to start, but I think Superbrawl II (1992) is a good place if you're into the Austin/Rhodes/Vader/Sting era. It has Steiners vs Arn/Eaton, Liger vs Pillman, Barry/Dustin vs Austin/Larry, Rude vs Steamboat, and Lex vs Sting.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Dear NJPW fans:

Where do I get high quality audio sounds from entrances and the promotion? The youtube mp3 ripper leaves me wanting much more.


I still don't get the HHH & Latin phrasing correlation. When did it begin, with the whole King of Kings thing? Did all kings in history speak Latin and I wasn't aware?

If anything he reminds me more of a Viking so maybe it should be in Swedish or Finnish.
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