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March Wrasslin' |OT| The NXT Era Has ArRIVED

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Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Seinfeld? That crap wasn't funny nearly 20 yeara ago. But then again I wouldn't expect a guy masquerading as Vinnie-Mac to be current with anything post 2001.


Larry Sanders show is the best


I love, LOVE the Larry Sanders Show. So good.
Seinfeld? That crap wasn't funny nearly 20 yeara ago. But then again I wouldn't expect a guy masquerading as Vinnie-Mac to be current with anything post 2001.
The only sub par episodes were probably the first few episodes, the rest were all pretty good. I didn't even think the finale was that bad as most thought it was.


So not worth it
It was fave five currently running comedies guys. You're posting stuff from two decades ago.

And one of them isn't even a comedy :D

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Red Dwarf is the best sitcom ever, as far as I'm concerned. The first 6 series, at least.

Speaking of weird wrestling venues, I always like the Kyoto KBS Hall NOAH and Dragon Gate sometimes run shows out of, as it has a huge stained glass window on the back wall;



Damn that's pretty as fuck. Red Dwarf is shit though. Don't know...oh wait, not Red Dwarf. I was thinking of Black Adder which is, as you would put it, "tripe"

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Fave Five Current Comedies


There's nothing funny on TV now.


Damn that's pretty as fuck. Red Dwarf is shit though. Don't know...oh wait, not Red Dwarf. I was thinking of Black Adder which is, as you would put it, "tripe"

Now hold on...

Red Dwarf - yes (until the untimely departure of humour from the script).

Blackadder - yes yes yes - a thousand yes's, and just as many poxes upon you for doubting its comedy genius.
Interesting article from Voices of Wrestling asking who would be the reigning WWE Champion if the belt was defended 'linearly', whereby every time the champion stepped into the ring for a 1-on-1 match the belt would be on the line;


your current WWE World Heavyweight Champion, Bad News Barrett!

Damn that's pretty as fuck. Red Dwarf is shit though. Don't know...oh wait, not Red Dwarf. I was thinking of Black Adder which is, as you would put it, "tripe"

Did you only watch the first series, or something? Black Adder series 2 & 4 are pretty much god-tier British sitcoms, right up there with Fawlty Towers.

Vince McMahon said:
There's nothing funny on TV now.

Only a couple of months until Louie...unless you don't like that either, in which case I can only assume we're at opposite ends of the comedy spectrum.
Seinfeld sucks about as much as Friends
Quarter hours out again.

Q8: Raw fell to 1.434 million viewers for two commercials and the first-half of Daniel Bryan hi-jacking Raw. The segment started to build momentum at the end of the hour, peaking with 1.725 million viewers at 9:55 p.m.

Q9: Raw skyrocketed 22 percent to 1.747 million viewers for the Bryan-Hunter/Stephanie confrontation and one commercial at the end of the segment.

Peak viewership was a ridiculously-high 1.922 million viewers at 10:10 p.m., then 1.919 million viewers at 10:11 p.m. heading to commercial. From 10:02 p.m. to 10:12 p.m. viewership was between 1.7 and 2.0 million viewers.
Occupy Raw was by far the most successful thing on the show.

Other highs:

Over-run: Raw increased to 1.534 million viewers for Bryan & Show vs. Orton & Batista. The segment was up from 1.429 million viewers for last week's over-run, but last week's segment included a rare mid-overtime commercial.

Q5: Raw got a 26 percent top-of-the-hour bump to 1.494 million viewers for The Undertaker returning and Paul Heyman confronting him, plus one commercial. The segment peaked with 1.700 and 1.701 million viewers before the commercial.

And the show low:

Q2: Raw dipped to a show-low 1.021 million viewers for Cena vs. Erick Rowan, plus two commercial breaks.


Fave Five Current Comedies


There's nothing funny on TV now.

You should watch Louie, one of the better ones on TV right now. It's just one of those limited run shows so they only do like 12 episodes in a season.

I'm also a fan of Big Bang Theory and How I Met Your Mother.....but those can be hit or miss.

I wanted to like the new Michael J. Fox Show....like really wanted to like it but it comes off as too forced half the time.

Also New Girl. New Girl is pretty damn awesome.
Los Angeles Sports Arena in Los Angeles, CA

Willie Nelson sings America the Beautiful

Gorilla Monsoon ,Bobby Heenan on commentary

Haku and The Barbarian(w/ Bobby Heenan) vs The Rockers

Heenan is managing this match so who will replace him in this star spangled event???. None other than “Hacksaw” Jim Duggan , HOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.

