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March Wrasslin' |OT| The NXT Era Has ArRIVED

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Hogan and Savage doing the Mega Powers hand shake after Liz rips her skirt off is one of the most ridiculous and funny things I've ever seen in wrestling.



Secret Weapon...deployed.

It's such a shame that Liz always looks like she's on the verge of a panic attack whenever she was on camera. It seemed to be at its worst during her run with Lex in WCW where she looked like she was actually having panic attacks at all times.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
wait. They are honoring Carlos Colon? Fuck that guy and his covering up Bruiser Brody's murder.


It's such a shame that Liz always looks like she's on the verge of a panic attack whenever she was on camera. It seemed to be at its worst during her run with Lex in WCW where she looked like she was actually having panic attacks at all times.

Probably from all the drugs Lex injected into her


love on your sleeve
It's such a shame that Liz always looks like she's on the verge of a panic attack whenever she was on camera. It seemed to be at its worst during her run with Lex in WCW where she looked like she was actually having panic attacks at all times.

But on the flipside, she was so hot. So very hot.


I really need to brush up on my wrestling history, I didn't know Carlos was involved in the Brody case at all, I thought it was just Atlus refusing to testify

Man God

Non-Canon Member
This notion that stro brings out from time to time has me at least partially convinced he is actually Vince Russo creeping on Liz all day.

He could also be Kanyon after faking his death though.


I really need to brush up on my wrestling history, I didn't know Carlos was involved in the Brody case at all, I thought it was just Atlus refusing to testify

And in addition to being involved with Brody's murder, he also is responsible for Carlito. That's not cool.

This notion that stro brings out from time to time has me at least partially convinced he is actually Vince Russo creeping on Liz all day.

He could also be Kanyon after faking his death though.

She had more meat on her and showed more skin. In addition to having better hair. Hard to argue with facts.


love on your sleeve
I think she was so much hotter in WCW. Bad 80s hair and being way skinny wasn't a turn on to me.

Yeah, that's what I mean. That 98-99 run she had with the NWO and Lex, she looked amazing. She would probably make my all time fave five list at that point.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
She did look good stro but that contract doesn't mean you own her! You can't tell her what to wear and what to do in your office! Quit being so creepy!
Wasn't Zeb in Puerto Rico with Bruiser at that time? I wonder how he feels about the induction of Carlos. I could be wrong
(I'm legit shook by the latest episode of The Walking Dead)
, but I thought a read an article about Zeb and the craziness with the trial or something.


So it's Raw on monday, Main Event on wednesday, NXT on thursday, Smackdown on friday and Total Divas on sunday.

Nothing really on tuesday and saturday? Goddamn lazy bastards.


Total Divas is off to a great start as Eva Marie gets put over, Natalya proves what an awful person she is, and Summer owns her, all within the first 3 minutes
Finishing watching that ROH show (Raising the Bar Night 2), been real good stuff so far - Cedric Alexander vs Kevin Steen was great, also enjoyed Bennett vs Lethal and Taven vs Young. Show's well worth a watch so far, and I've still got Hero vs Cole and Red Dragon vs the Bucks left.



And a Maria gif for you;

Wrestling behind the scenes is so goddamn shady.

There's an outstanding book called Wrestling Babylon that is essentially Hollywood Babylon with wrestling. It's not perfect, but it does reasonably cite its sources.

Total Divas was fairly meh - Nattie was a silly highlight though. Eva stole the show.



a kinder, gentler sort of Scrooge
I could easily buy the Bellas becoming Wyatt Family members. Might take a while for their beards to grow, but I'm sure they can get it done by Wrestlemania 31

For Total Divas, can anyone actually explain to me how it is supposed to get viewers of it to watch WWE, when the show seems so intent on making everyone just an awful person for whatever reason? Is that supposed to be a draw?


I could easily buy the Bellas becoming Wyatt Family members. Might take a while for their beards to grow, but I'm sure they can get it done by Wrestlemania 31

For Total Divas, can anyone actually explain to me how it is supposed to get viewers of it to watch WWE, when the show seems so intent on making everyone just an awful person for whatever reason? Is that supposed to be a draw?

The divas are horrible horrible people. All E! people are horrible horrible people.


So not worth it
2 minutes in, Summer was told she's been doing great with "all the matches" (I think she's had two so far?) and has been paired with Eva because "Eva has been out there a little more."

Yes, I love this show!

-Edit: And now Natty and her drinking problem is trying to dry hump Vinny on the dance floor. Best show ever.


Natalya is actually growing on me. She can have good matches when the circunstances allow it and she has drinking problems, which makes her totally relatable.

Some people, when they get drunk, oscilate between doing shit and feeling guilty they are doing shit. She is the kind of people who stick to her guns while there's clearly something in her head going "you know, you are pretty drunk and there's a possibility other people are upset for a reason". I respect that.


So not worth it
Natalya is antagonizing herself to me. I think the pretending to be the be-all end-all of women's wrestling makes her seem very entitled. Especially because it comes from her priviliged position of being born into the right family. She's just a natural heel in that roll.

Eva Marie on the other hand is totally charming and nice in the new season. Everyone seems to like her now. As long as they don't have her wrestle or doing anything on Main WWE outside of stand beside the ring and look pretty every once in a while she might actually become likable.
When the hell did Eva Marie get a fan club on here?

And why?
It has to be gimmick posters, nothing else makes sense.

Hey guys, remember when Kane and Orton had a Wrestlemania match over a hand shake and Kane won completely clean?
I never forget, Kane getting his due over the Golden Boy clean as a whistle was like a wrestlemania moment for me.
Plus handshakes are serious business in the world of wrasslin'.

