...Continued from
Part I and
Part II
We go to Nicholas Turturro, who still hasnt found Pamela Anderson. Shes gone he said, they made some celebrity changes instead. Pam has left the building. Todd Pettengill is next, who is standing backstage with WWF Champion Diesel, who is about to go into a title match with Shawn Michaels for the WWF Championship! Diesel says he knows how Shawn Michaels works and his gameplan wont work on him. Big Daddy Cool came here to do one thing. And thats regain
HOLD ON TO THIS BELT. Nice save there Nash. Diesel tells us he will show everyone why he is the champion in a few seconds when he gets to that ring.
Howard Finkel introduces the special guest timekeeper for this match, Home Improvements Jonathan Taylor Thomas! Crowd really wants to slap hands with JTT as he makes his entrance. Fink goes on to introduce the special guest ring announcer, NYPD Blues Nicholas Turturro! More hand slapping. Nick throws a few air punches towards Fink and gets the mic. He has flash cards to help him as Shawn Michaels theme hits. Shawn comes out with Jennifer McCarty on his arm and Sycho Sid right behind him. Turturro reads his note with passion and comes off enthusiastic enough. We get an odd from the ring camera shot of Shawn Michaels entering the ring, but we quickly learn why.
Very subtle there WWF. Shawn continues his dancing and stripping in the ring as always. And out comes the champion, Nick Turturros buddy apparently, BIG DADDY COOOOOOOOOOL
Diesel is not alone however
Boobies yay! Its hard to choose, but Diesel has the upper hand as far as escorts go. Pamela takes her place next to McCarty, Jenny touches Pamelas leg. Ill be back in five minutes. Diesel enters the ring and Sid jumps on the apron, Michaels tried to attack Diesel from behind, but he lifts him up and throws him on the top rope. Diesel calls for Pam and lets her enter the ring. Pam and Diesel stand in the ring while some pyro happens. Biggest pyro of the night for Pamela Anderson, priorities! Pam leaves the ring and takes her seat. HBK enters the ring and referee Earl Hebner calls for the bell. Shawn starts with some punches to HBK, back and forth until a double axe handle blow to Michaels. Michaels lies in the turnbuckle for a while. The men circle the ring, Shawn Michaels working on the wrist and arm of Diesel, but Diesel overpowers him and throws him into the turnbuckle. Diesel is throwing Michaels around as if he were a ragdoll.
WHAT A BACKFLIP INDEED, McMahon. Diesel throws Michaels into the ropes and he goes flying over the top onto a photographer. Michaels angrily tosses the guy aside and circles around the ring.
Earl starts the count as Sid yells at him to make Diesel step back so Shawn can enter the ring, we cut to Jenny and Pam at ringside and I will once again take a five minute break.
And were back, Michaels is back in the ring and Diesel has the upper hand. LOOK AT THAT! MICHAELS SPITS IN DIESELS GENERAL DIRECTION! Michaels now with the upper hand, has Diesel in the turnbuckle, jumps up to the middle rope and lands some punches. Diesel throws him off and hits an elbow to the face, He whips HBK into the ropes, picks him up above his head, but Michaels manages to land on his feet. Shawn on the offense now, tries a suplex, but
REVERSAL! Shawn is in pain on the mat. Diesel hits him with a knee and almost botches going throught he ropes, but he manages to make it anyways. Sid goes to check on him as the ref begins the count. Diesel has the upper hand on Michaels from the start, but Sid is now on the apron, distrecting Diesel, Michaels is still outside, Diesel grabs him buy the head and pulls him on the apron. Eye rake by Shawn and on the offense now. Tries a sunset flip, but fails, Diesel picks him up with both hands by the troat and scissors him on the top rope, whips him into the ropes and goes for the big boot. HBK ducks and avoids and sends Diesel over the top rope into the photographers again. Michaels goes to the top rope.
