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March Wrasslin' |OT| The NXT Era Has ArRIVED

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WWE talks about Sara Del Rey. Neat stuff.

Cool article. I'm legit shook by all of the divas getting rad Japanese submissions lately, Paige using Bull Nakano's Scorpion Cross Lock was especially rad and more of that could get the ladies over.

Also - lol BDK on WWE.com:

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Elimination Chamber 2012 is on, and man, Bryan is FAR more interesting and fun as a heel than he is right now. Leaps and bounds beyond. That's not just me "hating" Bryan currently, because I don't - he just feels manufactured on the mic.

This though...this is some GOOD shit.


Elimination Chamber 2012 is on, and man, Bryan is FAR more interesting and fun as a heel than he is right now. Leaps and bounds beyond. That's not just me "hating" Bryan currently, because I don't - he just feels manufactured on the mic.

This though...this is some GOOD shit.

is this the one with Santino?


Elimination Chamber 2012 is on, and man, Bryan is FAR more interesting and fun as a heel than he is right now. Leaps and bounds beyond. That's not just me "hating" Bryan currently, because I don't - he just feels manufactured on the mic.

This though...this is some GOOD shit.

Bryan's heel run was fantastic, especially when he was playing the douchebag vegan
Elimination Chamber 2012 is on, and man, Bryan is FAR more interesting and fun as a heel than he is right now. Leaps and bounds beyond. That's not just me "hating" Bryan currently, because I don't - he just feels manufactured on the mic.

This though...this is some GOOD shit.

He's great as a heel, they just have a hard time booking faces lately where they all come off corny. I think they're switching things up with Bryan though.


Yes and yes.

Also Nattie Neidfart is happening on this one. It's a miracle she ever escaped that black hole of creative.

such a good match. santino deserves a tip for his performance

and yeah I love heel WHC DB. I came back to wrestling for The Rock & the CM Punk pipe bomb, but I stayed because "shut up AJ."

I even watched WrestleMania that year with my dad who had been following the story lines the entire time. I was a complete scrub though, didn't know who Daniel Bryan was really, other than the dickish guy I liked on Smackdown as WHC. So when he lost in 18 seconds at WM I thought it was hilarious. Honestly, me and my dad loved it. He's forever a mark and I had no idea about this guy's indie past or anything, I just knew he always went out and had to delay the beginnings of his match to kiss AJ. Then afterwards the heel stuff he did with Punk, the marriage proposal, Kane added to the love triangle, turns into anger management, DB starts saying no, etc. just cemented it. WAY better than happy-go-lucky Bryan any day.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
such a good match. santino deserves a tip for his performance

and yeah I love heel WHC DB. I came back to wrestling for The Rock & the CM Punk pipe bomb, but I stayed because "shut up AJ."

I even watched WrestleMania that year with my dad who had been following the story lines the entire time. I was a complete scrub though, didn't know who Daniel Bryan was really, other than the dickish guy I liked on Smackdown as WHC. So when he lost in 18 seconds at WM I thought it was hilarious. Honestly, me and my dad loved it. He's forever a mark and I had no idea about this guy's indie past or anything, I just knew he always went out and had to delay the beginnings of his match to kiss AJ. Then afterwards the heel stuff he did with Punk, the marriage proposal, Kane added to the love triangle, turns into anger management, DB starts saying no, etc. just cemented it. WAY better than happy-go-lucky Bryan any day.

Santino had the crowd eating out of his hand, it was friggin beautiful. Santino's great when given the opportunity.

Oh boy Embrace the Hate angle is going on, Ambulance Match with Cener.


So not worth it
I remember this match being really bad, has Cena ever had a good Ambulance match? the Ryback one was awful as well.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I remember this match being really bad, has Cena ever had a good Ambulance match? the Ryback one was awful as well.

I think there were what, three total? Ever? All bad.


I remember this match being really bad, has Cena ever had a good Ambulance match? the Ryback one was awful as well.

They're all bad because they are all exactly the same, with the exact same finish.

