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March Wrasslin' |OT| The NXT Era Has ArRIVED

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So not worth it
I just can't get excited for InFamous, plus it'll end up a free game at some point so I kind of don't want to buy it.


I just can't get excited for InFamous, plus it'll end up a free game at some point so I kind of don't want to buy it.

Yeah, 2016ish or so.

Can't wait, got Metal Gear coming, I'll finish that quick and then go trade it in for the price I paid for Infamous.

Get a bottle of scotch and some Network and baby, you got a weekend going.
Mr. Nobody said:
you can't compare the awesomeness of Metal Gear to infamous. That's like putting Kidman in a match with Hulk Hogan brother

No comparison here, just a juxtaposition. We don't all like the same things.

Although...Metal Gear's the Hulk Hogan of video games? Makes sense, seeing as how turgid and overly-pretentious the series has become.
Man, Phantom Pain is going to be DOPE AS FUCK

If they make use of everything I've seen from Ground Zeroes' gameplay, absolutely.

If they start leaning too far on the narrative like MGS4 did, there's a high chance it'll just be more nonsense. Except this time it'll be grim, dry nonsense.


I play MGS for the nonsense. I hope the nonsense level is up to 11 and people get foam coming out of their nose due to the level of nonsense.
I play MGS for the nonsense. I hope the nonsense level is up to 11 and people get foam coming out of their nose due to the level of nonsense.

If it's MGS1 or MGS3 nonsense, I'd agree, but MGS2 and MGS4 are just stupid and feel agonizingly long winded. If The Phantom Pain combines MGS 2 or 4 with this darker, blander tone......I can't.

But Kojima has promised to ease up on the cutscenes so we'll see.


Peace Walker had a lot of nonsense and it was awesome. Phantom Pain feels like it is going to be Peace Walker mixed with open world and darker. Which sounds dope. As. FUCK.


You can do a lot more with VR than 3D at least, just seems like a dumb thing for Sony to bother with, just leave it to the Oculus Rift and maybe get a partnership going when it takes off
You can do a lot more with VR than 3D at least, just seems like a dumb thing for Sony to bother with, just leave it to the Oculus Rift

Honestly, I can see why they are doing it, I just don't get why they are doing it right after launching the PS4. This is something you do three or four years down the line, with a much larger install base. You want to break-up the barrier to entry, wait for people to already have a PS4 in the house
Nerds are overstating the importance of this VR stuff - I'm sure it'll be great, but I'll also bet that the price will end up reflecting the market Sony are going for; the niche and hardcore. Also, it's GDC. Y'know, for developers and stuff. The VR's presence, or lack of one, at e3 will give a good indication of the sort of push they're putting behind this thing.

Personally, I'm of two minds. Motion stuff is dumb and I have no interest in waggling around some Move controllers, but a wraparound, eye-tracking way to view the game world? That's the next step towards total immersion, but the obstacle is going to be convincing people they want to play wearing some clunky headset, that and the price.


Just watched last weeks main event. I was positively suprised by the matadors vs ryaxel match. Ryback realy saved that match. He just seemed to have the right attitude in his selling.


So not worth it
Nerds are overstating the importance of this VR stuff - I'm sure it'll be great, but I'll also bet that the price will end up reflecting the market Sony are going for; the niche and hardcore. Also, it's GDC. Y'know, for developers and stuff. The VR's presence, or lack of one, at e3 will give a good indication of the sort of push they're putting behind this thing.

Personally, I'm of two minds. Motion stuff is dumb and I have no interest in waggling around some Move controllers, but a wraparound, eye-tracking way to view the game world? That's the next step towards total immersion, but the obstacle is going to be convincing people they want to play wearing some clunky headset, that and the price.

VR is fun, but it's still only half an experience. You can't physically touch anything and unless you're in one of Occulus Rift's demo boxes that adds wind and moving floors and what not I expect the immersion to be alot less than people expect.

I had a 3-monitor set-up at one point and played some Half-Life 3 on it, was pretty fun because the screens fill out your entire field of vision, but it's nothing more than a silly gimmick.

It's the equivalent to a wrestler who's entire gimmick is their entrance. Fun for a month, maybe two and then it's just another gimmick.
Aiii said:
VR is fun, but it's still only half an experience.