What I also recall was a few weeks before that WM event Orton bigged up his match as more important and bigger than the WHC match on some interview, everyone laughed but then we saw what happened to the WHC match, Orton vindicated.


Natalya is antagonizing herself to me. I think the pretending to be the be-all end-all of women's wrestling makes her seem very entitled. Especially because it comes from her priviliged position of being born into the right family. She's just a natural heel in that roll.

Eva Marie on the other hand is totally charming and nice in the new season. Everyone seems to like her now. As long as they don't have her wrestle or doing anything on Main WWE outside of stand beside the ring and look pretty every once in a while she might actually become likable.

All this talk here about Bret Hart being bitter makes me understand Natalya better by thinking she comes from a bitter background. Whining is her blood, you can't fight that.

And Eva Marie really is actually adorable this first chapter. You can't hate the timeless struggle of a woman chosing love over family.


small review that i made a couple of weeks ago and never posted it. Lesnar vs Angle for the IWGP belt. i'm pretty sure Angle is coming out to his TNA theme song. oh god, goatee Lesnar. why?


here we go. bell rings. Angle strikes immediately with punches. german suplex!! not even 10 seconds in and Angle is already at full speed.


they end up outside the ring. uppercuts by Angle. sends Lesnar inside again. Lesnar comes back with a knee to the gut. big forearm smashes, follows with body shots. irish whip, shoulder tackle but neither man budge an inch. Angle goes for another but Lesnar grabs him and sends him flying with a belly-to-belly suplex.


Lesnar stomps on Angle. chokes him on the ropes now till the ref breaks it. short shoulder tackles to the mid-section in the corner. both guys are actually pretty over with the japanese crowd. Angle gets to his feet and punches Lesnar. Lesnar counters with a kick to the gut and goes for the F5 (called Verdict in Japan). Angle grabs the ropes so Lesnar just dumps him on the apron. Lesnar picks and Angle outside and sends him back to the ring. big vertical suplex by Lesnar. more stomping. follows with forearm smashes but Angle counters with uppercuts and punches to the face. irish whip to the corner but Lesnar reverses. Lesnar with another big belly-to-belly suplex. pin attempt, Angle kicks out at 2. guillotine choke by Lesnar. Angle resists and sends Lesnar flying over his shoulder.


Lesnar is up first. Angle strikes with a kick to the gut, follows with punches. Lesnar answers back with kicks and punches of his own. Lesnar sets Angle for a powerbomb but Angle slides down and locks in the ankle lock. Lesnar sends Angle flying across the ring with the counter.


shoulder tackle by Angle sends Lesnar down. double german suplex by Angle. goes for the Angle Slam but Lesnar escapes. now Lesnar sets him up for the F5 but Angle counters with a DDT. pin by Angle, 2 count. the straps are down. ankle lock is locked in. Lesnar rolls and sends Angle against the corner. HUGE release german suplex by Lesnar.


pin by Lesnar, Angle kicks out at 2.9. Lesnar back on the attack. more short shoulder tackes in the corner. irish whip, Lesnar tries a corner clothesline but Angle evades, lands the Angle Slam on Lesnar. pin but kickout at 2.5. Angle locks in the ankle lock again. Lesnar rolls again and gets the pin but Angle kicks out at 2. clothesline attempt by Angle, Lesnar dodges and secures the F5.


cover by Lesnar but another kickout at 2.9 by Angle. Lesnar now locks in the ankle lock. Angle seems like he's about to tap but reverses position and gets on top. drops down for the leg scissors ankle lock and Lesnar is forced to tap. winner via submission, Kurt Angle. great match, like a condensed version of their Wrestlemania match. this would be Lesnar's final pro-wrestling match till he returned to WWE in 2012. stay tuned as i'll review more matches of Lesnar in Japan.

Dump the cardio. Get your diet sorted - eat 500 cal above your current maintenance calories. Hell, even more. It's going to be tough, but you have to feed your body in order for muscle growth.

Squat - 3 sets of 5
Bench Press - 3 sets of 5
Deadlifts - 1 set of 5
Pull-Ups - 3 sets of 8-15

Squat - 3 sets of 5
Overhead Press - 3 sets of 5
Power Cleans - 5 sets of 3
Abdominal work

Squat - 3 sets of 5
Bench Press - 3 sets of 5
Deadlift - 1 set of 5
Bent Over Rows - 3 set of 5
Arm work, if desired

Start LOW. Do not do MORE than what is suggested in the beginning. Youtube any movements you're not sure of. Remove Power Cleans if you can't do them right - they're not easy to do.

What are you doing Vince, you can't just tell a guy to eat 500 more calories. You can't just tell a guy to do difficult exercises without telling him how to do them properly.

Spider, if you want to grow muscle you do have to eat more. But you have to have make sure you're getting a lot of your calories from protein. Aim for getting 1g of protein per lb of lean mass that you want. For instance, if you want to be 200 lbs and 10% body fat (that's actually Zacked, but this is a goal), 20 lbs of you will be fat and so you want 180 grams of protein. That's 720 protein calories, as 1g of protein = 1g of carbohydrate = 4 calories (1g of fat is 9, btw). For the other 1,280 you should divide them more or less evenly between carb and fat. Don't worry about it as long as they're close, but remember that a gram of fat has 2.25x the calories of a gram of carb. And it will be fine if you get extra protein and split the rest. Drink water.

Squats and deadlifts and overhead presses and power cleans require full-body technique and you will need to research them. Mark Rippetoe is the authoritative source on how to do them.
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