WWE will never allow kids to see Cena stuffed into an ambulance, so we all know the finish already. It's just a matter of waiting for the "How will Cena overcome the odds and stuff this monster heel into an ambulance, completely killing any momentum this monster heel had leading up to this match?!"

The only Cena matches that are more predictable are I Quit and Last Man Standing matches.


On WWE home page


It didn't happen often, but there were nights when "The Immortal" Hulk Hogan combined his awesome powers with icons like The Rock, Edge and Sting for epic tag team showdowns.

Why randomly throw in Sting?

Here's a link to the ICW documentary for non-UK folk, well worth a watch;

Insane Fight Club

*edit, oh yeah, apparently this was the most watched wrestling related show on terrestrial UK TV since World of Sport ended 26 years ago.

Also, I'm pretty hyped for the ROH/NJPW shows - haven't been this excited about Ring of Honor in a long time (probably since Eddie won the title) and have always bemoaned the lack of imported talented since Gabe was fired, so I'll definitely be buying these shows as soon as they hit VOD (although, it would be fantastic if ROH pulled their finger out and got iPPV working for these two events, or maybe partnered with New Japan to get them on Ustream. I'm sure a few Japanese customers would appreciate being able to watch the shows live).



NWA Halloween Havoc 1989

TO THE SOLIE. Gordon tells us all the people he will talk to tonight.

. Chris Cruise also tells us who he will talk to tonight.

The Z-Man vs Mike Rotunda

I wish one of them was in costume. IRS looks like he got a perm for the show at least. After the first exchange, IRS ISN'T dripping with sweat. How strange. Maybe it was cold in the arena. Zenk's body is weird. His shoulders are too broad I think. He's built like a skinnier Rick Martel actually. Can-Ams, y'all. Super basic stuff here. Drop downs, tackles, hip tosses. A dropkick sends IRS to the floor. He looks like he may be adjusting an international object in his knee pad. Now IRS is sweating profusely. Took a little longer than normal. He's a cheap shotting son of a bitch for sure. Remember that promo from an early Raw where Vince was talking to IRS and called him "Mr. Rotundo" about 5 times during it? Grounded head scissors from IRS, using the ropes for leverage. Zenk gets sent flying through the ropes, just narrowly avoiding busting his head into the guard rail. Fans seem to be behind Rotunda. Abdominal stretch spot. Lariatooo. He then misses a dropkick and Zenk fires up. He rolls through a cross body and gets the wind. Nothing special here. Very basic.


Chris speaks with Bruno Sammartino, who will be the special referee in the Thunderdome main event.

Steve Williams/Midnight Express vs Samoan Swat Team

SST make the Uso's entrance look like bullshit since they were THROWING TORCHES BACK AND FORTH like it ain't no thang. Tama has joined the team as the Samoan Savage. Stan is one bow legged mother fucker. Tama and Stan start the match. Tama is quickly knocked over the top rope. Bobby starts throwing his boss punches. Samu chops the shit out of him and misses a Stinger Splash. Doc tags in and goes crazy on everyone. Fatu and Doc have a show down. Doc runs his ass down. Samu does a great standing dropkick to Stan. This match has had no flow so far. I need a good lariato or dangerous back driver. Or stiff superkick. Rikishi's ass was already getting huge and the white tights only accentuated it. Tama holds on to an Eaton bulldog and takes Bobby all the way into the corner. Bobby is then crotched on the guard rail. Hip toss on the floor. Fatu clobbers Bobby with a lariato. Eaton gets his knees up on a Tama Vader Bomb. Hot tag to Doc. He's throwing all the Samoiyons around. Ugly neck breaker thing from Stan. Tama really fucked that one up. Corny hits Oliver Humperdink. While Stan was watching, he got hit with a headbutt from behind. SST win. This match seems like it'd be awesome on paper, but this was really disjointed and Tama in particular looked really off his game.


TO THE SOLIE. Gordon talks with Terry Funk and Gary Hart. I have to laugh at Terry clearly flexing to show off his abs while he's just standing around.

Cuban Assassin vs Tommy Rich

Man, what the fuck. This is a PPV match. I guess WWE always had some major filler on their PPVs too, though. Rich wins. Sucked.

