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March Wrasslin' |OT| The NXT Era Has ArRIVED

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If we do get people who start complaining about Bryan after he finally goes over, I'll be pissed. I just really hope
,and by hope I mean "I'm delusional",
that Bryan potentially getting the strap at WM30 could be the watershed moment that actually gets more young talent pushed and gets Orton/Batista/Cena into a stage where they put over young talent.

I think it's funny that HBK stuck with the long hair despite clearly having a bad spot on top of his head, but HHH has a full head of hair and he still opted to chop it off.

But yeah, I think HHH looks better now.
Yeah, I said it before, it killed me seeing HBK wrestling with bald spots in the second phase of his career. I feel like he's one of the few guys where a short haircut just would not work and it would look weird so I can't blame him for wearing hats all the time in his appearances now.


I still don't get the HHH & Latin phrasing correlation. When did it begin, with the whole King of Kings thing? Did all kings in history speak Latin and I wasn't aware?

If anything he reminds me more of a Viking so maybe it should be in Swedish or Finnish.

Skåda kungen, kungen av kungar doesn't have the same ring to it.

Jag går över. Du blir begravd.


Yeah, I said it before, it killed me seeing HBK wrestling with bald spots in the second phase of his career. I feel like he's one of the few guys where a short haircut just would not work and it would look weird so I can't blame him for wearing hats all the time in his appearances now.

At least Undertaker just accepted that he was balding too much to make the long hair work anymore and just cut it off. HBK and Billy Gunn could both learn from that.

Spider from Mars

tap that thorax
I'm riding the struggle bus real hard this morning with some sort of stomach flu. I wish Trixie, my southern belle, would come feed me vegetable soup and watch some 06 and 07 Impacts with me.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I still don't get the HHH & Latin phrasing correlation. When did it begin, with the whole King of Kings thing? Did all kings in history speak Latin and I wasn't aware?

If anything he reminds me more of a Viking so maybe it should be in Swedish or Finnish.

Brought to my attention via Pavaloo:

Interesting undercurrent gimmick to Evolution - while Randy Orton, as a third generation superstar, made the most since from a genetic's perspective, Batista was also billed as a "genetic revolution" because of how ripped he was and Triple H had believed himself "born better" as early as his Blueblood days. Rounding this group off was the Nature Boy, Ric Flair, who being a nature boy literally meant everything was natural to him and he was, like the others "born this way".

Unlike the Four Horsemen, which was about having a group of men who believed they were the best in general protecting each other, Evolution was actually an extension of Triple H's viewpoint that some people just have "it" from birth. It was a stable based entirely around eugenics.

>yfw Triple H vs. Eugene had this as its entire subtext, right down to Eugene's name being literally eugenics.
Also, the idea that some are born better has now influenced the Wrestlemania main event in storyline, which is also why Triple H has it out for Daniel Bryan.

Triple H being a eugenicist is pretty much confirmed and stayed a part of his character for his entire run. It would also explain his desire to be part of the McMahon's bloodline.
>teamed with an attractive alpha male blonde and Chyna, a woman seen as a genetic freak for her ability to fight men
>the Booker T Wrestlemania feud
>the use of Christian imagery, particularly the Iron Cross
>the use of Norse mythology from a character design point
>why he supports Randy Orton, and now Batista (who, just this Friday, said he was born better than anyone else and deserved to be top dog)
>marrying into the McMahons, the closest thing to a royal bloodline in wrestling
>idolizing Ric Flair, a blonde haired superman with all the wealth and power anyone could want, but was apparently born with these abilities
>Evolution in its entirety, including the feud with Eugene
>the name Hunter Hearst Helmsley - Hunter is self-explanatory, but Hearst is interesting. It's first use is in England during the reign of William the Conqueror, and who's family emigrated from England as nobles to land in New York City. Helmsley, meanwhile, is an indirect translation of a "shepard's clearing". Given that Jesus is referred to as both the King of Kings and a shepard, this leads to a rather apt general translation for his name that fits the theme of his whole career.
>Triple H believes himself to be Aryan Jesus come to cleanse the world of wrestling


Triple threat confirmed then. Good to know WWE wasn't going through with Orton and Batista. It's going to be great to see Batista walk out with the title. Just begin 4 months of promos where he shits on the crowd and the 150lb man-children.


