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March Wrasslin' |OT| The NXT Era Has ArRIVED

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Steen vs ROH Champion on May 10
I know it might be looked at as a step down from USA but it would be cool if WWE signs a deal with Fox Sports 1. FS1 and 2 would probably give them plenty of air time for all their shows and I'm sure regular FOX would throw them a bone for specials like they do for UFC.
Actually now that I think about it, writing a dating advice column in character as wrestling personalities is something I absolutely want to do. All right marks, PM me your lady troubles.

BHZ Mayor

As much as I love Mark, there's been multiple reports from other black employees and stars that say he's told them to basically stay quiet and endure bullshit instead of call it out - that he is one of those "just grateful to be here, boss" types.

Hell I don't work there though. It's just reports. I love Mark Henry and Hayes should have been exploded from the inside out for that.

Vince McMahon
(Today, 03:02 PM)


Starrcade '83: A Flair for the Gold - B
Starrcade '84: The Million Dollar Challenge - C
WrestleMania - B-
The Wrestling Classic - D+
Starrcade '85: The Gathering - C
WrestleMania 2 - C+
The Big Event - C-
Starrcade '86: The Sky Walkers - C+
WrestleMania III - B-
Starrcade '87: Chi-Town Heat - C+

I'm starting to wonder if there's ever going to be an A... >_>

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
WWE has signed a new TV and PPV deal in Germany, PPVs will cost 25€ from now on (instead of the more common 15€). Undoubtedly no WWE Network for a while, given the details.

Okay, what do I need to use the WWE Network? Any FAQ somewhere?

Aiii give em the rundown!

I'm starting to wonder if there's ever going to be an A... >_>

Yes, you're getting close!


I've discovered that I really have no idea why I like what I like. I've turned a corner on Prince Devitt, grown to appreciate Bob Backlund and Giant Haystacks (sorta) and now Michael Hayes is a piece of shit.
There was a time when you didn't think Michael Hayes was a piece of shit?!?
Why on Earth would you have ever thought that?
I thought everyone considered him a waste of a human being for like the past decade except for his buddies in Stamford.
You know what legit shooks me? People losing their minds over a $20 increase for Amazon prime. Not even $2 per month in addition for a fantastic service. Did the internet make everyone feel this entitled or have they always been and now I can read their thoughts on it.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
There was a time when you didn't think Michael Hayes was a piece of shit?!?
Why on Earth would you have ever thought that?
I thought everyone considered him a waste of a human being for like the past decade except for his buddies in Stamford.

Buddies in Stamford...guilty as charged!

I gave him too much goodwill thanks to Freebirds in WCCW stuff. Way too much.


I signed up and I'm in the UK, all you need is a PayPal account with monies in it, any old US address and a service like unblock-us.com to make the WWE network make you think you're in good honest America, the land that pay me in good ol' US dollars. I am America.
You know what legit shooks me? People losing their minds over a $20 increase for Amazon prime. Not even $2 per month in addition for a fantastic service. Did the internet make everyone feel this entitled or have they always been and now I can read their thoughts on it.

If you are using prime for everything it offers it is still an amazing price. I think people who are using it primarily for the video service might have more of a sticker shock to the price increase but that's because you pay all at once for the year of service compared to Netflix that charges 8 bucks a month.


You know what legit shooks me? People losing their minds over a $20 increase for Amazon prime. Not even $2 per month in addition for a fantastic service. Did the internet make everyone feel this entitled or have they always been and now I can read their thoughts on it.

Oh shit he used the "E" word!

In reality its just that nobody ever wants prices to go up, especially if they aren't seeing an instant increase in the service they were getting prior. It's the same reason you always hear people bitching about the price of gas, groceries, electricity, etc.
You know what legit shooks me? People losing their minds over a $20 increase for Amazon prime. Not even $2 per month in addition for a fantastic service. Did the internet make everyone feel this entitled or have they always been and now I can read their thoughts on it.
I don't really mind, yeah any increases suck but I order enough from Amazon that I'll still get value from the service. The last few items I've ordered I've literally had them in my hands the following day. I also have rarely used the streaming service either except to watch some episodes of Friday Night Lights.
You know what legit shooks me? People losing their minds over a $20 increase for Amazon prime. Not even $2 per month in addition for a fantastic service. Did the internet make everyone feel this entitled or have they always been and now I can read their thoughts on it.

The only thing that bugs me about that is Amazon also charging sales tax now. I want Kane to run for mayor so he'll abolish it. I live in his town, it can happen!


$100 / year is still a steal for a B+ player in the instant video streaming service game + free two day and release day shipping on everything.


