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March Wrasslin' |OT| The NXT Era Has ArRIVED

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I'm sure once D Bry gets the belt, the angle will be that HHH will book Bryan into ridiculous title matches every month that he shouldn't win, but finds a way to do so. Maybe even making him defend his title in every match he has on Raw and Smackdown? Lol

That sounds entertaining. I've seen some ideas thrown around that Bryan might face Lesnar at SummerSlam.



Being Canadian probably didn't help. I knew who Ed Koch was from Peoples Court and that he was a former Mayor of New York, but I didn't know he was Mayor during a time of massive crime, pollution, and unemployment and general shittyness and was constantly polling his constituents to see how good of a job they thought he was doing.

Hence 80' Ed Koch destroying the city asking "How my doing?"

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I knew who Ed Koch was from Peoples Court and that he was a former Mayor of New York, but I didn't know he was Mayor during a time of massive crime, pollution, and unemployment and general shittyness and was constantly polling his constituents to see how good of a job they thought he was doing.

Hence 80' Ed Koch destroying the city asking "How my doing?"

Hey I didn't know at the time either! I think the Rock smiley is being misconstrued. It's just funny that someone younger told you about it, heh.
"No charisma"

That's not telling it how it is. That's being clueless or narrow minded. Not every face is Cena. And "charisma" is not "have loads of catchphrases on the mic like the Rock".

No. I watch it with an open mind and am certainly not clueless about what goes on. I've been a big fan of Daniel Bryan even more so since he started breaking out in popularity and moving on from the mid card status to being the highlight. However, my view is what I feel when I watch Daniel Bryan in recent times.

I never disputed his in-ring ability at all. He excels there. It's the promos aspect that I feel he lacks. He just doesn't, to me anyway, have that charisma or punch to his promos. As another poster put it. He's usually just giggling to himself and just happy to be in the WWE. That's fine. But it doesn't really sell a match or a situation in my eyes anyway.

And my Cena-esque comment was in relation to his corny, thanking the fans constantly and his most recent event on RAW.

I'm sorry if my view doesn't conform to how you and many others here feel of Daniel Bryan but it's something that's been irking me the past month or so.
I loved that one of the choices for what type of match Christian and Sheamus should have was a best 2 out of 3 match lol. I don't even think their families would want that.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Watching Taboo Tuesday for the first time.

Boy, this isn't as much fun as you'd think.


That sounds entertaining. I've seen some ideas thrown around that Bryan might face Lesnar at SummerSlam.

Bryan vs Lesnar is probably the last Brock match I'd be interested in seeing. Still can't believe since Brock came back, he's had 6 matches. 3 of them against HHH. Like we really needed to see that 3 times. The other times against Big Show just because, and then Punk and Cena which were great matches. His return has been so much wasted material and matchups.


I'm far from clueless my friend. Their is more to being a championship caliber wrestler in the business than having fans scream yes all night for you. To be the best you have to have the whole package and Daniel Bryan does not. His size is already a minus. His in ring ability is phenomenal yet his mic skills are mediocre at best. What we learned in wrestling school is their are guys that entertain and guys that can wrestle but the greats are the ones who can do both and unless DB gets better at it he will not carry the WWE !!


Watching Taboo Tuesday for the first time.

Boy, this isn't as much fun as you'd think.

That was before they started rigging polls. What caused them to start rigging polls was the one the following year I think where it was "pick Ric Flairs tag team partner for the Tag title match" and the audience picked Piper instead of Dusty like they wanted.

Then the following year they had Santino insult Honkey Tonk Man for months and still had to rig the vote to stop Piper from winning it.


Since no one else seemed to do it. Stephen Amell of Arrow hearts the WWE Network.


EDIT: Well goddammit, I searched Amell and got nothing, guess I should have looked up Arrow too. Fail.
That video is awesome. Haven't started S2 yet (wife and I are still on S1 netflix), but I'm guessing he's actually wearing a mask now and not just mascara? Here's hoping he ends up in the Justice League movie if WB ever gets their shit together.

Missed last night's RAW, so how did Cesaro do?


Look at that goof. Who does he think he is, Heisenberg?

More like Breaking BORED.