When Bryan was talking about how the Authority don't own the crowd after they claimed it last week, he should have said "You don't own shit!" instead. They can always bleep it out.

Swear words for a rare punctuation have their place.


drawer by drawer
That Bryan-Authority segment was so good. So hyped for WM now.

In other news, the ROH/NJPW show at the Hammerstein Ballroom is sold out without any matches announced. Wow.

Triple threat confirmed then. Good to know WWE wasn't going through with Orton and Batista. It's going to be great to see Batista walk out with the title. Just begin 4 months of promos where he shits on the crowd and the 150lb man-children.
Unfortunate but true Batista did not sign on to put DB over at mania !!
I may be in the minority with this view. But does anyone else feel tired of Daniel Bryan? I mean his promos and he himself lack charisma, he's slowly been turning corny over the past few weeks with this whole 'Yes' movement and thanking the fans constantly. Just feels Cena-esque at times.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I may be in the minority with this view. But does anyone else feel tired of Daniel Bryan? I mean his promos and he himself lack charisma, he's slowly been turning corny over the past few weeks with this whole 'Yes' movement and thanking the fans constantly. Just feels Cena-esque at times.

You're definitely in the minority, but his promos have been lacking for a long time imho. Still, he manages to communicate amazingly in the ring, but I'd like to see some real passion that doesn't sound scripted or forced from him.


You're definitely in the minority, but his promos have been lacking for a long time imho. Still, he manages to communicate amazingly in the ring, but I'd like to see some real passion that doesn't sound scripted or forced from him.

Yeah, I agree. His best segment was with HBK where he didn't say a word and just shoved him into the Yes Lock.
You're definitely in the minority, but his promos have been lacking for a long time imho. Still, he manages to communicate amazingly in the ring, but I'd like to see some real passion that doesn't sound scripted or forced from him.
It always seems like he's giggling through his promos, like he's just really happy to be in WWE. I don't think that's necessarily bad though, think it's part of his charm.
Wait... are they actually doing if Bryan beats HHH he gets in the title match?

Still dont see him getting past Triple H. At the very most he gets in the title match then Triple H costs him the match.

Triple H isnt letting that skinny beardy to get through WM without a burying.


I may be in the minority with this view. But does anyone else feel tired of Daniel Bryan? I mean his promos and he himself lack charisma, he's slowly been turning corny over the past few weeks with this whole 'Yes' movement and thanking the fans constantly. Just feels Cena-esque at times.

Saying Bryan doesn't have charisma is just plain wrong. His promo work is lacking, but in terms of in-ring charisma he is really only rivaled by Cesaro and Zayn in the WWE system. I think what you're actually feeling is the douche chills that come from any corporate backed "movement". The crowd screaming "YES!" is authentic and a ton of fun to watch, but plants running in to the ring like its a flash mob about to dance just feels forced.

I think Bryan does a lot better when he has to be mad at somebody than when he is just trying to pump up the audience. I find that he comes off as pretty believable when he talks, in character, about wanting to be champion.


I may be in the minority with this view. But does anyone else feel tired of Daniel Bryan? I mean his promos and he himself lack charisma, he's slowly been turning corny over the past few weeks with this whole 'Yes' movement and thanking the fans constantly. Just feels Cena-esque at times.

Bryan might lack in the mic but he doesn't lack charisma, not one bit.
Also, Cena has been doing this for 10 years, Bryan has had this gimmick for like an year. Hardly comparable.

The problem with this angle is that Bryan isn't the kind of guy to rebel but since he took Punk's feud they had to have him be this rebellious spirit. I still love the segment and the way they turned it around of course.

When Bryan was talking about how the Authority don't own the crowd after they claimed it last week, he should have said "You don't own shit!" instead. They can always bleep it out.

Swear words for a rare punctuation have their place.

I was expecting Vince to come out and say that he is the one that owns it. Did they drop the whole battle for control of the company? What happened to that?
I may be in the minority with this view. But does anyone else feel tired of Daniel Bryan? I mean his promos and he himself lack charisma, he's slowly been turning corny over the past few weeks with this whole 'Yes' movement and thanking the fans constantly. Just feels Cena-esque at times.
How dare you tell it how it is !!

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I was expecting Vince to come out and say that he is the one that owns it. Did they drop the whole battle for control of the company? What happened to that?

