Mr. Luchador
#1 Pet Peeve on Gaming Side - when computer game threads become less about the game and more about the 1 dominating GAF Personality that takes over the thread with their insane gimmick/fanboyism.
#1 Pet Peeve on Gaming Side - when computer game threads become less about the game and more about the 1 dominating GAF Personality that takes over the thread with their insane gimmick/fanboyism.
#1 Pet Peeve on Gaming Side - when computer game threads become less about the game and more about the 1 dominating GAF Personality that takes over the thread with their insane gimmick/fanboyism.
I am scared to post on gaming side. Only there can you be called a troll for a serious post
#1 Pet Peeve on Gaming Side - when computer game threads become less about the game and more about the 1 dominating GAF Personality that takes over the thread with their insane gimmick/fanboyism.
Isn't that this thread?
Oh shit, calling out Sunflower McMahon ;P
What are you doing Vince, you can't just tell a guy to eat 500 more calories. You can't just tell a guy to do difficult exercises without telling him how to do them properly.
Spider, if you want to grow muscle you do have to eat more. But you have to have make sure you're getting a lot of your calories from protein. Aim for getting 1g of protein per lb of lean mass that you want. For instance, if you want to be 200 lbs and 10% body fat (that's actually Zacked, but this is a goal), 20 lbs of you will be fat and so you want 180 grams of protein. That's 720 protein calories, as 1g of protein = 1g of carbohydrate = 4 calories (1g of fat is 9, btw). For the other 1,280 you should divide them more or less evenly between carb and fat. Don't worry about it as long as they're close, but remember that a gram of fat has 2.25x the calories of a gram of carb. And it will be fine if you get extra protein and split the rest. Drink water.
Squats and deadlifts and overhead presses and power cleans require full-body technique and you will need to research them. Mark Rippetoe is the authoritative source on how to do them.
Awesome, Ricochet's Dream Gate title match from Dragon Gate is out;
Masato Yoshino (c) vs Ricochet - Open the Dream Gate Title - (Dragon Gate 02/03/14)
#1 Pet Peeve on Gaming Side - when computer game threads become less about the game and more about the 1 dominating GAF Personality that takes over the thread with their insane gimmick/fanboyism.
Oh shit, calling out Sunflower McMahon ;P
Conflict is fun Aiii.
None of us hate each other too, with the exception of the eternal BillRiccio/BronsonLee feud.![]()
Why are people steering to conflict in here so much lately?
Stop it. This thread is supposed to be fun times, you are ruining my fun times! I NEED MY FUN TIMES!
Thank you for this!Awesome, Ricochet's Dream Gate title match from Dragon Gate is out;
Masato Yoshino (c) vs Ricochet - Open the Dream Gate Title - (Dragon Gate 02/03/14)
This ain't ballet
An ant has no quarrel with a boot
But why am I the poster child for Memphis style feud hate? Bill got flack because he decided to be a dick about my work, end of. Don't do that and there's no beef!
... Except with the long standing hatred I have for FallingEdge
But ya, my Berserk Button is blatantly obvious, don't press it and it's party all the time
There's a distinct lack of Black Widow in your Fave Five.
Face Five Submissions?
Not sure about five, but Crippler Crossface is my favourite, Benoit had such intensity performing that move making it that much more convincing, why it's almost awkward now in light of the events that transpired.
Always dug the Cloverleaf for some reason as well, not sure why.
Brother I hate to say this because I love you, but you're wrong.
You heckled Bill for enjoying CHIKARA's storylines, and it went bananas from there.I've traced the feud back to its root!
I regret nothing. The angle was A: not one, and B: consisted of the worst goddamn grassroots campaign I've ever seen. It was saved by NPWD, barely. It was an angle for people who loved LOST.
Bill Screwed Bill. I have no sympathy whatsoever for Bill.
A couple issues with this:
1: I don't take over the thread
2: My "gimmick" is not "insane"
3: that's all
You know I was kidding, right bro?!
I really like the modified octopus hold Shibata used against Anderson this past Saturday;
No, I didn't. Goddamn gimmick posters like you Tropy!
Your gimmick is you're Scott Hall in WCW.
So Raw is tonight. Most interested to see what Cena has to say. Been tired with his "whether you hate or love me I always do my best 110%" gimmick. Cena can't touch Bray when it comes to mic work. I guess they're just going to use his current name then to build the feud instead of having Cena do anything new. I honestly feel like WWE creative could be making this match more 'personal' for wrestlemania. Kinda underwhelmed with the buildup for it so far. Wyatt Family has carried it.
Fave Five Submissions?
"Hey Bray, you're looking a little...husky tonight"
Fave Five Submissions?
Crossface Chickenwing (Backlund Edition)
#1 Pet Peeve on Gaming Side - when computer game threads become less about the game and more about the 1 dominating GAF Personality that takes over the thread with their insane gimmick/fanboyism.
"Hey Bray, you're looking a little...husky tonight"
I honestly think we should switch the Bryan/HHH avatar bet to Cena/Bray
Though it suffers from the fatal flaw of not being useful outside of no DQ matches. But in those matches... IT'S UNSTOPPABLE.
It's too late!
It's too late!