I signed up and I'm in the UK, all you need is a PayPal account with monies in it, any old US address and a service like unblock-us.com to make the WWE network make you think you're in good honest America, the land that pay me in good ol' US dollars. I am America.

so i have to pay for another service to be able to watch the Network? fuck that
Best of Mid-South/UWF - Volume 2, part 1;


Disc 2 kicks off mid-1984. Magnum T.A. is the 2-time Mid-South North American Heavyweight Champion, having defeated his former partner Mr. Wrestling II two months previously (which you can see on the WWE's Legends of Mid-South Wrestling DVD), while The Midnight Express are a few weeks into their second Mid-South Tag Championship reign after defeating The Rock & Roll Express.

First up, Magnum T.A. (c) vs Ted DiBiase in a No-DQ match, May 27th, 1984. Magnum turns his back and Ted attacks from behind, slamming his head into the turnbuckle and then pitching him over the top-rope. Ted tries to put him through the time keepers table, but Magnum fights back. Big scoop slam on the concrete! Magnum punches Ted over the barricade and he scrambles into the ring, begging off in the corner. Magnum whips him into the ropes, big back-bodydrop. Ted tries to kick him low, but T.A. grabs the leg and floors him with punches. He whips Ted into the corner and charges with a shoulder, but Ted moves out of the way and T.A. hits the turnbuckles hard. Ted goes up top and comes down with an elbow to the skull. He drops the fists on Magnum's forehead and goes for a whip, but Magnum reverses it and goes to work, beating the tar out of Ted in the corner. The ref separates them and Magnum tells him off, giving Ted the time to load his glove. DiBiase clocks Magnum an T.A. is bleeding hard. High elevation back-bodydrop from Ted, followed by a beautiful powerslam. Spinning toe-hold from DiBiase! Magnum manages to use his other leg to kick Ted in the jaw, sending him flying all the way to the outside. Ted goes up top and goes for the elbow again, but Magnum catches him with a fist to the gut. Both guys trading punches. Irish whip from Magnum, Ted bounces off and eats a huge dropkick, followed by the belly-to-belly suplex for the 1-2-3! Real fun match, Ted was so good in control here, while the crowd just went wild for Magnum.


100 miles down the road in Tulsa on that very same day, they lock-up again in the second match of this disk, Magnum T.A. (c) vs Ted DiBiase in a No-DQ match, May 27th, 1984. DiBiase tries to attack Magnum from behind again, but he's ready for it and they trade blows in the centre of the ring before Magnum hurls Ted over the top-rope. He slams Ted into the ring apron, but DiBiase scuttles back in between the ropes and calls for a time-out. Magnum ignores him and puts the boots to him. Irish whip into the corner, Ted bounces off and is met by a Magnum back-elbow. Ted hits a quick knee to the gut to stop T.A. in his tracks and goes to work, only to eat a pair of dropkicks and a big back-bodydrop. Ted's begging Mangum to spare him, when he grabs Magnum's trunks and hauls him out to the floor. He slams Magnum's head into the time keeper's table and steel guardrail, making the girls at ringside scream. Magnum's bleeding a ton, didn't even need to blade. Ted rolls him back in the ring and hits a huge elbow off the top. Ted puts him into the ropes and telegraphs a back-bodydrop, but Magnum rolls him up for a near-fall! DiBiase comes back with some fist-drops to the face and gets a 2-count of his own. Magnum hits some punches to the gut and hits the ropes, only for Ted to catch him in a sleeper hold. He's proper wrenching it in as blood pours off Magnum's face and all down Ted's arm. Magnum eventually manages to fight his way to his feet and runs Ted into the ropes, sending him crashing to the floor. DiBiase gets straight back in and goes for a piledriver, but T.A. reverses with a backdrop! They trade blows in the middle of the ring until Magnum comes out on top. Another back-bodydrop and then both men collide coming off the ropes. DiBiase loads his glove, but Magnum ducks. Atomic drop sends Ted into the ropes, he bounces off and gets caught in the belly-to-belly! 1-2-3, Magnum retains! Another fun match - Magnum's comeback was better this time around, but Ted got more time to shine in their Oklahoma City match.


Lastly, The Rock & Roll Express & Jim Duggan vs The Midnight Express & Ernie Ladd w/ Jim Cornette, June 8th, 1984. Huge heat for Cornette as he introduces his team, then the place comes unglued for the RnR's entrance. The crowd want to see Ernie vs Hacksaw, but we start off with Ricky Morton against Bobby Eaton. They lock up and Ricky punches Beautiful Bobby square in the eye, receving a warning from the ref. Bobby tries to goad him into his corner, but Morton's having none of it. Side-headlock from Morton. Bobby pulls the hair to free himself, but eats a shoulder tackle. Ricky hits the ropes and Bobby goes for a back-bodydrop, but Ricky jumps over and lays him out with a punch to the jaw. Bobby scrambles to his corner to tag in Dennis Condrey. They lock up, but Morton forces Dennis into the RnR's corner and the faces work Condrey over with punches! Bobby tries to make the save, but Ricky keeps turning around just in time and clocking him in the jaw, lol. Condrey suckers in Morton and traps his arm, before tagging in the giant Ernie Ladd who just hoists Ricky up by his hair. He runs Morton into the ropes and shoulder tackles him down with ease, but on the second attempt Ricky slides between his legs and scores with a big dropkick to the crowd's rapturous approval! A series of arm-drags from Morton and Ernie's left dazed and confused. He tries to whip Ricky into the corner, but Morton hops up on the middle rope and hits a flying cross-body!