Crossbody to the outside on Diesel! Punches to Diesel at ringside. Diesel is out, HBK goes inside. Diesel immediately gets on his knees and baseball slide to the face from Michaels. King says Look at Pamela, she is really concerned for this Diesel right now as we go to a picture in picture of Pam and Jenny right as Pam turns around to wave happily to a fan yelling from the crowd. What an asset these women are to the story being told in the ring. Money well spend. Diesel slowly climbs back on the apron, Michaels tries another baseball slides, but Diesel evades and Michaels slides to the outside. Punch by Diesel, Michaels grabs and pushes a photographer out of the way. Diesel tries to elbow him in the face, but Shawn avoids it and Diesel hits the photographer instead. Oops. Photographer is contemplating suicide as Diesel writhes in pain on the floor as he hit the ring post with his side. SID-chants as Michaels kicks Diesel in the injured ribs. Michaels does a splash from the ring apron to the floor. Shawn waits in the ring for Diesel to be counted out I suppose, which means he wont win the title. Dont really know why. Sid stands around and does nothing, but looks at HBK and asks for permission. Michaels distracts the ref by teasing going to the outside. Earl turns around in time to tell Sid that if he even tries to get involved hell send him to the back next time. Diesel back in the ring as Michaels works on the ribs and quads, because he has scouted Kevin Nash before the match started apparently. Stomp to the face, Michaels gets a two-count. Punches and kicks to Diesels head. Head to turnbuckle by Michaels. Michaels tries to whip Diesel into the turnbuckle, but gets reversed.
Elbow to the face by HBK, Diesel just cant win right now and he is in big trouble. TWO-AND-A-HALF-COUNT! Michaels continues to keep Diesel down, not giving him a chance to get on his feet. Shawn on the top rope turnbuckle again AND ELBOW DROP to the back ribs for a TWO-COUNT! Diesel manages to throw Michaels off from a DDT attempt. And again. Michaels tries a move of the top turnbuckle, but Diesel catches him. Michaels jumps on Diesels back with a sleeper hold! Diesel on his knees, his arms go limp. This is it! New champion?! Ear lifts up Diesels arm and lets go! It drops straight down! Not good for Diesel. Earl lifts it again! Again goes straight down! TWO! Third time, arm goes up, arm goes down. NOOOO! Diesel manages to keep it from dropping down just inches from the mat! Diesel rallies the crowd by stomping his boot, he gets to his feet. Shawn still has the hold on on his back. Diesel walks backwards into the turnbuckle to break the hold. Michaels with the elbow to the face in the turnbuckle. Diesel whips him to the other side, clothesline in the turnbuckle on Michaels. Diesel whips him back to the other side. AGAIN! Diesel lifts Michaels onto his shoulder and drops Shawn head first onto the opposite turnbuckle. HBK stumbles across the ring and drops in classic position on the middle rope! Diesel with the leg drop on the middle rope. YOU CAN FEEL THAT DIESEL ENGINE PICKING UP MORE AND MORE as per Vince McMahon. Michaels flies over the ropes on the opposite end as Diesel punches him to the floor. Back in the ring Diesel works on HBK with some hard punches, laying him out. Michaels rolls out of the ring, Diesel follows. The guys exchange punches. Earl Hebner twisted his ankle trying to keep Sid away from Diesel and Shawn while avoiding those pesky photographers. The two head back to the ring where OUTTA NOWHERE HBK HITS THE SWEET CHIN MUSIC!
Michaels makes the pin, but there is no referee! Sid sees the pin and picks up Hebner and puts him in the ring. Shawn makes the pin again, but only gets a two-count! Sid gets out a pocketknife as Earl is still in pain on the mat. He is cutting off the padding for the top turnbuckle! Shawn sees it and picks up Diesel to slam him into the exposed metal! Diesel however manages to pick him up for back suplex! Both men down now, Hebner is on his feet and goes for the count. Hebner gets to nine before Shawn manages to put his arm on Diesel for a one count. Michaels on the second turnbuckle, but Diesel catches him and drops him with a Sidewalk Slam!! Both men down again as Hebner starts the count. Diesel-chants from the crowd. Both men get up, Diesel slingshots Michaels into the second turnbuckle! He only barely misses the exposed metal!
Diesel is hulking up, big punches to Shawn and a BIG BOOTH TO THE FACE! Diesel calls for the Jackknife and hits it FOR A THREE COUNT! DIESEL RETAINS THE CHAMPIONSHIP! Pamela and McCarty clap politely. Diesel invites them into the ring, he invites Nick Turturro and Jonathan Taylor Thomas as well. They all raise their hands while some pyro goes off.
Todd Pettengill is in the back with Shawn Michaels and Sid. HBK is pissed, he had him with the Sweet Chin Music and had him for a 3-count. He should have been champion. Sid blows his lid as always and screams that the referee done fucked up. Shawn Michaels promises to prove again that he can beat Big Daddy Cool.