His eyes roll back in his head because he's boring himself to death.




I read this in Cena's voice. It's perfect.
Yeah, Bryan is nowhere near the calibre of previous WWE Champions and Mania main-eventers like The Miz. Now that was a guy I was proud to call champion.

Wrestling is not a sport, size has nothing to do with who should be champion. Also, his mic skills might not be GOAT levels but he is good enough. Last night's segment was proof of that, he did his job well.

Of course all of that is irrelevant, when you get the reactions Bryan does and when fans boo an entire match because you aren't there then you have earned a championship.
The reactions Bryan gets will be nothing more than a momentary thing in the scheme of things. Once he wins it will slowly evaporate. People want to see him as champ that's the magic of it. Once the title is on him that magic fades. They have no reason to hope for the little guy. Don't get me wrong Bryan deserves his time to shine but once it happens you will see truly what fans back him !!


The reactions Bryan gets will be nothing more than a momentary thing in the scheme of things. Once he wins it will slowly evaporate. People want to see him as champ that's the magic of it. Once the title is on him that magic fades. They have no reason to hope for the little guy. Don't get me wrong Bryan deserves his time to shine but once it happens you will see truly what fans back him !!

And Steve Austin's popularity vanished once he finally became champion and defeated McMahon right?
Wonder how they will fill out the WrestleMania card. So far we got:
-Title triple threat
-Bryan vs HHH
-Undertaker vs Brock
-Cena vs Wyatt
-30 man battle royal

I'm guessing we will see at least 4 more matches.

- Usos are way over and will get on the card, probably vs. NAO, though I'd love to see them vs the Rhodes bros
- Swagger vs Cesaro seems obvious enough.

After that I have no idea. No way they do Sheamus vs Christain again though both could end up on the card elsewhere. Vince probably wants Big Show and/or Kane there too. Big E is nowhere to be seen to defend his title. We will probably get a divas shit fest though I don't believe we did last year.

I don't really see an obvious feud for the Shield :(. Somehow I think they end up vs Sheamus hopefully but I don't see how. Actually I guess they hinted at a feud with Kane yesterday. Maybe they could take on a monster tag team of him mark Henry and big show or something. At least that's something even it's terrible, it gets vinces boys on the card. I think they'll delay the breakup for now. No need for their triple threat to show up the championship.


The reactions Bryan gets will be nothing more than a momentary thing in the scheme of things. Once he wins it will slowly evaporate. People want to see him as champ that's the magic of it. Once the title is on him that magic fades. They have no reason to hope for the little guy. Don't get me wrong Bryan deserves his time to shine but once it happens you will see truly what fans back him !!

Now we're into pessimistic crystal ball territory.


The reactions Bryan gets will be nothing more than a momentary thing in the scheme of things. Once he wins it will slowly evaporate. People want to see him as champ that's the magic of it. Once the title is on him that magic fades. They have no reason to hope for the little guy. Don't get me wrong Bryan deserves his time to shine but once it happens you will see truly what fans back him !!

Even if that's true (and you don't know since you can't predict the future) it's no reason to not make people happy right now.

People want to see Bryan be champion, give them that and book him as an underdog champion and see where it goes. If people bail on him then push the next guy, rinse and repeat.

Still, he deserves to be champion. Contrary to what you were saying.


The undercard is probably going to be something like:

Rollins vs Ambrose vs Reigns
Sheamus vs Christian
Usos vs Outlaws
Cesaro vs Swagger (and maybe Big E for the IC title)
AJ vs Natalya vs Nikki (and maybe some other divas)


So the most unpredictable match is Cena vs Wyatt? I mean ofc amongst the matches that matter

Taker is obviously winning
Bryan is obviously winning against Haitch', that is guarrantied now, and if the Triple Threat goes last, he is winning that too most likely. If the TT does not go last, then they might do some fuckupery again. Though at Mania? Again? Doubt it

With Cena and Wyatt, they either go the route of building up a new star or just give us another "Cena defeats the odds" ordeal. Which would be sad, Cena winning does nothing for him, he beat the Rock last year.

As for The Shield, we pretty much know Roman Reigns is the guy they like the most, so any match, he is likely winning.