Same place Big Show and Brock Lesnar's lawsuits went


Dear NJPW fans:

Where do I get high quality audio sounds from entrances and the promotion? The youtube mp3 ripper leaves me wanting much more.

A lot of the songs, including the promotion's theme song and entrance songs (like the belt sound clips) are included on the two NJPW CD's. If that's what you're referring to check them out here:

#1 http://tinyurl.com/o2k3mba

#2 http://tinyurl.com/muuv5fn

They're definitely worth snagging in my opinion!



NWA WCW Great American Bash 1989

I'm still unsure if these are technically NWA or WCW shows. It was WCW by this point, but still under the NWA banner. WCW and NWA are used pretty interchangeably.

A disclaimer appears at the bottom of the screen stating that the event is presented in the most complete form possible due to original production technical difficulties.

2 Ring Battle Royal

You eliminate people from the first ring. Then people eliminate each other from the second ring. The last man in both rings then have a singles match. I think. Some men in this match: Scott Hall, the Steiners, Doom, Sky Scrapers, the GOOOOON, Brian Pillman. I swear I've done a review of this match, but I can't remember what for. Nothing interesting. The Sky Scrapers were the last men in their respective rings and refused to fight each other, so they both won.

TO THE SOLIE. Gordon Solie talks with Teddy Long, who explains that he wouldn't let his men fight. Teddy is missing most of his top teeth. What the fuck.


Bill Irwin vs Brian Pillman

Brian gets off to a quick start. Head scissors sends the Goon to the floor. Baseball slide. Brian grounds it back in the ring. Big slam from the Goon. Vertical suplex. A lot of shit talk from Goon. Brian is thrown to the floor. Lariatooooo. Brian fires up with a series of dropkicks. He almost hits the Slingblade. Missile dropkick misses. Gut wrench from the Goon. Brian wins after hitting a flying cross body from the second ring. Pretty nothing match.



TO THE SOLIE. The Dean talks with Paul E. Dangerously. He's taking Jim Cornette O-U-T OUT! He's been living Dangerously his entire life!

The Dynamic Dudes vs The Sky Scrapers

Oh man, the Dudes are going to die. A fan swats Spivey on the chest and he immediately swings right back as this dude. Teddy Long straight up looked like a crack head. The skullet, the missing teeth, constantly sweating. Spivey and Johnny start the match. Spivey knocks him around. Bad cross bodies and dropkicks from Ace. Dude isn't a good wrestler at all. How did he get to Japan in the first place? Sid gets tagged in and the crowd pops big for it. They're really into Sid. Lariatooo from Spivey. Shane gets tagged and hit with a Boss Man Slam. Loud WE WANT SID chants. Razor's Edge from Spivey. Big Boot. He's fucking the Dudes up single handedly. I wish Sid would go to the floor and start fist bumping these fans because they love him. They're so into him that they boo when he tags out. And as soon as he tags out, the WE WANT SID chants start up again. It's pretty rad. They should have just gone with it. The crowd wants Sid. Let Sid get in there and fuck the Dudes up. That's what Spivey has been doing the whole match anyway. Johnny gets a hot tag and slips up top going for a clothesline. The Sky Scrapers collide on accident. Double dropkick to Sid. Double hip toss to Spivey. Spivey totally drops Ace doing a powerbomb, but gets the win with it anyway. They should have had Sid win with the powerbomb. He was the over one, but they had Spivey in 90% of the match.



TO THE SOLIE. Gordon talks this time with Jim Cornette. He's going to fuck Paul E. up tonight.

Paul E. Dangerously vs Jim Cornette Tuxedo Match

Corny has a good punch, guys. Paul's jacket comes off right away, but it was all a ruse to get powder out. Paul uses his phone to attack Cornette's famously injured knee. Cornette's jacket is gone. Paul clobbers him, but JR calls it a "somewhat feminine" right hand. I don't think so. He clearly potatoed Corny. I guess it was kind of a slap. Paul gets choked with his cummerbund. Spitting! This is surprisingly physical and Cornette is a pretty good fiery babyface, weirdly enough. Paul's shirt is gone. More coke from Paul. It gets kicked back in his face. Off goes Paul's pants and he runs right to the back. Cornette wins!


TO THE SOLIE. Gary Hart talks up Muta and how important the TV Championship is.