Entrance time! Big Kong Bundy comes out, Tatanka comes running out, Nicolai Vokoff is out next, Kama Mustafa comes out, followed by Irwin R. Schyster. Finally, Ted DiBiasi runs out to the ring. The men gather as the members of Lawrence Taylors All-Pro Team come out. In order, Ken Norton Jr, Chris Spielman, Ricky Jackson, Carl Banks, Steve McMichael and finally Reggie White. The pro-team is in the ring and the Million Dollar Corporation is at ringside. The two teams face off and the pro-team picks up the others one-by-one as they attempt to jump up on the apron. Things settle down a bit as Bam Bam Bigelows theme song hits and he makes his way to the ring. Salt n Peppa are near the entrance and try to pick a fight with Bam Bam Bigelow.
Theyre feisty, Ill give them that. But I really wouldnt try that with a guy that big. Maybe thats just me. Bam Bam enters the ring, All-Star Pro Team on the far side of the hard camera at ring side. Million Dollar Corporation at the front. Salt n Peppa dance as Lawrence Taylor enters the arena. I guess their performance got cut from the WWE Network, or maybe they never performed on TV. Either way, I dont care. Lawrence Taylor is wearing a ridiculous looking football shirt with LT on it, accompanied by some very tight short pants, no knee pads either. This man is a regular Cesaro. The man stare of in the ring, they are nose to nose. BAM BAM PUSHES TAYLOR! Again they move closer as the ref continues going over the rules.
Taylor with a slap this time, the bell rings and hes immediately on the offense! Bam Bam is clothesline to the outside! The crowd pops! Bam Bam takes a little breather before coming back into the ring. Bam Bam tries to hit a splash in the turnbuckle, but LT gets out of the way and plants his face intot he mat. Hard punches to Bam Bam Bigelow. Lawrence Taylor looks quite good in the ring for an athlete. Guy definitely put in the work to learn some stuff. Bam Bam on the outside again, surrounded by the Million Dollar Corporation. But Lawrence Taylor isnt afraid, he jumps out to and squares off as his teammates come to join him!
The two teams at ringside continue their stand-off as Bam Bam and LT take the fight back in the ring. Bam Bam on the offense now, keeping LT down. Kick to the ribs of Taylor. Headbutt. Taylor tries to fight back and get up, but no such luck. Big Body Slam on Taylor! Headbutt to LT, but Bam Bam misses and LT is back on the offense. However, Bam Bam catches him and rams him into the turnbuckle. As he moves in for the Axe Handle Blow, LT retaliates with a few kicks. Bam Bam back on the offense. Taylor gets choked on the middle row. Taylor tries his best to get back on his feet, this man wont give up! Bigelow with a Boston Crab on Lawrence Taylor. LT tries to get to the ropes! Bigelow breaks the hold and drags him back to the center of the ring, Ankle Lock on the mat now. LT manages to get to the ropes this time. Bigelow takes a few seconds to break the hold. Bam Bam again drags him to the middle, a leglock now. Taylor is in pain, but refuses to tap. Again slowly inching to the ropes. Bigelow increases the pressure as LT finally makes it. Bigelow again takes a few seconds to break again. Both men on their feet now, Bigelow hits Taylor on the chin. Suddenly LT hits a Suplex on Bam Bam Bigelow. Bigelow on his feet more quickly, leg drop to LT. Bigelow goes to the top turnbuckle!
Gets a one-count! But rolls off due to injuring his knee!! Taylor hasnt lost this yet! Bigelow crawls back over to make the pin, but only gets a two-count this time! OUT OF NOWHERE Taylor hits a JACKKNIFE, straight from the champion Diesel! Two-count pin! Both men try to get to their feet now. Bigelow back on the offense now, spin kick to the head. Bam Bam tries to go to the top turnbuckle, but the All-Pro Team try to stop him, he still does it anyways and hit a headbutt off of the top turnbuckle. Goes for the pin. NO! TWO COUNT! Bam Bam is frustrated now, gets distracted as Taylor gets back up and on the offense. Punches to the head in the corner. Shoulder blocks to the guy and finally two punches from the forearm to the chin. LT climbs to the middle turnbuckle and hits another forearm to the head! He goes for the pin! ONE! TWO! THREE! HE GOT HIM! LAWRENCE TAYLOR DEFEATS BAM BAM BIGELOW CLEAN IN THE MIDDLE OF THE RING! WHAT AN UPSET!
The All-Pro Team enter the ring and the bunch of them celebrate in the ring as Bam Bam and the Corporation make a quick exit. Jim Ross catches them and we overhear DiBiasi going off agains Bam Bam, blaming him for being terrible and losing to a football player (all true), this alliance is over! Lawrences son is in the ring now, celebrating with his father.
And that was WrestleMania 11, a very mediocre card with a lot of short and mediocre matches. It wasnt bad though, it was somewhat entertaining but nothing you should go out of your way to see. A most forgettable Mania.