TO THE SOLIE. Gordon talks with...The Fabulous Freebirds. FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK. FUCK.

The Dynamic Dudes vs The Fabulous Freebirds NWA World Tag Team Championships

Oh come the fuck on. Michael Hayes is the kind of guy who would wear a thong just so he can have his dick out. The kind of guy who does an upper decker in your bathroom. The kind of guy who shits in the shower. The kind of guy who wants to push Big Show in 2014. The kind of guy who can't admit he's got a big ass bald spot. The kind of guy who makes women fuck him for TV time. The kind of guy who would probably fuck a 14 year if given the chance. The kind of guy who puts your toothbrush up his ass. The kind of guy who dines and ditches. The kind of guy who spits in his own food and then complains to get a free meal. The kind of guy who would take a bump in the grocery so he could sue. The kind of guy who would fake a disability so he could get benefits while still working a job for cash. The kind of guy who invests in gold. The kind of guy who thinks he is a legend. The fans hate the Dudes. They're getting a Bootista like reaction. Jimmy Jam go a roll through and won the match. New champions.


TO THE CRUISE. Chris speaks with the Steiners on their upcoming match with DOOM. How can you prepare for a team you've never seen?

Doom vs Steiner Brothers

Doom's entrance theme sounds like 3 different songs playing at once. It's not the boss jazz theme they'd have later on. Unless this is dubbed. It does sound like a weird WWE dubbed song. The identities of Doom had to be the worst kept secret. Butch Reed and Ron Simmons had been around for months. Then they disappear and two giant black men the same size as them with masks showing all the features of their faces show up and no one was supposed to know who they were? Stereo German suplexes followed by stereo Steinerlines. Scott knocks the shit out of Ron. So does Rick. Second rope Steinerline from Scott. Ron totally hits a Stone Cold Stunner. Scott comes in and hits a gourdbuster on Butch. Another German dumps Ron right on his dome. Scott gets double teamed for a bit. Spike piledriver! Scott kicks out. My heavens. Hot tag to Rick. Steinerlines everywhere. Frankensteiner. High angled powerslam from Rick. Woman slips something into Butch's mask. Loaded headbutt. Doom wins.



Gordon talks with US Champion Lex Luger.

Lex Luger vs Brian Pillman NWA US Championship

Brian gets some cheerleaders with him, which may be the same set of women who were cheerleaders for the Varsity Club at an earlier show. Aggressive lock ups. Lex gets a cheap shot in to go on the offense. He throws Brian out of the ring, but Brian lands on his feet and immediately jumps back in to tackle Lex. A flurry of offense sends Lex to the floor. Baseball slide. Back in the ring, Lex bails out on Air Pillman and the chase is on. Pillman uses his speed to keep Lex off of his feet. Pillman's strategy is to keep Lex grounded to prevent him from using his strength. A lot of arm drags and wrist locks. Crucifix nearly wins the match for Brian. Back to the arm drag. Both guys are 2-3 years into the game. Well known ECW fan Hat Guy is in the crowd, talking a lot of shit. He was wearing a USPS hat instead of his more familiar straw hat. Flapjack Norton from Lex. Lariatos. As per what seems to be the usual for NWA shows, fans are into the heel. Stalling vertical suplex. A leverage move sends Brian to the floor. Brian comes back in with a sunset flip. Lex misses a lariato and goes over the top. Lex hits a running invered atomic drop. He puts Brian on the top rope for a superplex. Brian shoves him off and does a top rope sunset flip for a near fall. Brian is flyin! Air Pillman! Lex got a foot in the ropes. Neck breaker. Pillman misses a missile dropkick. Lex sells the dodge by bumping for it like it connected. Maybe it was supposed to have connected. Lex hits a Stun Gun for the win. Title retained. I think this was a little too long for two guys so early into their careers.



TO THE CRUISE. Chris speaks with LOD and Paul Ellering. LOL, Hawk says they've been underdogs their whole lives. WHAT? That's some Cena shit right there.

