We got Lesnar beating the shit out of Big Show and beating him with a chair for like 10 minutes, money well spent in my book
Well it was pretty cathartic I'll give you that.
We got Lesnar beating the shit out of Big Show and beating him with a chair for like 10 minutes, money well spent in my book
We got Lesnar beating the shit out of Big Show and beating him with a chair for like 10 minutes, money well spent in my book
Are you ready for gifs? Because I have gifs, mother fuckers.
Welcome to my first review. Welcome to WRESTLEMANIA 2000!
Lets begin with a little bit of background/history on this PPV. My cousin ordered Wrestlemania All Day Long. I was 15 at the time. We watched 12 hours straight of WWE.
Do people tailgate WrestleMania?
Taker is hilarious
Taker is hilarious
Taker should go back to his biker thing because now he really does look like an old burnt out bike gang member
The fuck is up with his hair
Starting my Mania 28 review. I regret agreeing to this and hate you all. Here, have a gif;
I already know how Boot's review is going to go.
He's going to stop after the first match and just go post new japan stuff.
Which I wouldn't blame him if he did cause that WM sucked and I'm sure the WM after sucked too just like this WM will suck.
Everything sucks
Crazy to hear a completely pro Cena crowd
.Samoa Joe attacked Scott Steiner with a machete. Their match went to a no-contest when Joe dragged Steiner out of the building. Minutes later, Joe reappeared in the parking lot with a bloody knife and Steiner is nowhere to be seen. When questioned Joe says "this is the start of his Nation of Violence and that he's going to kill the rest of the Mafia too". Fans almost immediately updated Steiner's Wikipedia page to say that Steiner was killed by Samoa Joe. Immediately following this heel commentator Don West says "Joe has gone too far", Tenay justified Joe's attack by saying it was Steiner's fault.
Has there been anything on 2k15? Holy shit maybe they'll take a year off like they did for UFC 3, which turned out to be pretty good.
Too bad The Show is less fun to play than those bad wrestling games![]()
Bo loves the Show.Too bad The Show is less fun to play than those bad wrestling games![]()
(3) Match Thrown out at 10:50. Shield now has a stereo suicide dive babyface move. This brought all of the heels over to confront Shield, setting up a Reigns-Cesaro confrontation to save for another day. Ambrose was then isolated by the heel teams, which was an odd sight. Included was the return of "Goldberg" chants aimed at Ryback. Ambrose crawling across the ring for a hot tag was also very strange. Rollins showed off some crowd-pleasing moves, then the crowd popped for Reigns delivering a spear on the outside. Suddenly, Kane ran down and attacked Reigns. Chaos then broke out in the ring, so ref Charles Robinson threw out the #1 contender match to the Tag Titles.
Post-match, the brawl continued. Reigns and Kane moved to the stage, where the New Age Outlaws emerged and helped Kane take down Reigns. Meanwhile, the heel teams in the tag match beat down Rollins and Ambrose. Kane and the Outlaws then beat down the entire group and stood tall over The Shield in the ring. Big boos for this. Good heat. Shield as faces is still weird, but Kane and the Outlaws played their part well. Kane vs. Reigns at WM? Will Shield help Bryan win at WM? Interesting questions coming out of this. Shield eventually recovered and got strong crowd cheers as they regrouped and vowed to fight back.
Network thread got put in community.
Do you mean 2k15 by 2k games? There isn't going to be one, they dropped the MLB license I believe or at least shelved it for this season. Only baseball game on non Sony platforms is the horrific looking RBI baseball game.
Oh crap, I thought you meant baseball, I'm sorry. I thought I read they introduced 2k15 during Raw in this thread.2k publishes the WWE games now.
Oh shit bros, Ground Zeroes is at a McDonalds Redbox 3 miles away. I'm on that shit.
Oh shit bros, Ground Zeroes is at a McDonalds Redbox 3 miles away. I'm on that shit.
It's pretty fun but pretty fucking gross, in a Michael Hayes way.
Sneaking suit or no sneaking suit?