Kevin Sullivan/Mike Rotunda vs Steiner Brothers Tornado Tag Match

Kevin Sullivan just doesn't fit with the Varsity Club. He went from the devil to a head of a frat basically, but he's just some short fat guy and doesn't wear any kind of university stuff or singlets. Scott and IRS go at it in the ring as Rick and Sullivan are throwing chairs, tables, and stairs at each other on the floor. Rick gets whipped into an IRS lariatoo. Over head belly to belly and powerslam from Rick to Sullivan. This is a pretty wild brawl. This kind of feels like a bit of a proto-ECW kind of brawl. Scott cross bodies Sullivan while he's holding Rick and they double pin him to get the win.


TO THE SOLIE. Gordon talks with Sting and Eddie Gilbert. Sting is trying to stay calm. It's so weird going from seeing Eddie doing the shit he was doing in Memphis with Lawler and then being generic babyface in WCW right around the same time.

Sting vs The Great Muta NWA TV Championship

This music for Muta is dope as fuck. Sounds like some back ground music in a Bruce Lee movie when he's sneaking around. Muta is undefeated at this point in time. Sting himself has an extremely good win record. They star in separate rings, so Sting takes it upon himself to dive over both sets of ropes to get at Muta. Muta comes back with a diving chop, handspring elbow, and went for the moonsault early. Sting moves and Muta lands on his feet. Kicks send Sting to the floor. Muta follows out with a pescado. Sting comes back with a standing and diving lariato. "Oriental" sleeper, which is the same thing as a normal sleeper. It's turned into a rear naked choke. Press slam from Sting. He misses the jumping elbow drop. Scattered MUTA MUTA chants every few moves. Powerdrive elbow. Muta is doing all kinds of weird facial things and being a general weirdo. Sting fights back only to get poked in the eyes. Handspring elbow is missed. Sting fires up. Big bulldog. Standing dropkick. Nick Patrick gets the red mist on accident. Sting misses the Stinger Splash. Moonsault...2 count! Belly to back suplex. Both men had their shoulders down, but Sting's went up at the last second. Title retained! Really fun, if short, match. Nick Patrick seems to think Muta won. Muta and Gary Hart leave with the belt and the fans chant BULLSHIT. No one is really sure what is going on here.


He talks with Lex Luger, who appears to be a heel now. He's not happy about having to defend against Ricky Steamboat tonight. And he won't have the match unless the no DQ rule is waived.

Ricky Steamboat vs Lex Luger NWA US Championship

Ricky comes out with a god damn kimono dragon and being carried on a pillar by what looks like Seal Team Six. The best part about the dragon is that it is wearing a spiked vest. That's pretty rad. Fucking lol at Lex's podium stopping the spinning and Lex trying to keep it going, just to give up and change his pose anyway. Lex refuses to put the title on the line with that stipulation. The conditions are accepted. I think there was a steroids chant starting up, but I can't be positive. Steamboat uses his speed and experience to catch Lex off guard with chops and roll ups. Steamboat is met with a knee lift coming back into the ring. Hard lariatoo on the floor from Lex. Steamboat is 230 right now. He was a state wrestling champion at 154. That's what working out will do for you, kids! Back breaker from Lex. Seems like he's going to focus on the lower back from now on. Press slam. Dragon gets a quick roll up and then crush with lariatos. Fans are really into heels all around tonight. Tommy Young stops Steamboat from strikes in the corner, which totally fucked Ricky over. Power slam. Luger Sucks chants start up for a moment. Make up your mind, crowd. Desperation neck breaker from Steamboat. Lex misses a lariato and goes over the top. Lex gets caught going up top like he's Ric Flair or some shit. Steamboat fires off some chops. Diving tomahawk chop. Ricky gets back dropped into the second ring. Lex gets a chair. It turns against him when he gets slingshot while holding it. Steamboat grabs the chair and whacks Lex a few times, causing himself to be disqualified. He even threw Tommy Young out of the ring. Steamboat has snapped! He chases Lex all the way to the back. Title retained. Lex was really serviceable when he was young. Especially against guys like Flair and Steamboat.



The SST and Fabulous Freebirds give their promo for War Games. GOD DAMN IT. MICHAEL FUCKING HAYES YOU CUNT. The Headshrinkers randomly start biting each other during the promo while Michael is screaming and being a cunt. Elsewhere, the faces give their promo. Dr. Death flies in, talks about trying to catch birds, and needing bug spray for the "Samoyions".