Sky Scrapers vs Road Warriors

LOD also have spiked shin pads for tonight. Spivey and Animal start the match. Animal sends Spivey to the floor with a lariato. Hawk tags in and they have a stand off. 3 shoulder blocks to get Spivey down. Sid completely whiffs on a clothesline. I think he thought Hawk was as big as Andre or something. An Animal shoulder block takes Sid down. The delts of Sid and Hawk are fucking bananas. God damn. I can feel Vince's boner just looking at them. Whirly bird from Sid! He pops up for a desperation lariato on Spivey, but is thrown through the floor and thrown into the guard rail. Hawk finally makes the tag, which Nick Patrick of course missed even though I didn't see him being distracted by Sid or Teddy Long. No idea what he was doing. Just not paying attention I guess. Hot tag to Animal. Animal has Sid pinned with a powerslam. Teddy Long jumps into the ring with his giant key I believe won in the battle royal at GAB. Paul stops him, but gets hit with it. Spivey then drills Animal, causing a DQ. LOD win. This could have been really fun if it had been 5 minutes and all bombs instead of 10 minutes with 80% of the offense being lariats.



TO THE CRUISE. Chris talks with Ric Flair, Sting, and Ole Anderson. Ole will definitely not throw in the towel at any point for Sting and Flair.

Sting/Ric Flair vs Terry Funk/Great Muta THUNDER DOME Special Guest Referee: Bruno Sammartino

The cage is electrified and curved at the top to prevent anyone from escaping. It surrounds the whole ring side area. The only way to win is for the corner man (Gary Hart and Ole Anderson, respectively) to throw in the towel for his team. This is coming off the fucking rad brawl post-Funk/Flair at the Bash. I wonder what a Bruno/Flair match would have been like. Or Bruno/Funk. Or Bruno/Muta. Funk immediately tries to climb the cage just to be crazy. Almost immediately, some of the scraps around the top of the cage catch on fire. Muta puts it out with his mist. Flair and Funk begin, leaving right off from the Bash and their I Quit match. Muta grabs Bruno and gets shoved off. Flair slams Funk right over the top rope. Sting tags in and continues the beat down. Funk starts swinging at Ole. Funk has one of the most bizarre sells of a knee drop I've ever seen. He gets on his knees, buries his head into the mat, and then crawls as fast as he can with his head down until he falls out of the ring. And then he gets back in the ring still doing it. Only Funk would come up with something like that. The gun shot chops are a flying. JR is dropping a lot of WWF references in this, starting with Bruno, then bringing up the Blade Warriors and how Sting's partner hasn't progressed as well as Sting. Sting press slams Muta into Funk. Tag to Flair. Sting puts Muta's head in a cage hole and rams over and over. Powerdrive elbow from Muta. Huge leg drop. Flair gets pissed about something and runs in the ring just to immediately choke Muta. Funk is standing on Sting's throat on the floor. Muta and Funk drop a series of elbows on Sting. Sting recovers and hits big face busters on both opponents. Funk breaks the Scorpion Deathlock. Funk gets crotched on the cage. Muta and Sting fight near the top. Muta gets shocked reaching too high. Terry seems to be having a match against the cage. Funk is up at the top of the cage, where he's supposed to be getting electrocuted, but he's no selling it if he is. He hangs and Flair chops the shit out of him until he gets his leg caught and hangs upside from about half way up. Sting hits a stalling press slam on Muta in the ring. Sting and Funk are actually both half way out of the cage and neither are selling the electrocution angle. Sting does an Erroll Flynn inspired dropkick to the balls while Flair has Muta in the figure four. Muta hits a stiff kick right to the back of the neck of Flair. Looked like it fucking hurt. Funk gets Sting's leg tied to the cage. Muta has the death lock on Flair. Ole unties Sting as Flair eats a spike piledriver. Sting does a cross body from nearly the top of the cage once he gets free. Muta and Sting fight at the top of the cage while Flair works over Funk's leg in the ring. Sting pushes Muta while doing the moonsault, causing him to get crotched. Sting hits a Superfly Splash on Funk while Funk is in the figure four. And a second time. Muta attacks Bruno for some reason and gets decked. Ole hits Gary Hart, sending Gary's towel flying, which counted as throwing in the towel. I don't know about that. Flair and Sting win.





