Bigger questions need to be asked like are we finally getting sin cars/mystero
You're getting Samuray del Sol, bumped up at the week before WM vs Rey Rey.Bigger questions need to be asked like are we finally getting sin cars/mystero
On Daniel Bryan: Daniel Bryan had another terrific night and WWE is booking DB expertly even though some critics will micro analyze the storyline and find fault with it because that's simply what they do. As I have said for many weeks, I fully expect Daniel Bryan to have a significant "WrestleMania Moment" in NOLA on April 6. Just waiting on a handful of fans to complain now that the Bryan story is now too "predictable." Please...stop my pain.
Vader would've gotten a proper title reign!Imagine how amazing HBK would have been in the 90s if he wasn't a drugged up cock.
Sunny and/or Falling Edge, how do I get veins to pop out on my biceps?
You are short selling Orton.I'm not sure even bryan can save the main event at mania. Brotista and orton are going to stink it up.
I hope I am and the match proves me wrong.You are short selling Orton.
Sunny and/or Falling Edge, how do I get veins to pop out on my biceps?
Drop body fat % - that is when you get some majesty and striations. Part genetics, part muscle, part body fat - BF% is the king of them though.
Sunny and/or Falling Edge, how do I get veins to pop out on my biceps?
Bryan's getting as corny as Cena as
Oh shit I totally didn't notice:
Yes WWE, we totally believe 'Sign Guy', the guy who always makes damn sure his signs are exactly what creative wants, is part of the "occupy Raw" movement to defy what creative wants.
That is sign guy.Is that Fred Durst on the left?
That is sign guy.
Yeah. I miss when he was a fucking bad ass hugging it out with Kane.
The ripped male bodies that grace our movie screens have boys thinking theyre inadequate. Research has shown that 25 percent of men with a healthy weight think that they are underweight. And a recent TODAY/AOL Body Image survey found that men worry about their appearance more than they do about their health, family, relationships or professional success. Fifty-three percent of men said they felt insecure about their appearance at least once a week.
everyone wants to be swole as fuck
what's the big deal
Eh... Jim Ross has pretty good reason to consider WCW a joke, even if it puts him on the same page as heel Jerry Lawler and Triple K
I miss it. It makes no sense for my biceps to be smaller than my neck.
What's the head count of those going to the ROH/NJPW shows? I got my GA Lower Balcony seats a few weeks ago!
Vince McMahon - Funny that you made a thread about the guy posing next to all the ass cracks at a MTG tourney, he's friend of mine. Actually, we bullshit about rasslin whenever we talk or hang out.
For ideal measurements, your neck, bicep, and calves should be the same size.
Stro you just need to replace your booze with cocaine. You'll be Warrior vascular in no time.
The "yes movement" just doesn't feel organic at all, in fact it started to feel so very hollow when they started labeling it as such. To call it a movement just comes across as audacious and mock referencing occupy wall street was indeed the moment they jumped the shark. The only thing that somewhat reined in the sheer goofiness of the segment was Steph and HHH's reactions. Otherwise the whole bit would've been shit and you all know it. Sure you can say, "buh-buh they're giving you what you want!" Granted they are, but it's such a bumbling shit tier way of doing it that it makes me largely tune out.Bryan's getting as corny as Cena as
The "yes movement" just doesn't feel organic at all, in fact it started to feel so very hollow when they started labeling it as such. To call it a movement just comes across as audacious and mock referencing occupy wall street was indeed the moment they jumped the shark. The only thing that somewhat reined in the sheer goofiness of the segment was Steph and HHH's reactions. Otherwise the whole bit would've been shit and you all know it. Sure you can say, "buh-buh they're giving you what you want!" Granted they are, but it's such a bumbling shit tier way of doing it that it makes me largely tune out.
The timing and delivery of how they booked certain shows was just so strange. A big angle that should've been much more.There was no reason for Vince to put over WCW. I mean they could have dragged it out and made money, but ... oh well.
Especially when #yesmovement was tweeted out by Bryan right after Rumble, lol.The "yes movement" just doesn't feel organic at all, in fact it started to feel so very hollow when they started labeling it as such. To call it a movement just comes across as audacious and mock referencing occupy wall street was indeed the moment they jumped the shark. The only thing that somewhat reined in the sheer goofiness of the segment was Steph and HHH's reactions. Otherwise the whole bit would've been shit and you all know it. Sure you can say, "buh-buh they're giving you what you want!" Granted they are, but it's such a bumbling shit tier way of doing it that it makes me largely tune out.
Especially when #yesmovement was tweeted out by Bryan right after Rumble, lol.
The "yes movement" just doesn't feel organic at all, in fact it started to feel so very hollow when they started labeling it as such. To call it a movement just comes across as audacious and mock referencing occupy wall street was indeed the moment they jumped the shark. The only thing that somewhat reined in the sheer goofiness of the segment was Steph and HHH's reactions. Otherwise the whole bit would've been shit and you all know it. Sure you can say, "buh-buh they're giving you what you want!" Granted they are, but it's such a bumbling shit tier way of doing it that it makes me largely tune out.
The "yes movement" just doesn't feel organic at all, in fact it started to feel so very hollow when they started labeling it as such. To call it a movement just comes across as audacious and mock referencing occupy wall street was indeed the moment they jumped the shark. The only thing that somewhat reined in the sheer goofiness of the segment was Steph and HHH's reactions. Otherwise the whole bit would've been shit and you all know it. Sure you can say, "buh-buh they're giving you what you want!" Granted they are, but it's such a bumbling shit tier way of doing it that it makes me largely tune out.