Ok, GAF, anything goes, but please, only stuff you actually like.
Recommend 3 (three), yes, 3 PPVs from any era for me to watch on the Network. This is that awkward moment where I confess I only started following wrestling, like, two months ago, even tho in those two months I devoured everything WWE related on Netflix and spent more time reading about it than on my masters dissertation.
I have this really big ammount of info on my head, but very little actual experience watching stuff back to back.
So, for a noob who has read too much and watched too little: 3 PPVs for me to watch start to finish on the Network this weekend.
I hope I don't get much heat for revealing I'm kind of an intruder here and yet I've been running my mouth off the entire month.
But you are my family now goddamn it, so you deserve the sad truth.