Definitely a step back from GAB. Full of matches that went too long with guys who weren't really capable of long matches. The only thing that was good was the main event. I would have booked a falls count anywhere tornado tag instead of gimmick cage match, but whatever. I enjoyed it. Bruno was a total waste though. There was no reason for him to be there since the only way for the match to end was a towel being thrown anyway.

Ugh, buried at the bottom of the page.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member

NWA Halloween Havoc 1989

TO THE SOLIE. Gordon tells us all the people he will talk to tonight.

. Chris Cruise also tells us who he will talk to tonight.

The Z-Man vs Mike Rotunda

I wish one of them was in costume. IRS looks like he got a perm for the show at least. After the first exchange, IRS ISN'T dripping with sweat. How strange. Maybe it was cold in the arena. Zenk's body is weird. His shoulders are too broad I think. He's built like a skinnier Rick Martel actually. Can-Ams, y'all. Super basic stuff here. Drop downs, tackles, hip tosses. A dropkick sends IRS to the floor. He looks like he may be adjusting an international object in his knee pad. Now IRS is sweating profusely. Took a little longer than normal. He's a cheap shotting son of a bitch for sure. Remember that promo from an early Raw where Vince was talking to IRS and called him "Mr. Rotundo" about 5 times during it? Grounded head scissors from IRS, using the ropes for leverage. Zenk gets sent flying through the ropes, just narrowly avoiding busting his head into the guard rail. Fans seem to be behind Rotunda. Abdominal stretch spot. Lariatooo. He then misses a dropkick and Zenk fires up. He rolls through a cross body and gets the wind. Nothing special here. Very basic.

Chris speaks with Bruno Sammartino, who will be the special referee in the Thunderdome main event.

Steve Williams/Midnight Express vs Samoan Swat Team

SST make the Uso's entrance look like bullshit since they were THROWING TORCHES BACK AND FORTH like it ain't no thang. Tama has joined the team as the Samoan Savage. Stan is one bow legged mother fucker. Tama and Stan start the match. Tama is quickly knocked over the top rope. Bobby starts throwing his boss punches. Samu chops the shit out of him and misses a Stinger Splash. Doc tags in and goes crazy on everyone. Fatu and Doc have a show down. Doc runs his ass down. Samu does a great standing dropkick to Stan. This match has had no flow so far. I need a good lariato or dangerous back driver. Or stiff superkick. Rikishi's ass was already getting huge and the white tights only accentuated it. Tama holds on to an Eaton bulldog and takes Bobby all the way into the corner. Bobby is then crotched on the guard rail. Hip toss on the floor. Fatu clobbers Bobby with a lariato. Eaton gets his knees up on a Tama Vader Bomb. Hot tag to Doc. He's throwing all the Samoiyons around. Ugly neck breaker thing from Stan. Tama really fucked that one up. Corny hits Oliver Humperdink. While Stan was watching, he got hit with a headbutt from behind. SST win. This match seems like it'd be awesome on paper, but this was really disjointed and Tama in particular looked really off his game.


TO THE SOLIE. Gordon talks with Terry Funk and Gary Hart. I have to laugh at Terry clearly flexing to show off his abs while he's just standing around.

Cuban Assassin vs Tommy Rich

Man, what the fuck. This is a PPV match. I guess WWE always had some major filler on their PPVs too, though. Rich wins. Sucked.

TO THE SOLIE. Gordon talks with...The Fabulous Freebirds. FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK. FUCK.