I'm fine with it being only half an experience - its a passive technology, requiring no input from the player. The other half of the experience fundamentally alters how games are played and I still want to play my games sitting on the couch with a controller. I just want to play a Fallout/Elder Scrolls game with one of these things.

Aiii said:
played some Half-Life 3









Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Have none of you tried the Oculus Rift? It's the future. Whether Sony keeps it affordable, well...

Where we're these people saying it's the future two years ago? That's like just learning who Shitbag Cerny is because he spoke at a PS4 reveal. I'd be ashamed to be such a bandwagon jumper.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
People pay attention when big companies start getting involved.

Absurd. The technology is already here man! It's weird, I would think a board full of hardcore gamers would know this already but hell it feels like there's 3 levels of ignorance now when it comes to forward facing tech.

I understand this now.

Yeah :/ still, I dunno. PW had plenty of creepo shit in it too.


InFamous this week :)

I really thought the PS4 would be easier to obtain at this point. I saw them in stores for a few weeks after launch, but I didn't get one cause I knew it wouldn't be played until InFamous. Now I want to get one and they are nowhere to be found within like 200 km of me. They just raised the price by $50 in Canada, too.
Absurd. The technology is already here man! It's weird, I would think a board full of hardcore gamers would know this already but hell it feels like there's 3 levels of ignorance now when it comes to forward facing tech.

Some people just don't care to keep up on this stuff, I know I don't. I barely even get hyped for games any more. It gets to a week or two before a games release, everyone is talking about it and I go "oh yeah, I should probably pre-order that".

BronsonLee said:
This logic is terrrrrrible

Seriously. Might as well not buy any games, given the number of 3rd party titles that do end up free via PS+


Absurd. The technology is already here man! It's weird, I would think a board full of hardcore gamers would know this already but hell it feels like there's 3 levels of ignorance now when it comes to forward facing tech.

Yeah :/ still, I dunno. PW had plenty of creepo shit in it too.

I'm all "what the fuck am I seeing?" And then I was "what in the holy fuck am I listening to?" Best demo ever for sure. Can't wait for PP. If I was hearing what I think I was hearing on one of the tapes...fuck.


So not worth it
I don't see the problem with knowing every InFamous game ends up being a free gift at some point and therefor not wasting money on it and instead using that money on other games.

It's not like InFamous is a game series that you have to play day one. It's a B+ game at best. Also, IT'S FAT!

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Some people just don't care to keep up on this stuff, I know I don't. I barely even get hyped for games any more. It gets to a week or two before a games release, everyone is talking about it and I go "oh yeah, I should probably pre-order that".

Seriously. Might as well not buy any games, given the number of 3rd party titles that do end up free via PS+

This coming from Mr. Driveclub!

This past couple weeks has been a huge wad of STUFF to play. I wish I hadn't seen Infamous SS gameplay, it looks the same as the others. And that's fine, I just...had higher expectations.

"kill the homeless man or save him"

This coming from Mr. Driveclub!

Haha, true enough I guess - I'm a sucker for a pretty racing game.

Aiii said:
It's not like InFamous is a game series that you have to play day one. It's a B+ game at best.

Pfft, for you, maybe. Both the previous games are two I'd consider among my favourites from last generation. But what do I know? I enjoyed that Wolfenstein game everyone hated because it wasn't RtCW.
The first must have PS4 title for me is this year's MLB The Show.



These games always look amazing, but I often find the gameplay to be really cheap. It might have just been the year I played it, but it had the most obvious situational setups and rubberbanding AI in the world.

Pfft, for you, maybe. Both the previous games are two I'd consider among my favourites from last generation. But what do I know? I enjoyed that Wolfenstein game everyone hated because it wasn't RtCW.

I played the first inFAMOUS recently, and I wish I had played it when it was released as it has aged well at all. The gameplay was worn thin by the 2nd hour and I ended up finishing the game not really liking it and having zero interest in the entire franchise. When I saw gameplay footage for Second Son yesterday it looked to be exactly the same, but only really pretty. Same gameplay, same missions, same everything. I know you could say that about plenty of games, but it just left me feeling even more disinterested.
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