Road Warriors/Steve Williams/Midnight Express vs SST/Fabulous Freebirds War Games

Again, Iron Man is left in for LOD. They come in riding bitch on some bikes. Obviously, the heels win the coin toss. Eaton and Jimmy Jam start the match. Michael Hayes is the kind of guy would get married just so he could cheat on his wife. The kind of guy who would drink your last Wild Cherry Pepsi and not tell you. The kind of guy who would house sit and leave your house unlocked all weekend. The kind of guy who would use a story about Black History Month as an excuse to talk about this one time he threw fried chicken at an elderly black woman in the front row. The kind of guy who would use your car cigarette lighter to charge his car battery. The kind of guy who would take the A key off your keyboard because his was broken. The kind of guy who would spend hours hacking shit up while you're trying to watch a movie. The kind of guy who talks on the phone at a play. The kind of guy who doesn't wipe his ass. The kind of guy who wears purple suits because he thinks he's black, even though he's racist. The kind of guy who eats coworker's lunches from the refrigerator. The kind of guy who snitches on people for things he does. The kind of guy who tries to fuck someone at their mom's funeral. The kind of guy would talk about the tits of your dead mom in the coffin. Standard War games match. The faces win.


TO THE SOLIE. Ric Flair is the guest. The only man besides Harley Race and Lou Thesz to be a 6 time champion. Flair is risking his health and livelihood to go through with this match.

Terry Funk vs Ric Flair NWA Championship

The action starts right away out on the floor. Funk throws a chair into the ring. Funk unloads some chops in the ring only to get stood on his toes from one of Flair's. Another sends him over the top. Flair goes head first into the ring post. I can't believe he didn't blade for it. Funk slaps Flair around, disrespecting the champ. Flair tries to suplex him off the apron and they both just kind of fall to the floor. Not sure what happened. Some of Flair's chops sound like gun shots. Flair back drops Funk over the ropes out of a piledriver. Flair goes after Funk's neck. Flair hasn't wrestled since Funk's attack at WrestleWar. Flair hits a piledriver! Funk starts throwing punches only for Flair to hit a flying burrito. Figure four! Funk uses a branding iron to break it. It busted Flair open. Piledriver. Flair was in the ropes. Flair blocks another one on the floor. Funk just kind of rolls off the apron and kind of maybe lands on Flair, but Flair sells it in classic OH GAAAHD style. Neck breaker in the ring. Another. Terry is trying to make Flair says he quits. Flair gets a hold of the branding iron and whacks Terry right in the face. Funk is busted open. Flair misses a flying knee in the corner. Spinning toe hold! Flair reverses it into a figure four attempt. Funk reverses that into a small package. Flair reverses that and gets the pin. Title retained. Gary Hart got decked after the match just for fun. Muta shows up and gives Flair the green mist. They double team Flair. Funk goes for a piledriver on a chair. Doug Dillinger jumps in the ring to save Flair only to get attacked. Sting shows up and the fight is on. Flair gets up and knocks the SHIT out of Muta. Things are out of control. The head of security is down. Flair looks like a Christmas ornament. Mutai s throwing stairs. Funk walks by Dave Meltzer in the crowd. The fight starts back up with Funk throws a chair that hits Flair and Flair flies out of the ring after him. It's like 10 minutes of brawling all over the place. In the ring, at ringside, into the crowd, up to the stage, to the announce position.




Good show. The marquee matches definitely delivered. I'm ready to see Sting/Flair vs Muta/Funk. What a hot fucking way to end the show. God damn. Now I'm all amped up from that brawl. JR nearly lost his voice during it, fans were going nuts, Flair looked insane. It was rad.


Bryan might lack in the mic but he doesn't lack charisma, not one bit.
Also, Cena has been doing this for 10 years, Bryan has had this gimmick for like an year. Hardly comparable.

The problem with this angle is that Bryan isn't the kind of guy to rebel but since he took Punk's feud they had to have him be this rebellious spirit. I still love the segment and the way they turned it around of course.

I was expecting Vince to come out and say that he is the one that owns it. Did they drop the whole battle for control of the company? What happened to that?