Seeing shawn with blonde hair is weird Michaels and Haku start off. Haku starts by bear hugging michaels. michaels leaps over haku and tags Marty in. Barbarian comes in and cleans house. Rockers double superkick Haku to the outside and heenan calls a timeout. Michaels hits a hurricane rana on haku. Barabain is tag in as well as marty. Powers of pain take control here as they unleash a barrage of double team moves including a back breaker and power bomb. Marty is able to escape a submission attempt and Hot tags in HBK who his a crossbody to pin Haku.
Winner: The Rockers


Hot opener, both teams worked well together. set a nice tone.

TO THE BACK: where Mean Gene is joined by Regis Philbin and Alex Trebek!!

Dino Bravo (w. “Mouth of the South” Jimmy Hart) vs. “Texas Tornado” Kerry Von Erich

Nothing special a nice and compact 4 minute match. Bravo starts off by atomic dropping tornado. 2 count. Bravo goes fora clothesline but is ducked by Tornado , Bravo manages to hit a slide slam. Bravo goes up top for an axe handle but hits a flying nothing into the Claw. Braavo reaches the ropes but is finished by a Discus Punch.


Winner: Texas Tornado

British Bulldog vs Warlord W/ Slick

Story going into the match was who was stronger. Can Bulldog break the full nelson?? Can Bulldog lift Warlord up for the Slam???

Bulldog starts out hitting a series of shoulder blocks , knocking Warlord to the outside. Davey goes for a crucifix but its counter into a samoan drop. Warlord starts laying into bulldogs Ribs. Bulldog is whipped into the corner into a belly for belly suplex. 2 COUNT. Warlord puts bulldog in a chin lock. Bulldog breaks out an rams warlord head into the turnbuckle. Hits a flying cross body for a 2 count. Warlord hits a boot and applies the full nelson. Bulldog is struggling . Down to one knee, Bulldog hulks up and with the Power if England running threw him , Picks Warlord up and slams in front of 40,000 bulldogmanics.


Winner : British Bulldog

Nasty Boys W/ Jimmy Hart Vs Hart Foundation

Fuck da nasty boys . Anvil cuts a coked out promo in the back. Nasty boys are just the worst.
This match was pretty boring. Bret and Fatass #1 start out. Nasty Boys are controlling the match when bret tags in anvil who cleans house . Bret is back in and drives Fatass #2 to the buckle and then delivers 10 punches in the corner. Russian leg sweep sets up a second rope elbow from Bret. Bret goes for the pin but Fat-ass #1 breaks it up. Bret is sent to the floor. \ Bret into the buckle into a Back-breaker from Fatass #2 for a two count. chin lock on Bret, the first of like 10 on bret.. Bret gets to his feat But Fatass #1 is tag in and puts his own chinlock on. . Fatass 2 back in another fucking chin-lock. did i mention the nasty boys suck. Fatass 2 tags #1 in and he hist anvil and goes for another Fucking chin-lock which is reversed by Bret. Bret dodges a splash in the corner and tags anvil in BUT THE REF IS DISTRACTED AND DID NOT SEE IT. THis is where jimmy hart becomes a factor. While Anvil is being subdued, Fatass #1 uses jimmy megaphone but HITS FATASS #2. HOT TAG TIME, Anvil in Power slam to fatass #2 for a 2 Count . Bret chases Fatass 1 out of the ring. Bret recovers and they hit the Heart Attack on Fatass #2t. The ref chases bret away rather than count the pin. Fatass Gets Jimmy's motorcycle helmet and nails Anvil for the 3 count.

New Tag Champs : the Nasty Boys.

To the Back: Jake cuts a promo: “ Snakes do it Better in the dark”

Jake” The Snake” Roberts VS “The Model” Rick Martel- BlindFold Match

This one is a doozy folks. This probably seemed better on paper but the execution is lacking a lot. The match starts with both men walking around. Jake reaches his hand out and the crowd gets louder when he points to Martel. They collide at one point and jake tries to pin but can’t find him. Martel finds himself outside the ring. As soon as he gets back in He gets back in hit with a DDT for the 3 count

Winner: Jake Roberts

We cut to the back where the Nasty Boys are celebrating their Win

The Undertaker Vs Jimmy “Superfly” Snuka

The Deadman vs the murderer. This match is nothing special and you standard early 90’s taker match.

