Liu Kang Baking A Pie
The Wyatts video package in sync with Eminem set the tone.
I'm wonder how people would react if Bryan beat Triple H in less than 20 seconds similarly to what happened at WM28. Probably won't happen given how little in way of matches they have so far to fill 4 hours.
Peace Walker was the last Metal Gear game.One thing I didn't skip is wasting $30 this morning. I hate Metal Gear. Last good one was Piece Waika.
Which wasn't all that long ago. It's 4 I have the problem with. Everything else is grabie. Loved Ac!d too.
One of the worst Raws ever capped with one of the best endings ever. This show felt so flat and dry, like everyone just simultaneously decided to stop giving a shit, until they turned it all the way up just for the last moment.
Jericho also beat both opponents with the help of outside interference and low blows so that didn't help his legitimacy. People would probably cheer Bryan anyways if he cheated to win both matches.Given how they have built up Bryan as an Iron Man wrestler, who can go multiple times in a night, having him beat Triple H and then move on to beat Randy Orton and Batista in the same night would solidify him not only as a main eventer, but as a top tier guy.....kind of like how it worked for Chris Jericho when he won the unified titled tournament (though not at Mania, so it didn't have the same effect as this should).
I'm with you there. My only wrestling shirt:Dammit, I just looked at the t-shirt I bought while drunk at RevPro on Saturday and realised I've broken my own rule - only buy wrestling t-shirts that can be mistaken for a metal band's t-shirt;
One of the worst Raws ever capped with one of the best endings ever. This show felt so flat and dry, like everyone just simultaneously decided to stop giving a shit, until they turned it all the way up just for the last moment.
Watch last week's Smackdown. They're full faces now. Cole was watching them do a beatdown and marking out like it was vintage Shield.
The only time I even felt mildly hyped until the final segment was hearing the Shield's music. Otherwise it was super dull. Just a lot of forgettable stuff dragging on while we're supposed to be getting pumped for WM.Waaaat?
This was the best Raw in a long time
oh lawd that Heavy post. goddamn!
Goddamn that Bray Wyatt promo. So fucking good.Bray Wyatt![]()
One thing I didn't skip is wasting $30 this morning. I hate Metal Gear. Last good one was Piece Waika.
Which wasn't all that long ago. It's 4 I have the problem with. Everything else is grabie. Loved Ac!d too.
The only time I even felt mildly hyped until the final segment was hearing the Shield's music. Otherwise it was super dull. Just a lot of forgettable stuff dragging on while we're supposed to be getting pumped for WM.
He's saying "dismissed".
I must say.....Stephanie was doing things for me last night.
I must say.....Stephanie was doing things for me last night.
Undertaker will be there though, Jmdajr.
Everybody is into dominatrix women until the buttplug shows up.
don't let this stop you
I wouldn't say the least, but, yeah... Safewords exist for a reason.That's the least of the worries really.
I skimmed through yesterday's RAW, really. You guys were saying it was all great but I didn't find myself all too interested.
I do have a question though: Are they still running the disgruntled Miz angle where he walks to the announce table to complain about him not being on RAW? That shit looked like it was going nowhere and I want to confirm that it went nowhere.
I skimmed through yesterday's RAW, really. You guys were saying it was all great but I didn't find myself all too interested.
I do have a question though: Are they still running the disgruntled Miz angle where he walks to the announce table to complain about him not being on RAW? That shit looked like it was going nowhere and I want to confirm that it went nowhere.
I did that once but with Miz's theme
What does it mean?!?!
Which one? The theme he used with Hacksaw?
Isn't he shooting that new Marine movie with Summer Rae atm?
Damn. Well, I guess at least he's doing something.I think he's pretty happy being on the backstage panel for the pre and post shows now.
Well, I mean, I caught that all and it was funny for the moment but I guess I'm burned out from it all and just want to get to WrestleMania already so Daniel Bryan can finally have his WrestleMania moment(s).Well then, I guess you didn't find it interesting. Can't say the same for me. Great leader even took the time to poop on CM, so it was a great Monday Night,
As for MIZ, beats me. Ziggs is in the Battle Royal so that tag team ain't happening in time for Mania.
I can't wait for the Hornswoggle movie get him super over with kids and kickstart a serious push while The Marine 4 bombs.
Legs has a movie? That should be some nice Total Divas materiel.
It seemed like a pretty serviceable Raw from what I saw, hardly spectacular but not bad either. Really this it the least rocky the road to WM has been in quite some time, they're actually building matches and feuds up to some degree which is a pleasant surprise.
Of course it could still be much better but small steps to recovery I guess.
I'm actually getting intrigued by a HHH WM match, this hasn't happened since I was expecting Trips to give Sheamus the rub at WM26 which of course didn't happen.
Where is the celebrity involvement this year?
No, Big Dave doesn't count.
Where is the celebrity involvement this year?
No, Big Dave doesn't count.
Where is the celebrity involvement this year?
No, Big Dave doesn't count.