They dropped it for a while, but it's obviously been picked up again. Stephanie yelling that the WWE is hers, as it was for her grandfather and great-grandfather, not mentioning her father, says to me Vince is planned to return soon as a face.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
A lot of the songs, including the promotion's theme song and entrance songs (like the belt sound clips) are included on the two NJPW CD's. If that's what you're referring to check them out here:

#1 http://tinyurl.com/o2k3mba

#2 http://tinyurl.com/muuv5fn

They're definitely worth snagging in my opinion!

Ah yes, that's what they're on! Jamie OD shipped me these two CDs a ways back, I had forgotten I had them!

Thanks Jamie! :)
If they waste Brock's contract without having him wrestle Bryan, that would suck. Wrestlemania should have been Brock vs Bryan, Undertaker can go wrestle Ryback or something.


They dropped it for a while, but it's obviously been picked up again. Stephanie yelling that the WWE is hers, as it was for her grandfather and great-grandfather, not mentioning her father, says to me Vince is planned to return soon as a face.

Yeah, they still seem to be hinting at it but it seems like they don't have that much time left to pick it up again.

Also, who would be in that match? Kane vs Big Show?

Same place Big Show and Brock Lesnar's lawsuits went

Not a nice place to end up in.
If they waste Brock's contract without having him wrestle Bryan, that would suck. Wrestlemania should have been Brock vs Bryan, Undertaker can go wrestle Ryback or something.

I'm sure once D Bry gets the belt, the angle will be that HHH will book Bryan into ridiculous title matches every month that he shouldn't win, but finds a way to do so. Maybe even making him defend his title in every match he has on Raw and Smackdown? Lol


Yeah, they still seem to be hinting at it but it seems like they don't have that much time left to pick it up again.

Also, who would be in that match? Kane vs Big Show?

Not a nice place to end up in.

I don't know that it's going to be a WM story at this point, it might be for post-WM.


I'm sure once D Bry gets the belt, the angle will be that HHH will book Bryan into ridiculous title matches every month that he shouldn't win, but finds a way to do so. Maybe even making him defend his title in every match he has on Raw and Smackdown? Lol

Bret did that during his first title reign. Facing jobbers with the title on the line.
"No charisma"

That's not telling it how it is. That's being clueless or narrow minded. Not every face is Cena. And "charisma" is not "have loads of catchphrases on the mic like the Rock".
I'm far from clueless my friend. Their is more to being a championship caliber wrestler in the business than having fans scream yes all night for you. To be the best you have to have the whole package and Daniel Bryan does not. His size is already a minus. His in ring ability is phenomenal yet his mic skills are mediocre at best. What we learned in wrestling school is their are guys that entertain and guys that can wrestle but the greats are the ones who can do both and unless DB gets better at it he will not carry the WWE !!


I'm far from clueless my friend. Their is more to being a championship caliber wrestler in the business than having fans scream yes all night for you. To be the best you have to have the whole package and Daniel Bryan does not. His size is already a minus. His in ring ability is phenomenal yet his mic skills are mediocre at best. What we learned in wrestling school is their are guys that entertain and guys that can wrestle but the greats are the ones who can do both and unless DB gets better at it he will not carry the WWE !!

Yeah, Bryan is nowhere near the calibre of previous WWE Champions and Mania main-eventers like The Miz. Now that was a guy I was proud to call champion.

Wrestling is not a sport, size has nothing to do with who should be champion. Also, his mic skills might not be GOAT levels but he is good enough. Last night's segment was proof of that, he did his job well.

Of course all of that is irrelevant, when you get the reactions Bryan does and when fans boo an entire match because you aren't there then you have earned a championship.


I'm sure once D Bry gets the belt, the angle will be that HHH will book Bryan into ridiculous title matches every month that he shouldn't win, but finds a way to do so. Maybe even making him defend his title in every match he has on Raw and Smackdown? Lol

Well Guardians of the Galaxy comes out August 1st, so expect Brotista to take the title no later than MITB, or whatever the July PPV is this year.


Looks like I'm getting Titanfall. Hooray for Mexico and their pricing on Origin.

EDIT: not sure on the Mexico part actually. £20 without the season pass or £28 with. May have to contemplate dis shizz.

EDIT2: I'm a dumbass and was looking at the season pass for £20. Mexico it is.
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