The Dynamic Dudes vs The Fabulous Freebirds NWA World Tag Team Championships

Oh come the fuck on. Michael Hayes is the kind of guy who would wear a thong just so he can have his dick out. The kind of guy who does an upper decker in your bathroom. The kind of guy who shits in the shower. The kind of guy who wants to push Big Show in 2014. The kind of guy who can't admit he's got a big ass bald spot. The kind of guy who makes women fuck him for TV time. The kind of guy who would probably fuck a 14 year if given the chance. The kind of guy who puts your toothbrush up his ass. The kind of guy who dines and ditches. The kind of guy who spits in his own food and then complains to get a free meal. The kind of guy who would take a bump in the grocery so he could sue. The kind of guy who would fake a disability so he could get benefits while still working a job for cash. The kind of guy who invests in gold. The kind of guy who thinks he is a legend. The fans hate the Dudes. They're getting a Bootista like reaction. Jimmy Jam go a roll through and won the match. New champions.

TO THE CRUISE. Chris speaks with the Steiners on their upcoming match with DOOM. How can you prepare for a team you've never seen?

Doom vs Steiner Brothers

Doom's entrance theme sounds like 3 different songs playing at once. It's not the boss jazz theme they'd have later on. Unless this is dubbed. It does sound like a weird WWE dubbed song. The identities of Doom had to be the worst kept secret. Butch Reed and Ron Simmons had been around for months. Then they disappear and two giant black men the same size as them with masks showing all the features of their faces show up and no one was supposed to know who they were? Stereo German suplexes followed by stereo Steinerlines. Scott knocks the shit out of Ron. So does Rick. Second rope Steinerline from Scott. Ron totally hits a Stone Cold Stunner. Scott comes in and hits a gourdbuster on Butch. Another German dumps Ron right on his dome. Scott gets double teamed for a bit. Spike piledriver! Scott kicks out. My heavens. Hot tag to Rick. Steinerlines everywhere. Frankensteiner. High angled powerslam from Rick. Woman slips something into Butch's mask. Loaded headbutt. Doom wins.

Gordon talks with US Champion Lex Luger.

Lex Luger vs Brian Pillman NWA US Championship

Brian gets some cheerleaders with him, which may be the same set of women who were cheerleaders for the Varsity Club at an earlier show. Aggressive lock ups. Lex gets a cheap shot in to go on the offense. He throws Brian out of the ring, but Brian lands on his feet and immediately jumps back in to tackle Lex. A flurry of offense sends Lex to the floor. Baseball slide. Back in the ring, Lex bails out on Air Pillman and the chase is on. Pillman uses his speed to keep Lex off of his feet. Pillman's strategy is to keep Lex grounded to prevent him from using his strength. A lot of arm drags and wrist locks. Crucifix nearly wins the match for Brian. Back to the arm drag. Both guys are 2-3 years into the game. Well known ECW fan Hat Guy is in the crowd, talking a lot of shit. He was wearing a USPS hat instead of his more familiar straw hat. Flapjack Norton from Lex. Lariatos. As per what seems to be the usual for NWA shows, fans are into the heel. Stalling vertical suplex. A leverage move sends Brian to the floor. Brian comes back in with a sunset flip. Lex misses a lariato and goes over the top. Lex hits a running invered atomic drop. He puts Brian on the top rope for a superplex. Brian shoves him off and does a top rope sunset flip for a near fall. Brian is flyin! Air Pillman! Lex got a foot in the ropes. Neck breaker. Pillman misses a missile dropkick. Lex sells the dodge by bumping for it like it connected. Maybe it was supposed to have connected. Lex hits a Stun Gun for the win. Title retained. I think this was a little too long for two guys so early into their careers.

TO THE CRUISE. Chris speaks with LOD and Paul Ellering. LOL, Hawk says they've been underdogs their whole lives. WHAT? That's some Cena shit right there.

Sky Scrapers vs Road Warriors

LOD also have spiked shin pads for tonight. Spivey and Animal start the match. Animal sends Spivey to the floor with a lariato. Hawk tags in and they have a stand off. 3 shoulder blocks to get Spivey down. Sid completely whiffs on a clothesline. I think he thought Hawk was as big as Andre or something. An Animal shoulder block takes Sid down. The delts of Sid and Hawk are fucking bananas. God damn. I can feel Vince's boner just looking at them. Whirly bird from Sid! He pops up for a desperation lariato on Spivey, but is thrown through the floor and thrown into the guard rail. Hawk finally makes the tag, which Nick Patrick of course missed even though I didn't see him being distracted by Sid or Teddy Long. No idea what he was doing. Just not paying attention I guess. Hot tag to Animal. Animal has Sid pinned with a powerslam. Teddy Long jumps into the ring with his giant key I believe won in the battle royal at GAB. Paul stops him, but gets hit with it. Spivey then drills Animal, causing a DQ. LOD win. This could have been really fun if it had been 5 minutes and all bombs instead of 10 minutes with 80% of the offense being lariats.



