Why isn't aj on total divas anyways
She legit refused, doesn't want to be on camera 24/7.Why isn't aj on total divas anyways
Interesting. Surprised wwe never ripped the title off her thenShe legit refused, doesn't want to be on camera 24/7.
She had heat over it, but Vince told her to go on camera and tell everyone why she didn't want to be on TD and that's when she wrote and cut that promo on Total Divas.Interesting. Surprised wwe never ripped the title off her then
Interesting. Surprised wwe never ripped the title off her then
Hm good point, but NOW I am surprised though if she survives tonight/much longer.Are you really surprised
are you really
Can we stop pretending AJ's push didn't start long before she started dating Punk? It's getting tiresome.
This is such a simplistic view of wrestling. We don't care about positions on the card and winning matches if the person doing them isn't being authentic to themselves as they do it. Bryan is a natural underdog and fun to root for, but they're taking him a bit out of that natural character and making him play Cena.It's so true.
One month ago, Bryan is getting buried. Shit merch, Raw goes off the air every week with him knocked out, Orton/Batista seems like a certainty. Everyone in this thread says fuck this company.
Last night, Bryan is the #1 guy in the company. He's placed in the championship match like we all wanted, he FINALLY has a shirt/merch that isn't appallingly bad, and Raw goes off the air with him pinning the champ clean.
Everyone in this thread says fuck this company.
He's no Steve Austin on the mic, but to turn on him after yesterday is fucking ridiculous imo. We finally got what we wanted, and for once I'm actually going to enjoy it. Haven't said that since the build up to Summer Slam last year.
Can we stop pretending AJ's push didn't start long before she started dating Punk? It's getting tiresome.
Rock tier sharpshooter
AJ gets less reaction because the last time she was in an actual storyline with anyone was before SummerSlam. This has nothing to do with Punk. The reason her push continues is because there are almost no divas closer to her level or popularity even now and she still make the company alot of merch money.Plenty of divas pushes start and end quickly. Miraculously, AJ gets less and less reactions each week but somehow held the title for longer and longer. Let's not be naive just because it's one of our faves. You really think Beth got so many pushes because she was so over?
Dean's title is in deep shit.
I haven't really been checking in here as much lately but WrassleGAF has turned on Bryan? C'mon guys.
Everyone is turning on Bryan because it's fun to hate what's popular. Team Sunny reigns victorious.
Fave Five (Plus Five) WM Matches:
1. Stone Cold vs Rock WM 17
2. Hulk Hogan vs Warrior WM 6
3. Randy Savage vs Warrior WM 7
4. HHH vs HBK vs Chris Benoit WM 20
5. Stone Cold vs Bret Hart WM 13
6. Owen Hart vs Bret Hart WM 10
7. Booker T. vs HHH WM 19
8. HBK vs Undertaker WM 25
9. HBK vs Undertaker WM 26
10. HBK vs Ric Flair WM 24
Honorable mentions go to Taker vs Flair, Bret vs Piper, Savage vs Flair, Savage vs Steamboat, Vince vs Hogan, Vince vs HBK. Anything after 3 is really completely interchangeable for me.
Wtf is wrong with Santino? Is he like retarded?
AJ gets less reaction because the last time she was in an actual storyline with anyone was before SummerSlam. This has nothing to do with Punk. The reason her push continues is because there are almost no divas closer to her level or popularity even now and she still make the company alot of merch money.
How many Divas can act and cut a promo on the level of AJ? Certainly not the Bella's, Funkadactyls, Eva and definitely not Natalya.Because she got a push no one else got. She got A storyline. How many divas get A storyline where they get a rub from four main eventers?
Shame we never got that 2nd piece of the promo because of someone that was probably Nattie.She had heat over it, but Vince told her to go on camera and tell everyone why she didn't want to be on TD and that's when she wrote and cut that promo on Total Divas.