Since folks are talking about WM 30 Main Event and just saw this article

How would you rank all 29 WM Main events to date?
As in the final match on the show!

On top of all that, the rematch had one (and my vote for) the greatest promo videos ever:
Best: You should’ve watched that video at least twice before moving on.
Worst: Triple H spending two years trying to have a match as good as either Taker/HBK match.



Daniel Bryan is no Steve Austin when it comes to sales and ratings which is a legitimate factor to how hard they push you.

Aha. Do you think Stone Cole STARTED as a ratings and sales draw? No one starts as one. He also was on top during the biggest boom period in wrestling history, while today wrestling is in a slump, and WWE's success comes from corporate structuring rather than giant gates and buyrates.

Apply some context to these things.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I really think I need to watch Slamboree 93. Card looks kinda great.

Big One

Aha. Do you think Stone Cole STARTED as a ratings and sales draw? No one starts as one. He also was on top during the biggest boom period in wrestling history, while today wrestling is in a slump, and WWE's success comes from corporate structuring rather than giant gates and buyrates.

Apply some context to these things.
People think that Austin became a draw after his 3:16 promo at King of the Ring...but fact of the matter is, he didn't really became a huge draw till later around 97/98.
Even if that's true (and you don't know since you can't predict the future) it's no reason to not make people happy right now.

People want to see Bryan be champion, give them that and book him as an underdog champion and see where it goes. If people bail on him then push the next guy, rinse and repeat.

Still, he deserves to be champion. Contrary to what you were saying.
Believe me I want to see DB as champ but I also don't want to see him as momentary event. He deserves his shot and I guess we can never know where he goes with it if it doesn't happen.
Aha. Do you think Stone Cole STARTED as a ratings and sales draw? No one starts as one. He also was on top during the biggest boom period in wrestling history, while today wrestling is in a slump, and WWE's success comes from corporate structuring rather than giant gates and buyrates.

Apply some context to these things.
You're right but when Austin's time came he had Vince backing him. Vince was all in on Austin. We can assume when HBK talked to Vince about pushing a certain someone and Vince saying I don't think he can bring in money that is was DB. If it was then the proof is right there until Vince and only Vince believes and is all in on Bryan it isn't going to happen but here's hoping after that wwe meeting they had he changed his views on DB.


Aha. Do you think Stone Cole STARTED as a ratings and sales draw? No one starts as one. He also was on top during the biggest boom period in wrestling history, while today wrestling is in a slump, and WWE's success comes from corporate structuring rather than giant gates and buyrates.

Apply some context to these things.
I'm pretty sure Stone Cold was a draw as soon as he got that first title. I was a kid and everyone talked about Stone Cold and wanting to see him. And context is important, you're right. These are different times. Bryan is a multiple World Champion who has had Raw booked around him for the better part of the last half year. He's not going to magically become some huge draw because he's given a big push now. If it's the Cena push, then ain't no one got time to see this shit for years on end just to finally make him an insignificant draw in the grand scheme of things. These draw discussions are stupid purely for the fact that no one knows what WWE sees and measures in the background to determine who their top stars.

You all should just be satisfied with the era of Brotista which is beginning at Wrestlemania. I'm expecting a lot of angry people in this thread too when it inevitably happens.

All hail Brotistania. Bitches leave.


People think that Austin became a draw after his 3:16 promo at King of the Ring...but fact of the matter is, he didn't really became a huge draw till later around 97/98.

Austin 3:16 was like 18 Seconds for Bryan, it was the beginning of him getting over in a big way, but that was in 1996, when Austin was a midcard heel. He didn't become THE guy until early 1998 at WM14, nearly two years later.

Even then, I'm sure it took months before he was a draw just because he was Stone Cold Steve Austin. The feud with Vince after WM14 and the heat of the Attiude Era is what solidified him as the biggest star in WWE history.

Think on that, all of the biggest stuff for Austin came after he won the title at WM, not before. People claiming Bryan shouldn't win the title because the chase is all there is is crazy. What's the alternative? The unbelievably irrelevant Orton holding the title? Batista whom the crowd despises?
These are not very future proof.

You make the star, then you make the star into a brand. That's how it goes.
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