TO THE CRUISE. Chris talks with Ric Flair, Sting, and Ole Anderson. Ole will definitely not throw in the towel at any point for Sting and Flair.

Sting/Ric Flair vs Terry Funk/Great Muta THUNDER DOME Special Guest Referee: Bruno Sammartino

The cage is electrified and curved at the top to prevent anyone from escaping. It surrounds the whole ring side area. The only way to win is for the corner man (Gary Hart and Ole Anderson, respectively) to throw in the towel for his team. This is coming off the fucking rad brawl post-Funk/Flair at the Bash. I wonder what a Bruno/Flair match would have been like. Or Bruno/Funk. Or Bruno/Muta. Funk immediately tries to climb the cage just to be crazy. Almost immediately, some of the scraps around the top of the cage catch on fire. Muta puts it out with his mist. Flair and Funk begin, leaving right off from the Bash and their I Quit match. Muta grabs Bruno and gets shoved off. Flair slams Funk right over the top rope. Sting tags in and continues the beat down. Funk starts swinging at Ole. Funk has one of the most bizarre sells of a knee drop I've ever seen. He gets on his knees, buries his head into the mat, and then crawls as fast as he can with his head down until he falls out of the ring. And then he gets back in the ring still doing it. Only Funk would come up with something like that. The gun shot chops are a flying. JR is dropping a lot of WWF references in this, starting with Bruno, then bringing up the Blade Warriors and how Sting's partner hasn't progressed as well as Sting. Sting press slams Muta into Funk. Tag to Flair. Sting puts Muta's head in a cage hole and rams over and over. Powerdrive elbow from Muta. Huge leg drop. Flair gets pissed about something and runs in the ring just to immediately choke Muta. Funk is standing on Sting's throat on the floor. Muta and Funk drop a series of elbows on Sting. Sting recovers and hits big face busters on both opponents. Funk breaks the Scorpion Deathlock. Funk gets crotched on the cage. Muta and Sting fight near the top. Muta gets shocked reaching too high. Terry seems to be having a match against the cage. Funk is up at the top of the cage, where he's supposed to be getting electrocuted, but he's no selling it if he is. He hangs and Flair chops the shit out of him until he gets his leg caught and hangs upside from about half way up. Sting hits a stalling press slam on Muta in the ring. Sting and Funk are actually both half way out of the cage and neither are selling the electrocution angle. Sting does an Erroll Flynn inspired dropkick to the balls while Flair has Muta in the figure four. Muta hits a stiff kick right to the back of the neck of Flair. Looked like it fucking hurt. Funk gets Sting's leg tied to the cage. Muta has the death lock on Flair. Ole unties Sting as Flair eats a spike piledriver. Sting does a cross body from nearly the top of the cage once he gets free. Muta and Sting fight at the top of the cage while Flair works over Funk's leg in the ring. Sting pushes Muta while doing the moonsault, causing him to get crotched. Sting hits a Superfly Splash on Funk while Funk is in the figure four. And a second time. Muta attacks Bruno for some reason and gets decked. Ole hits Gary Hart, sending Gary's towel flying, which counted as throwing in the towel. I don't know about that. Flair and Sting win.

Definitely a step back from GAB. Full of matches that went too long with guys who weren't really capable of long matches. The only thing that was good was the main event. I would have booked a falls count anywhere tornado tag instead of gimmick cage match, but whatever. I enjoyed it. Bruno was a total waste though. There was no reason for him to be there since the only way for the match to end was a towel being thrown anyway.

Ugh, buried at the bottom of the page.

Oh man this is good. Click on the post link to view his gifs.
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