So that videogame discussions delves into girls/boys being influenced to like certain things. You know, girls play with barbie, boys play with G.I. Joe. etc.
But I wonder how much is influence and some is just..well natural.
I think about wrestling and actions movies and no one specifically told me to like them because it's a thing men like. But was I brain washed into doing so because they (men) were painted in a positive light.
Did Gorilla Monsoon made me think Warrior looked awesome, or did I make up my own mind.
Would I have wanted to look all jacked from instinct, or just because everyone thinks it's cool?
Or maybe just not many women are as interested in video games as men.
God forbid that different genders have different tastes.
I "dated" a girl for a while that was all into my nerd hobbies. It was a horrifying experience.
I "dated" a girl for a while that was all into my nerd hobbies. It was a horrifying experience.
I'll never understand the 'date your best friend' type relationships. It's like putting vanilla in vanilla.
Fucking boring.
Damn dude, what an awkwardly serious stance.Or maybe just not many women are as interested in video games as men.
God forbid that different genders have different tastes.
Damn dude, what an awkwardly serious stance.
I'm fine with my wife simply respecting my hobbies. If I was just marrying my clone I feel like I would be missing out on so much.
I'll never understand the 'date your best friend' type relationships. It's like putting vanilla in vanilla.
Fucking boring.
I saw my very first episode of TD last night and call me a bad wrestling fan but... I liked it better than Raw.
It's cringeworthy to the max but still pretty watchable.
Everyone assuming their significant other is female from male posters
check your straight privilege
Yes. It's nice to have hobbies that you can enjoy on your own. I think a lot of couples think you have to do everything together all the time or you aren't in a good relationship. And instead, people end up doing a bunch of shit they don't want to do and resenting their partner for it.
That's why Total Divas is such a hit.
Notice I never used any gender specific nouns/pronouns/adjectives/verbs. Only people and partner.
Don't get me wrong you have to do some stuff you like together, and every once in awhile give the other persons interest a shot.
My wife has been with me to Mania and a few Metal concerts, things she would have never done in a million years done by herself.
Hell I went to a rodeo/country show with her, and wasn't that bad. Same thing I would not have gone on my own but with her, pretty enjoyable experience.
You do have to be similar in big picture stuff. If you're an alcoholic and they are straight edge, probbaly not going to work.
You're right. You're one of the good ones.
Strobogo is our Non-Gendered Warrior. You can team up with me, I get hot about social injustice
^ me right now mad at straight folkswho are dicks. fuck that's kinda gendered too
Hope you're ready for the avalanche of CernyVince gifs this week.I guess the tradeoff for this username is that people have about 2 million gifs of Vince getting stunner'd or beat up to respond with![]()
I think it was a big step for wrasslin fans when Goldust turned face and would get cheered for sexually harassing other men instead of getting faggot chants like the Freebirds. Or King being a heel for calling him a fag on TV instead of getting cheered like he would have a few years prior. Or people genuinely being happy for Billy and Chuck and then being mad that the gay thing was just an act.
Hope you're ready for the avalanche of CernyVince gifs this week.
Testament one of those bands that could never quite get out of the mid-card. Very talented but for whatever reason, just couldn't get up there.
Based Cerny.
You leave Cerny alone Sunny Mac, BAH GAWD YOU LEAVE HIM ALONE!
Again, did he do something significant lately? And "shitting out a turd called Knack" isn't significant.
Revered by true thrash metal fans is a great reward though. It's like loving Mr. Perfect's IC title run.
Again, did he do something significant lately? And "shitting out a turd called Knack" isn't significant.
I have no clue, I follow very little gaming news nowadays. I just kind of see things happening and then all of a sudden there's a game out I'd love to play and I get that and I'm not on any hype train for anything so every game is just "fun" again.
Long story short, Cerny gave me the PS4 and that's the gift that keeps on giving.
On a sidenote, I have a ton of games to play and then Blizzard releases a level 90 boost for WoW so now I have five unplayed new games and I'm stuck playing WoW again...![]()
lmao, he "gave" you the ps4. so generous! that's a $400 value!
keep simping on Cerny Aiii. You're like a bad Jimmy Garvin after a Precious turn.
Ahh, Precious:
Don't get me wrong you have to do some stuff you like together, and every once in awhile give the other persons interest a shot.
My wife has been with me to Mania and a few Metal concerts, things she would have never done in a million years done by herself.
I guess the tradeoff for this username is that people have about 2 million gifs of Vince getting stunner'd or beat up to respond with![]()
I haven't even turned my 360 on since the Network started up. Well, once to see if the Network worked on it, which it didn't at the time. Who has time for games when you can have Golden Era WWF and NWA on your TV at all times?
YEAH YEAH YEAAAAAAAH. I don't like Jimmy Jam either, but he was much better in the ring than Hayes.
I took my wife with me to Raw once and she fell asleep in her chair halfway through the show. Even Kane's pyro didn't wake her up. :/
I legit laughed.
Who's that jobber
... Besides you of course
Hope you're ready for the avalanche of CernyVince gifs this week.
He looks a lot better.