CHOKE CHOKE CHOKE CHOKE CHOKE CHOKE Punch, CHOKE CHOKE. Jimmy hits a few headbutts , goes for a cross-body but is caught by taker and thrown to the outside. he tries for a Springboard clothesline but is caught and is tombstoned. The streak starts with a whimper not a bang.


Winner: Undertaker

“Macho King” Randy Savage W/ Queen Sherri Vs The Ultimate Warrior- Career Ending match

WE pan to the crowd and Look who's here, ITS MISS ELIZABETH. What is SHE doing here?????

Savage is knocked to the floor by warrior. Warrior chases but is distracted by sherri. Savage tries to attack warrior but is countered. Atomic drops to savage. Warrior goes for a choke but sherri gets on the apron and is knocked off. SAvage nail warrior with a gut shot and goes for a crossbody but is caught by warro and slammed . savage rolls out of the ring. repeat the same spot, sherri distraction followed by a savage attack but it is blocked and savage is whipped into the corner. Warrior goes for a stinger splash but savage ducks and takes control.

Warrior falls to the floor. Savage distracts the reef while Sherri delivers a slap to warrior , Savage comes hits double axe handle. Savage rolls in again and Sherri delivers a few more blows, before Warrior shoves her down. Savage drags him back inside and delivers a slam and knee drop for a two count. Reverse neckbreaker attempt by Savage is turned into a backslide by Warrior for two. They stare-down and Savage spits in Warriors face. Sherri goes for another distraction but warrior catches Savage Again. Warrior goes for a flying shoulder block. Savage rolls Sleeper, is applied. Warrior powers out and both men hit the ropes and hit cross bodies. Warrior goes for a small package but Sherri distracts the ref. Warrior argues with the ref, savage comes in and nails the both. Sherri goes up for a Double Axe handle but nails Randy instead. Warrior chases Sherri, but Savage sneaks up from behind rolls him up for 2. Savage then deliver a series of clotheslines and slams for a 2 count. Frustrated Savage gives him a slam. He goes to the Top and Hits NOT 1, Not 2 , NOT 3 but 5 Elbow Drops

Warrior kicks out a 2.99 ,Crowd is jacked up. Savage Can’t believe it. Warrior starts to Hulk up. Hits a series of slams and the press, Savage kicks out. Warrior then looks up to Heaven and God tells him to let Savage win. So he begins to walk out of the ring. Savage taking the chance, knocks him off the apron to the outside. Sets him up on the guardrail and tries to injury his throat, like he did to Steamboat. Warrior blocks it and Then proceed to break Savage in half. THREE Brutal shoulder block leaves Savage in a broken mess and Warrior picks up the win.

Winner Warrior

Post match: Sherri comes in a starts to berate and attack Savage. Savage is just taking this beating as he has been cleft asunder by warrior. BUT WAIT A MINUTE, Miss Elizabeth comes to savages rescue chasing Sherri out of the ring. She tries to console Savage but save pushes here away think its still Sherri. Savage open his eyes and they embrace in a hug a kiss. TRUE LOVE WINS OUT. Crowd is bawling their eyes out. Savage Has lost his career but regained his smile!


This should have been the main event. the match was top notch as both men put good work in. the in -ring story telling was amazing Savage using every trick to win. Warrior using raw power, . Savage left dead in the ring is a great image. and then the reuniting of Wrestling's first couple. How could you not love it. This match is why we watch wrestling folks.

Part 2 coming later


I used to own SO MANY ICP shirts when I was a teenager.

This is why I don't talk about my youth.
We still have a few random juggalos that loiter outside one of the record stores in town. I walk by them and seriously laugh out loud. Those jabronies don't know about The Oddities! They don't know about Vampiro! Goddamn Railroad st. scum...

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I think the Von Erichs have some of the best chest genetics out of anyone on earth. Ideal shape, ideal everything. Good chests, all of em. Only one superior is ODB and for different reasons.


Good look.


Ugh. 1 out of 6 has what it takes: Two super-kicking "less than" hardy boys. A sad son of a Tongan destroyer. "Machine-Gun"?? More like a pellet shooter. A straight edge society wash out. And then you've got the "Under Boss."
You know why he's the "Under Boss"??? IT'S BECAUSE HE WILL NEVER BE OVER!!!
FAT CHANCE FAIL. Uggggggghhhhhhhh.

The REAL ROCK 'N ROLLA needs to ditch these gaijin nobodies and go for the gold.
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