Alright so here's the WrassleGAF's Current Feuds list:
Strobogo & Axl Rose vs Konnan & Michael Hayes
Sandman vs Heavy - I Quit Match
BronsonLee vs BillRiccio in a Grudge Match (No DQ)
Rafa vs Dean Ambrose on a Renee Young On A Pole Match
Professor Beef vs Bean Breath in a "Loser Can't Speak for 30 Days" Match
Mr. Nobody vs Aiii - If Aiii loses, he gets a username change to Mrs. Nobody - If Mr. Nobody wins, he's turned back into KOG
What else am I missing?
I don't have a beef with anyone. We're all cool.
TNA will be spending just over $300,000 to rent out the Hammerstein Ballroom in New York in June, July and August. This is said to be an "insane" amount of money and a way for TNA to try and impress Spike TV, according to SpikeTV is located in New York and TNA is said to try everything they can to get a new television deal.
Virtua Fighter is pretty damn boring.
I'd rather play say.. Star Gladiator..or Blood Roar.
Shield will probably be facing Kane and 2 other people- New Age Outlaws?
If the Usos aren't in the Battle Royal, its either vs the Wyatts, or more likely, a multi team match, with some combination the Matadors, The Rhodes, the Wyatts, Real Americans, 3MB, Xavier Woods and R-truth and Mysterio/Sin Cara.
I'm pretty sure they announced Big E for the Battle Royal.
Sheamus and Christian are still unaccounted for- They already have enough "star power" in the BR (Big Show, Del Rio, Ziggler, Big E), so I don't know what they do with them. Maybe have them in there 200th consecutive match?
Star Gladiator doesn't get enough love, neither does Plasma Sword.
Bloody Roar is just a gateway to being a furry though.
Watch that non-furry privilege, motherfucker.
Virtua Fighter is pretty damn boring.
I'd rather play say.. Star Gladiator..or Blood Roar.
Star Gladiator doesn't get enough love, neither does Plasma Sword.
Bloody Roar is just a gateway to being a furry though.
Watch that non-furry privilege, motherfucker.
Oh yeah, I'll tell you something
I think you'll understand
When I'll say that something
I wanna hold your hand
I wanna hold your hand
I wanna hold your hand
Oh please, say to me
You'll let me be your man
And please, say to me
You'll let me hold your hand
I'll let me hold your hand
I wanna hold your hand
And when I touch you I feel happy
It's such a feeling that my love
I can't hide
I can't hide
I can't hide
Yeah, you've got that something
I think you'll understand
When I'll say that something
I wanna hold your hand
I wanna hold your hand
I wanna hold your hand
And when I touch you I feel happy
It's such a feeling that my love
I can't hide
I can't hide
I can't hide
Yeah, you've got that something
I think you'll understand
When I'll feel that something
I wanna hold your hand
I wanna hold your hand
I wanna hold your hand
I wanna hold your hand
What's the word furries use for people who aren't furries? Maggles? Moggles?
Seriously, that seemed like an un-accepting even hateful response SUNNY.
Do you think you can go into this one without playing any of the older Metal Gears? I've only played Rising lol
You're on!
Xbone sucks
Virtua Fighter sucks
Weight lifters are all meathead dudebros
Speaking of fighting games. Soul Caliber V was like $3.74 on Xbox 360 the other day. Really watered down single player, but the game sure does look nice.
I dunno where they lost the fun but I recently played it and then hopped over to SC2, SC2 is truly Jesus. Best SC bar none.
I dunno where they lost the fun but I recently played it and then hopped over to SC2, SC2 is truly Jesus. Best SC bar none.
Hahahahaha. I yhink we can make some moneyAlright so here's the WrassleGAF's Current Feuds list:
Strobogo & Axl Rose vs Konnan & Michael Hayes
Sandman vs Heavy - I Quit Match
BronsonLee vs BillRiccio in a Grudge Match (No DQ)
Rafa vs Dean Ambrose on a Renee Young On A Pole Match
Professor Beef vs Bean Breath in a "Loser Can't Speak for 30 Days" Match
Mr. Nobody vs Aiii - If Aiii loses, he gets a username change to Mrs. Nobody - If Mr. Nobody wins, he's turned back into KOG
What else am I missing?
Hey look Sunflower, the guy that wears wrestling shirts and wants to get a Shinsuke Nakamura haircut even though he has a regular 9-5 job has your back!
Who else lifts weights?! I'll shoot on you too!
Rewatching WM2000 to get slightly better gifs...the shit I do...
The only thing better than Ivy in SCV is Ivy in SC4
Best-playing Ivy was SC2 but I can't deny that outfit.
Hey so wrasslin talk - with the current card (which is kind of underwhelming re: depth) who do you think will have match of the night? Undertekker?
Even after his shoot on you last night/this morning?
Man, WrassleGAF Lore is tough to keep up with.
Rewatching WM2000 to get slightly better gifs...the shit I do...
Vince neglects me in all wrasslegaf events. It's pretty depressing.
Me and Bionic's feud would draw more views than freakin Aiii and G-fex
Vince neglects me in all wrasslegaf events. It's pretty depressing.
Me and Bionic's feud would draw more views than freakin Aiii and G-fex
Sunny hates me too. He added Sailorswaze or whatever the fuck her name is in GWF instead of me.
Speaking of fighting games. Soul Caliber V was like $3.74 on Xbox 360 the other day. Really watered down single player, but the game sure does look nice.
Your WM2000 review is about as delayed as the damn WWE Network itself!
Sunny hates me too. He added Sailorswaze or whatever the fuck her name is in GWF instead of me.
I really have no idea why we talk about fighters in this thread. The amount of absurd and clearly incorrect comments are always at an all time high.
Did you guys run out of 90s lyrics? why was the 60s the go-to right after
Because Fighting Games and Wrestling have a natural connection.
I spent good time making you in WWE13. And all you did was get mad that you were a 7 foot tall fat masked wrestler with pierced nipples. I made you a gimmick and you shat on it!
According to WrassleGAF Lore Heavy is still technically undefeated. Zandig won the first Avatar Rumble via loophole.
Because Fighting Games and Wrestling have a natural connection.