Another dropkick sends Ernie crashing to the floor, but when Morton goes for a back-bodydrop Ladd kicks him in the chest and hits a huuuuuge two-legged leg drop. Scoop slam from Ladd and he tags in Bobby who immediately messes up and lets Morton make the tag, lol. Hacksaw goes to work with some big punches and flying lariat. Bobby tags in Condrey, who isn't best pleased. The MX double-team Hacksaw and each go for the pin a whole bunch of times, but Hacksaw kicks out and hits a noggin knocker. Ernie tags in and the crowd are loving it. He and Hacksaw lock up and start trading blows. Back-bodydrop from Hacksaw on the big man! Ernie grabs something out of his trunks and hits Hacksaw in the gut with it. The MX work Hacksaw over until, predictably, Bobby makes a mistake and lets him get the tag. Gibson comes in like a house of fire and lays out the heels. Quick tags between the R&R's, until Ladd catches Morton with a big boot and the heels isolate him. Beautiful spot where Morton reaches over to tag Gibson while hoisted up on Ernie's shoulder, but the ref doesn't notice it. Morton refuses to quit, so Cornette tries to sneak in with the rag & spray to put him to sleep, but he breaks out of it, sends Corny scrambling and sprays Bobby in the eyes before rolling him up for the 3-count! This was great, the usual R&R vs MX tag match formula livened up by the big men Hacksaw & Ladd. Ernie was pretty immobile at this point, but he puts on a good show nonetheless and bumps big for Hacksaw.


Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
It's good to see Hacksaw at a time when he was fun to watch.


That's pretty fantastic, I'd like to see the full thing.
He's like Michael Scott in the ring!
Why didn't Striker ever apply any of that to his actual matches? Can anyone name a single memorable Striker match? It reminds me of all the various shoots Raven had done where he throws out professor level psychology and understanding of wrestling, but doesn't apply it at all to his own matches.

Honestly only ever seen him as a commentator or interviewer. I didn't really know that he "could talk," like he says in the video lol.


So not worth it
I hope this AMC stuff is bullshit, I don't think any good will come from WWE being run by a bunch of network suits. It's like WCW all over again.
It's good to see Hacksaw at a time when he was fun to watch.

Hacksaw was a strange one - he got popular super quick, so even though he was still quite green, he was doing the hulking-up, no-selling stuff relatively early on. I never much enjoyed his singles matches, but he's fun in a tag setting.

Ernie Ladd's awesome, though, love that double leg-drop - someone should bring that back, it looks like it hurts a ton.


So not worth it
so i have to pay for another service to be able to watch the Network? fuck that
It's 3 euro and also unlocks every Netflix region across the world. Giving you pretty much every TV show and movie to stream.

Best 3 euro's I spend a month.

Hola makes my internet slow as fuck and have the whole ad insertion deal. I m much prefer to spend some cash for good service I can trust.
WWE.com's insistence that other wrestling companies like ROH and Chikara exist is weirding me out.
I think there's probably an ego element of NXT being a real thing now and that makes the indies seem even lower than they already seemed before. They're like "there's ROH, then maybe we'll bring them in to train, then they might get on NXT, then if they're super good we'll put them on TV." It's not like ECW where it could be seen as legit competition sometimes.

The funny part is TNA isn't even on their radar just like it isn't for almost everyone in America. I bet they never even talk about it, let alone watch it sometimes.

Evening Musuko

Black Korea
I know it might be looked at as a step down from USA but it would be cool if WWE signs a deal with Fox Sports 1. FS1 and 2 would probably give them plenty of air time for all their shows and I'm sure regular FOX would throw them a bone for specials like they do for UFC.

It would be interesting to see WWE on a sports channel in the US. I wonder if they'll have highlights on their sports shows.

I think there's probably an ego element of NXT being a real thing now and that makes the indies seem even lower than they already seemed before. They're like "there's ROH, then maybe we'll bring them in to train, then they might get on NXT, then if they're super good we'll put them on TV." It's not like ECW where it could be seen as legit competition sometimes.

The funny part is TNA isn't even on their radar just like it isn't for almost everyone in America. I bet they never even talk about it, let alone watch it sometimes.

Only time I've heard TNA mentioned on a WWE program was during one of those Legends of Wrestling roundtables. Ric flair mentioned Vince Russo working for TNA then added, "What's TNA?" Guess that shows what they think of them.
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